New member
May 26, 2016
Hi all

love this site.

Question, how do I make my eyes look normal after taking benzo's.  My partner is onto me like a fly on meat, so I would like to avoid the arguments.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

What's the telltale sign with the eyes when imbibing benz0s?   Are my eyes going all googly-bonkers like Marty Feldman and I'm not even aware of it?

My eyes might look like I'm a little sleepy if I take too many, but no they won't pop,out.

Are my eyes going all googly-bonkers like Marty Feldman
I had my thyroid removed and before I knew I had a tumor my eyes started bulging but I just have to take synthroid because of my missing thyroid. To my knowledge benzos don't make your eyes pop out! You are too funny @DippityDoo love you sweetie. I've been in the middle of moving from Ohio to Denver you are really a great sight for sore eyes. I can always count on you to make me laugh!

I had my thyroid removed and before I knew I had a tumor my eyes started bulging

Were you perhaps suffering from Graves' disease aka hyperthyroidism?  This causes a unique appearance to the eyes that's immediately recognizable to physicians as a thyroid problem.  When exophthalmos (bulging eyes) is related to thyroid disease, the entire iris and the whites above the iris are visible; both of which are parts of the eye normally covered by the eyelid even when awake.  Hyperthyroidism can give the eyes a look of constant surprise.

Bless your heart, Heavenlee; that must've been a scary diagnosis and time in your life.  Thankfully, modern treatment for hyperthyroidism is much less brutal and invasive than it used to be and hope you received the very best care.  If you're now required to take Synthroid and possibly iodine for the rest of your life, I hope you've got good insurance to lessen the financial burden that such a chronic illness can create.

Marty Feldman had hyperthyroidism as well, and he said this about his surgery done back in the day when surgeons and endocrinologists took an almost nuclear approach to thyroid treatment, making the "cure" even worse than the disease:

"When they operated, they said my eyes would go back to normal. It has been 14 years. I’m still waiting. Now I look at the world obliquely – not back in anger, but sideways in suspicion. Actually, each eye is perfect, but they function separately."  ~ Marty Feldman
Your temporary absence here has most certainly been noticed and caused an epidemic of Sad Panda Syndrome.  Hope you're moved and settled soon so's you can Make DBG Sparkle Again®

The Sad Panda Eyes started with our new Norweegee friend, JelloPanda, but now it's escalated to full-blown Sad Panda Syndrome across the whole DBG neighborhood.

@Jellopanda's latest Sad Panda mugshot. 


@2earls is so sad, she won't even turn around until you come back!  ZOMG LOOK AT HER BEING ALL SAD 'N STUFFS!!


I'm so ate-up with Sad Panda Syndrome that I lost the will to finish sliding down this stupid thing and instead just tumped over the side, butt-upward, giving exactly zero farks until your return! 


So, clearly it's panda-monium here without you!

Damn @DippityDoo you are good. Yes I did suffer from Graves' disease I'm surprised you know that! I also did have a tumor attached to my thyroid. I had it removed when I was in my mid 20's a month after I had my son. They thought the best thing was to remove my thyroid completely. But it was supposed to be a 40 minute operation and turned into a 9 hour ordeal, operation. The tumor was wrapped around my vocal chords like it had tentacles and they were afraid I would lose my voice. But all ended up well except for the fact I was on methadone at the time and they only gave me Vikes for pain, which were useless so I sold them and bought morphine. Sad that they won't help pain for people on methadone. Thank god im off the stuff now. I'll show you a picture, ouch I hate the wrinkles on my neck, but it was minimally invasive, you can see the scar on my neck, it's hardly recognizable. I'm sure the surgery is much better now a days. And you are correct I'm on Meds for life due to its absence. But my eyes ? look normal again.  And I'm all settled in finally in Denver I just made a bid for a house in Evergreen, Colorado. In the mountains yet close to the city, about a 20-30 drive. Thanks for your kind words, I adore you! I swear I love reading yours and @Akup7ich posts. They always are funny and positive. So you were truly missed by me as well! I saw you on the top of the notifications and I was so happy just to see your name! I hope your doing well and keep sending your positive vibes on the board, as I told my friends in the VIP section they are truly contagious! Love ya lady!

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Dang, I wish I was that adorable!! I can never get enough pandas. Who was that member that always posted them when he bought "Opandas"?

Thanks for bringing them back @DippityDoo


PS I don't know the answer to the OPS original question. I was also wondering what the telltale signs are.

@DippityDoo How on earth did you get a hold of my picture?! In this particular one i was suffering from a case of lebensmüde like we pandas often do, and considering talking some zop and go to sleep, but i just didn't have the energy.

@Heavenlee Glad your operation eventually went well. sounds like a nightmare tbh. And i really think you throat looks just fine

I'll show you a picture, ouch I hate the wrinkles on my neck, but it was minimally invasive, you can see the scar on my neck, it's hardly recognizable.
Wow, your surgeon was top-notch!  Your neck looks great and no one other than a doctor or a fellow sufferer would notice the slightest difference.

I got lucky too; my surgeon was so skilled with the blade that the radiation team couldn't even find the scar so they were fixin' to zap the wrong side!

Oh wow @DippityDoo that's how you had so much knowledge about Graves Disease. Glad you had a great surgeon too.  Mine could have ended up badly since it was wrapped around my vocal chords, I don't know if any other surgeon would have worked for nine hours to make sure I could talk again. He even brought in all these fellow medical students to watch from above like 20 of them watching from atop in this circular room, I bet it was like Greys Anatomy that it was so boring they were all up there gossiping. I would tend to think 9 hours of watching a surgeon work would be boring, but that's just me! That's cool about the radiation team hitting the wrong spot. They had me swallow pills I guess they had some type of radiation because for three days the doctors and nurses came into my room with radiation suits. And they had to collect everything that came out of me, my Urine and bm's. I know it sound ridiculous I'm a grown adult but I still hate writing about ? poop! Oh yes, and I couldn't have visitors for three days, it was boring as hell. I'm happy yours was good also. My scar is barely noticeable now, I hate it because my wrinkles in my neck cover it up. Damn I wish I could take back all the times I spent in tanning beds!

hello @Jellopanda I don't think that I've met or seen you yet, glad you are here! But just to clarify, I'm sure @2earls was talking about the ? pandas! Who doesn't love adorable pandas. And one more thing @2earlsis an awesome lady, not a guy! Which I believe everyone makes that mistake of calling her him. I actually didn't know until this year, pretty sad! She's awesome as a mod, glad we have her!

@2earlsis an awesome lady, not a guy! Which I believe everyone makes that mistake of calling her him. I actually didn't know until this year, pretty sad! She's awesome as a mod, glad we have her!
I guess the earls thing threw me off as they're traditionally men o.O which means 2 earls are two men. Something just struck me! Maybe she has a split personality, both earls!

@Heavenlee I learned about Graves' disease during 30+ years of working in the medical transcription industry.  Federal law requires that for hospitals to be reimbursed by insurance, physicians must provide certain patient reports within 24-48 hours of admission, surgery and discharge.  Since physician handwriting is as legible as a spider web buried in puppy puke, physicians dictate these reports.  The History and Physical, the Operative Report and the Discharge Summary are the most important data in a patient chart second only to lab results.  Before the Intertoobz and Google, MTs were dependent on books for reference material which employers never provide.  Working near a medical school provided local access to the med-student book store from where I snagged enough medical textbooks on sale to accumulate a nice library which taught me more than just how to spell a disease or medication. 

My own surgery was for breast cancer, during which I was blessed with far more good luck than I deserve.   First bit of luck was living in a large metro area with a medical school, teaching hospitals, medical researchers and every specialist imaginable.  Second and most important piece of luck was that my boss and best friend used to work for the leading breast cancer surgeon/researcher in the state.  When she found out I was looking in the Yellow Pages for a cancer surgeon (again, pre-Google era) she was horrified and got me a referral to this surgeon-wizard I'd never heard of.  Third bit of life-saving luck was having excellent health insurance.  Another bit of luck was that radiation and chemo happened during the unholy, ungodly, unbearable, unforgiving, unforgivable, relentless blistering summer heat in Texas.  Because I hate heat and loathe summer with the white-hot passion of a thousand burning suns, being bald as a baby for those few months was glorious.  That bit of blessing kept me far cooler temperature-wise and greatly reduced my misery and annual whining, wailing and gnashing about it being TOO DAMN HOT IN HERE that year.  I bought wigs but never once wore them because such things were not only a hassle, wigs are hot as hell and not in a good way.  There's good hot as hell and there's bad hot as hell.

Good hot as hell:  Travis Fimmel as King Ragnar in TV series Vikings.

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Very bad no good Texas hot as hell:  Texas State Park ranger walking across Lake Fisher.

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How on earth did you get a hold of my picture?!

I bribed the Panda Police for your mugshot back when they busted you for First-Degree Felony Fluffy with Aggravated Cuteness and Misdemeanor Adorable Whatnots!  It's amazing what you can get for a bundle of bamboo around here.

And don't even pretend like you don't remember that whole hostage standoff thing when you had the whole city gripped in fear!  GRIPPED IN FEAR, I tells ya!!


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Wow @DippityDoo, you are truly amazing and I'm so glad I had the pleasure to meet you and become fast friends with you! I remember the first time I saw one of your post in response to @runnerlk favorite album, and I said I like this lady she's cool as hell! And apparently smart as hell also, that you knew my diagnoses, most people have never heard of Graves' disease. It's great to have you, and @jackwade and @schrela on this board that are knowledgeable and not giving medical advice to total strangers they have never met in person. Unlike a person who was recently banned, that can be seriously life threatening diagnosing people and telling them what they should do and I found out later he wasn't even a nurse, just a pretend one! 

Dang, you say I have strength going through Brest cancer had to be so scary. I can imagine because when I had my last mammogram they found a lump and ordered a final needle biopsy, she was able to take the little lump out with just that,. It waiting on the results were agonizing! Mine was benign I was never so relieved. I'm glad you had a great oncologist who treated you great. And your not kidding about having great insurance. I have Humana HMO X I believe it's their best plan, and the last surgery I had for my herniated umbilicum they paid for the entire thing. I thought it would be like $5,000 it ended up being $20,000! And the fine needle biopsy on my breast was paid for also.  It's amazing how much better you are treated when you have good insurance compared to not having a good policy or no insurance at all. It saddens me that there are so many people not treated adequately because they cannot afford health insurance. I love the idea of socialized medicine because I think every human being on this earth has value and should be treated equally. Not just the rich people who can buy expensive medical insurance or the people that have great plans!  

       What I went through with graves is nothing comparable to what you went through. You are a strong woman to overcome breast cancer. So right now it's in remission? And even after what you have gone through you still have a beautiful since of humor. I had a girlfriend who was my roommate in college she was diagnosed with malignant melanoma and she hated wigs too. I loved her for not wearing them, saying I'm fighting to stay alive damnit and I don't care that I don't have any hair left! Unfortunately she succumbed to it a few years later. But she fought to her last breath. I wish I knew then what I knew now. I would get upset with her for not wanting to go out and party it was our first year of college. Back then I just didn't know or understand how grave her diagnosis was and how truly sick she was. I still feel guilty about it to this day, but if she's in heaven I know she would forgive me for being young and dumb!

thanks for sharing that with us, I love when people share more about themselves, it's not like they are names on a board anymore but real people who I personally have grown close to a handful because of their openness I think of them as friends, not avatars and names! You truly are a welcome site to see your post, like I said positivity is contagious when you get around the same like minded people. You all have helped me incrediblely. My mother disowned me when she found out I was a heroin addict and haven't spoken to her in close to 16 years. Even though. Haven't done it in a long time. So you guys are the only family I have, and I'm grateful for each and everyone of you!

My mother disowned me when she found out I was a heroin addict and haven't spoken to her in close to 16 years. Even though. Haven't done it in a long time. So you guys are the only family I have, and I'm grateful for each and everyone of you!
It makes me profoundly sad the hear that about you mother. I know i'm extremely lucky to be born into a family where even if it turned out i was a serial killer (no great risk of that tho) i know without a shadow of a doubt my mother will always love me. It's the roll of the dice i guess, that old saying that you can't choose which family you're born into. The good thing tho is that you can always create your own, which you seem to have done. Good on you.

@Jellopanda I missed this, so sweet of you!  It breaks my heart about my mom, but I just can't dwell on negativity. I love my son so much I can't imagine ever turning my back on him like my mother did to me. She won't even let my dad talk to me, threatening divorce it's either her or me. But we still sneak around her luckily and communicate. The first time I was estranged from my mom I was raped copping downtown in the bad part of Oakland and she said, you deserved it you shouldn't have been buying heroin. My older sister knocker her out cold, it was so sweet! Then. Didn't talk to her for 7 years until I was sick with cervical cancer, and she said good I hope you die! What kind of mom says that to her child? I try to give her a break because she has major psychiatric problems, but she's convinced I'm having an affair with my father who I'm far away from, and yuck!  Seriously??? But nevertheless it hurts. I believe I spoil my son because of the upbringing I had with her. But I've come along way, medication, antidepressants and therapy have helped a lot. And even through my ups and downs, my insanely incoherent ramblings when I was doing cocaine. I still have many members here I call family. They know everything about me, and seem to care about me even during my dark times, I am extremely grateful to this board, over the years you do grow close to the many good people here!

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  1. CnC5 @ CnC5: Hope everyone has had a great weekend! Check out our new post on our thread ✨️✌️
  2. A @ AnnaSofia: Hi all hope everyone’s having an above average weekend.
  3. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: We been rocking kinda hard since the day we begun, yo ready-c man, play Sanford and son....
  4. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: "Well his name is ready-c and im tellin u, he can play the beat forwards a d backwards too...
  5. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: @LatsDoodis maaan funk d.a.t!
  6. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
  7. rosetrip33 @ rosetrip33: Hey anyone there
  8. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  11. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  12. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  13. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  14. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  15. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  16. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  17. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  18. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
  19. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
  20. CnC5 @ CnC5: Lmao 🤣