Muchas Gracias


Nov 11, 2013
Happy Monday, everyone! I have some limited choices today: sit around waiting and waiting (all the while feeling very sorry for myself) or muster up some spinal column and maybe bust a big Oreck move on this cat-fur nest I like to call home.

OR I could say thanks to the many people on this board who have helped me tremendously in the past week or so, mostly w/o their knowledge, as I've spent the majority of my time reading & "talked" to only a very few. So, in no particular order, my gratitude goes to: Jewbacca, Heisen, Boo Radley (love Mary Stuart Masterson, so your avatar makes me smile every time -- as do your on-point posts), Beranda, CatintheHat, Sunni1, FrankieGirl, KittyKat, SmokeyJoe, Interlude, 99Luftballoons, Hooter1, S & Shattered Soldier...

I know I've inadvertently left out folks, as I'm still sorting thru the myriad personalities here, but thought I would at least get started on my thank you notes -- Blue

Happy Monday, everyone! I have some limited choices today: sit around waiting and waiting (all the while feeling very sorry for myself) or muster up some spinal column and maybe bust a big Oreck move on this cat-fur nest I like to call home.

OR I could say thanks to the many people on this board who have helped me tremendously in the past week or so, mostly w/o their knowledge, as I've spent the majority of my time reading & "talked" to only a very few. So, in no particular order, my gratitude goes to: Jewbacca, Heisen, Boo Radley (love Mary Stuart Masterson, so your avatar makes me smile every time -- as do your on-point posts), Beranda, CatintheHat, Sunni1, FrankieGirl, KittyKat, SmokeyJoe, Interlude, 99Luftballoons, Hooter1, S & Shattered Soldier...

I know I've inadvertently left out folks, as I'm still sorting thru the myriad personalities here, but thought I would at least get started on my thank you notes -- Blue
Hi Blue,

I appreciated this entire post, but feel a special connection to your thoughts where it comes to the "Oreck move" you may (or may not have) busted on the nest.

I do love the cats, but when we've had them sheered like sheeps in spring, I have enjoyed them a little bit more  /default_wink.png

Nonetheless, welcome to you again and hope your spinal column finds some relief soon. IME pushing an Oreck may NOT be the best PT home treatment for your back, but the alternative conditions may be getting a bit 'hairy'. /default_cool.png

Have a good one.


Good idea, Beranda! Advice is welcome -- I have recently considered getting him buzzed but hesitate because he is quite elderly (17) and I doubt he'd appreciate the experience. But, even though he's a Domestic Short Hair, he is starting to get a little matted around his quarters & hocks -- probably because he is old and has arthritis and other flexibility issues that interfere w/ his up-til-now stellar grooming habits. I brush him every day but I'm really not making progress on de-matting, so maybe soon we'll have to go for a car ride...much as he'll hate it; I'll load up w/ those nauseating little Fancy Feast gourmet glops on the way home -- that seems to make up for everything...except me running the vacuum. Man, he hates that!

-- Blue

Hi Blue, you can just call me woman, I will take no offense. I'm very new here too and haven't made a lot of posts but i decided to make some effort to try. Also what made me want to reply is that I am not a cat person AT ALL but as there is usually an exception to every rule, I fell in love with a tiny ball I found outside after a storm. It was a tiny kitten, all alone, probably two weeks old at best. When I reached down to pick it up I thought it was a big ball of dryer lint-a giant one, yes, but it was my soon to be best friend. I named him Bleaux and he was one of the most beautiful cats I have ever seen even to this day. Long,beautiful blue-gray hair with blue eyes too. My mom calls him Spookya**freakyeyes. Your story about the oreck made me think of him. I had to send him to my m-in laws to live after he urinated on my husband in the middle of the night. Bleaux never liked him anyway, but it was storming outside and it was an accident and he probably  will always be scared of storms, since he "bleaux" in on one. I know that was terrible but I couldn't resist. Anyway, thanks for reminding me of him. Welcome and happy hunting!

Hey Woman! (Hmmm. Does seem a little I really want to just yell out "Get me a beer!" which is odd because I don't even drink it... /default_smile.png  Maybe you wouldn't mind if in the future I used your initials, AHW?)

Anyway, thanks very much for the welcome, and back atcha! I hope you find DBG as informative & entertaining as I have, in a remarkably short time. I have been trying to figure things out by myself for a long time -- really, ever since the last of the NROPs crashed & burned, what, nearly ten years ago? This is infinitely better! Loved your story about Bleaux; he sounds gorgeous, like a long-haired Russian Blue. Does he still live w/ your MIL? That way, at least you have visiting privileges, true? And a pee-free bed, which is always my preference.  /default_biggrin.png

-- Blue

I actually laughed loudly at Woman's pee story - twice!  Once when I read it, and again after I thought about it again.  /default_smile.png  Cats have a way of grabbing your heart and not letting go.  They are really pretty evil like that.  I really am a crazy cat lady - I will gladly admit it.  Although I only have 2 cats - a rescued Russian Blue, who is a female and a bit...well...bitchy.  And a male Snow Bengal.  I never vacuum, I like to use their cat fur to make purses that I sell on Etsy. 




I actually laughed loudly at Woman's pee story - twice! Once when I read it, and again after I thought about it again. /default_smile.png Cats have a way of grabbing your heart and not letting go. They are really pretty evil like that. I really am a crazy cat lady - I will gladly admit it. Although I only have 2 cats - a rescued Russian Blue, who is a female and a bit...well...bitchy. And a male Snow Bengal. I never vacuum, I like to use their cat fur to make purses that I sell on Etsy.



Seriously, that's gross...

(Wonder if you make clutches and boho styles)

Seriously, I'm over wondering why you don't vacuum

(As I judge you while reclining on my genuine woven feline fur barque lounger)

Seriously, that's gross...

(Wonder if you make clutches and boho styles)

Seriously, I'm over wondering why you don't vacuum

(As I judge you while reclining on my genuine woven feline fur barque lounger)

Well, if you must know, I make most fanny packs and totes.  Would you like a nice kitty fur blanket to warm you on your barque lounger?

I vacuum, I just avoid the kitty fur.  /default_wink.png

Would you like a nice kitty fur blanket to warm you . . . ?
Ooh, ooh, yes I would! Will you count me in?

Also, at the risk of sounding like a pure suck-up (but I really, really want that binky!) I knew I left people off my thank you list above, and you're one 'em, Dorothy! Several of your posts have cracked me up, esp. an older one (touching on a long-past tumultuous kerfluffle that I believe I'm not terribly sorry to have missed) that used "soldiers & dufflebags" as an anatomical euphemism & referred to nude pics of Bea Arthur. I about choked on my cat nip, I was laughing so hard. So, belated but heart-felt: Thanks!

-- Blue

PS: I am learning to spell, albeit slowly; apologies to Heisenberg, Sunny1 and 99Luftballons (one "o" only), whose names I got almost right the first time... Der... (also spelled "duh") /default_rolleyes.gif

Hi Blue, you can just call me woman, I will take no offense. I'm very new here too and haven't made a lot of posts but i decided to make some effort to try. Also what made me want to reply is that I am not a cat person AT ALL but as there is usually an exception to every rule, I fell in love with a tiny ball I found outside after a storm. It was a tiny kitten, all alone, probably two weeks old at best. When I reached down to pick it up I thought it was a big ball of dryer lint-a giant one, yes, but it was my soon to be best friend. I named him Bleaux and he was one of the most beautiful cats I have ever seen even to this day. Long,beautiful blue-gray hair with blue eyes too. My mom calls him Spookya**freakyeyes. Your story about the oreck made me think of him. I had to send him to my m-in laws to live after he urinated on my husband in the middle of the night. Bleaux never liked him anyway, but it was storming outside and it was an accident and he probably  will always be scared of storms, since he "bleaux" in on one. I know that was terrible but I couldn't resist. Anyway, thanks for reminding me of him. Welcome and happy hunting!
The last of the four cats that acquired me, did so during a long deployment my then fiance was on right after 9/11.  We were both a bit on edge, I was finishing up finals, not sleeping well and a nervous wreck wondering what was going on in the sandbox.

"T" was an innocent enough, yet a talkative young female cat.  She seemed to need love and reassurance.  The other three cats tolerated their newest roomate.

Mid-way through the deployment I began waking up in the morning, having wet the bed myself.  I kept this embarrassing matter to myself...a twenty-something woman who was suddenly regressing in some well established behaviors I found a little shocking.  I chalked up to sound sleeping, stress of school and the current state of the world and the safety of loved ones resting heavy on my heart.

I finally divulged this not so sexy new problem with my honey over a phone conversation and the silence on the other line shook my confidence a bit.  However, after a bit more discussion, it was suggested that perhaps I was sleeping with a bed wetter, not so much a bed-wetter myself.  In fact "T" was maybe not so innocent as she had led me to believe.  The last 15 years have been spent keeping "T" on our good sides. But anytime my husband returns from any trip, "T" baptizes his luggage and any clothing of his left in a wrong place.  She's a bit$h, but since I made a commitment to her, I have reluctantly given up a futon, a queen sized mattress, clothing, a leather chair and countless pillows that "T" found unsatisfactory.  When I was pregnant, the discussion of "T" and a baby or baby crib was hot topic and in fact we had a 'last supper' planned in her honor...when my daughter was born 6 weeks early, "T" received a stay of execution and has honest to pete not pissed on anything other than the floor outside the cat box...smarter than she led on. 

LOL, Beranda -- I certainly did!

I've found that 9 times out of 10, cats are always smarter than they would let you believe. I had a situation years & years ago: my cat and my room-mate's cat suddenly and inexplicably turned on the 3rd person sharing our house, peeing in his shoes, on articles of clothing, and on pieces of furniture that belonged to him; nothing else was touched. Both cats were middle-aged and, until that time, quite well mannered. Very bewildering at first, and quite stressful, as Roomie #3 (aka "Loser") declared the only solution was to have the animals go away, immediately, via whatever means necessary.

As it turned out, Loser had always wanted to live pet-free, and had made his feelings known to the animals by blasting them (both cats and my dog) w/ a plant sprayer every time he walked into a room they occupied. The cats were simply defending themselves (and perhaps taking a wee bit of revenge -- so to speak!) as best they could.

The solution? Loser soon had the whole house all to himself, which he could not afford... Not long after, he moved out-of-state, back to Mommy & Daddy, where he could be the semi-house-broken pet. And as far as I know, that's where he remains, some 30 years later.

Well, if you must know, I make most fanny packs and totes.  Would you like a nice kitty fur blanket to warm you on your barque lounger?

I vacuum, I just avoid the kitty fur.  /default_wink.png
I realize this is not 'cats, kittens and the weirdo who live with them' thread; but I just wanted to cap this off with a shameless plug for Dorothy's fanny packs...sourced from 100% organic GMO-free felines.  The finest in the world.  Hey Dorothy, congratulations on the recent influx of holiday gift sales from HSN, this is one happy feline fur fanny pack wearer!

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: We been rocking kinda hard since the day we begun, yo ready-c man, play Sanford and son....
  2. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: "Well his name is ready-c and im tellin u, he can play the beat forwards a d backwards too...
  3. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: @LatsDoodis maaan funk d.a.t!
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
  5. rosetrip33 @ rosetrip33: Hey anyone there
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  7. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  9. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  10. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  11. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  12. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  13. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  14. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  15. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  16. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
  17. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
  18. CnC5 @ CnC5: Lmao 🤣
  19. Z @ zzaps94: Hey guys sorry I misunderstood what does shoutbox was, Hope you guys are all having a great day out there
  20. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: The roland 808. Or the hamond b-3 organ