My cat won't eat


V.I.P Member
V.I.P Member
Jan 8, 2012
My cat will not eat. Been 3 days now. Been to the vet twice and he gave him a anti-nauseous shot and one for dehydration. Soon as we got home, he ate about 4 bites and that's it. He is 14 years old. Any help? Anyone?? Afraid might have to put him down but he really doesn't seem sick. Other 2 won't hardly eat either and they never go outside.

I'm sorry friend, I know how you love your cats. Did they all stop eating at the same time or are you just saying that the other two are finicky? Doesn't the vet have any theory? Do you have faith in this vet or do you need a second opinion?

Sorry for only having questions instead of answers, but it seems like the vet should have given some idea of what could be going on.

It could be the kind of food you're giving them. Have you contacted your vet regarding what types of food the cats can eat? Sometimes a change in the types of food can make a difference, perhaps they're not feeling too well eating what is currently given. 

A good mix would be dry and wet food-- if you're already feeding them dry food perhaps pick up some wet food for when they do eat and see how they act towards it. Cats can be VERY picky though, so beware! My two cats nearly refuse to eat any of the wet food we give them unless it's the same as they've always gotten, that or they just get cranky. All in all, I've learned throughout the years that sometimes making a change with the food rotation making sure the cats and/or dogs are on their proper diet if they require one is to kind of sample things around if you can. 

You already know what they used to eat, so perhaps try a similar alternative. Doesn't need to be pricey or anything, but then again they may just need to be on a specific diet for their digestive system. My dog had to go on a lamb diet because she had nearly the same issue if I recall correctly, felt really sick too. Now even years after that shes perfectly happy and living her life to the fullest.

All it really takes is talking to your vet or perhaps seek out another vet nearby with any and all questions that could lead up to an answer to the issue. I'm sorry to hear this is happening to your cats, I know the feeling. It's nearly heartbreaking to see them like that but there's always a solution out there to make them feel better. Just takes time to find out what is needed.



      Sorry to hear about your furbabies. I would have to second on questioning the food, is it from a new container or bag that was recently opened? If you suspect the food is a possibility you should be able to take a sample to your vet and they can either analyze it there or send it off to a lab. The only other thing I can think of is if the 2 others are sad because the one is sick, not feeling well and not doing good. What did the vet think it could possibly be or did they say, other than giving the antiemetic and fluids? I know it drives me crazy when one of my dogs are sick, it can be even scarier than when my kids are not feeling well because at least my kids can tell me what's wrong, what's going on and what hurts but with my furbabies it's usually a guess, treat the issues and wait to see what happens. Keep us posted and will keep the little ones in our thoughts and prayers!

It's all the same canned food they been eating for the past 3 years. Mork ate about 3 bites this morning but his sister Mindy, who usually scarfs it down, wouldn't touch it. And the older one won't even look at it. Oldest one just stays under the bed. We already been to 2 different vets and spent just over $1000, just on the older one. I think others are just kind of freaked out over the new smells from older one going to the vets. I'm afraid I'm going to make the wrong call and have him put down. Like I said, he doesn't seem distressed at all but why won't he eat? Even put some tuna in with their food. Nothing?And it's been 2 different vets at 2 different locations. When these guys are gone, that's it man, just too hard to go through this.?

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@Fargo No matter what happens nothing is too hard to go through, we're all here behind you every step of the way to try to help your cats. 

Can you provide any information on what the vets exactly said about the cat(s) issues? I'm no animal expert but I'm sure if we heard more to the story from a vet's POV aswell we may be able to crack this case and fix the problem. Strangely enough, one of my cats will not eat tuna-- she only likes wet salmon in her food so I can understand to an extent. Technically shes not my cat, shes a family members cat which I take care of when the family member is out working but none the less that's one picky cat. From what you've described it sounds like the cat may be going through a depressive state.

Believe it or not, leaving a movie, T.V. show, or radio on while you're out of the house calms most animals down as long as there's no screaming or yelling (horror stuff). Cats are also sensitive to smell just like dogs, perhaps get a cheap wall plug in air freshener with a calming scent-- you may also use incense aswell however most smells are too strong so try to go for a lighter scent out of courtesy. 

Have you noticed any abnormal behavior as in pacing like a caged tiger, coughing up what she eats or just at random times more frequently than usual, or anything that would be somewhat abnormal besides the eating behavior that was recently brought up. This includes any abnormal behavior before this occurred before, sometimes there's a handful of symptoms that start with something that may seem small but could escalate into something higher.

I apologize once again for what you're going through and I also apologize for asking so many questions. I honestly would like to help further, that's all. So if there's any information that you can give us about the cat(s) beyond the eating issue rather it's abnormal behavior previously happening or currently happening along with any information both vets told you we can do our best to try and help before making any decisions here. Reading what you posted has put me in tears, I'm so sorry, @Fargo. Just know no matter what happens we'll be here for you. 

Warm regards,


The vet said he had kidney diease but the numbers weren't real high, not deadly high anyway. He just came out and went to the litter box and back under the bed. Almost like he forgot how to eat. Stroke maybe? I don't know. I think this evening or tomorrow is it if there is no change. It's not my cat anymore seems like. Thank you all for the support. I just don't know what to do.

The vet said he had kidney diease but the numbers weren't real high, not deadly high anyway. He just came out and went to the litter box and back under the bed. Almost like he forgot how to eat. Stroke maybe? I don't know. I think this evening or tomorrow is it if there is no change. It's not my cat anymore seems like. Thank you all for the support. I just don't know what to do.
That's very strange indeed, however there's still hope for everything. If you have this on hand, try giving something very light to eat. Something that is perhaps designed for baby kittens, it may ease things up a bit and the cat might be able to start eating once more. It's just a suggestion, it's worth a shot none the less before jumping the gun on anything.

I know you care about this cat and I don't want anything to happen to it. You're a very kind individual and observing your personality it seems you've always kept good care of your animals, that is not a concern of mine. I'll try to think of something, perhaps a group brainstorm should be in order. I mean there's bound to be a way to figure out what's going on and theory crafting never hurts to find out.

Seeing he has a kidney disease that explains a lot. Perhaps try out what I suggested above about the baby cat food that's easier for a cat to digest. It might help, but be sure it's not a growth formula seeing that could make things worse. Age is a factor in this, but that doesn't mean it's the end. Stay positive and keep us updated. Everyone that posted here cares about you and your situation on a personal level. You're not alone, remember that. 



There is a website with information on kidney disease that has a few recipes for this condition. I put out a can of tuna and he did eat some, but not much then back under the bed. Going to try some of the recipes  

@Fargo I just went thru this with my oldest girl, she is almost 13. It took two days in the vet and her staying overnight with fluids and then probably another week of her not really eating or drinking much of anything and suddenly she was ok. She still doesn't eat as much as she did before all of this, but she doesn't have any other medical concerns aside from being a cantankerous old bitch ;) . None of the vets we took her to could explain why she did this and they only really kept her because I made such a fuss about it.  I hope your buddy feels better asap.

     Have you tried feeding him out of your hand? I know it sounds silly but my MIL does this with one of her little dogs. When he turned 16 he stopped eating and they couldn't figure out why, she took him to several vets and he daughter, my SIL, is a vet tech no one could figure out what it was. She was going through the same thing you are with questioning what the best thing was to do for his benefit. The day before she was going to take him in to be put down she fixed him a steak, cut it in to really small pieces and started hand feeding him. A year and a half later and that little booger is still running around he house, bumping into almost every wall cause he can't see anymore but he still wags his little tail and everyday AM and PM she sits down and hand feeds him. It's time consuming especially since she has 6 dogs but she does it.

    Again, I am very sorry you're having to go through this. Your his parent and you'll know what's best for him after watching him for a few days. It's one of the hardest decisions in the world to make but when there is no quality remaining, when they are in severe pain or when they are going to have a slow and potentially painful downhill battle the best thing we can do is to let them go on to the rainbow bridge. Even if you have to make that decision know that your other ones will need you there and being strong for them, showing them extra attention will also help you in the healing process. 

     Have you tried feeding him out of your hand? I know it sounds silly but my MIL does this with one of her little dogs. When he turned 16 he stopped eating and they couldn't figure out why, she took him to several vets and he daughter, my SIL, is a vet tech no one could figure out what it was. She was going through the same thing you are with questioning what the best thing was to do for his benefit. The day before she was going to take him in to be put down she fixed him a steak, cut it in to really small pieces and started hand feeding him. A year and a half later and that little booger is still running around he house, bumping into almost every wall cause he can't see anymore but he still wags his little tail and everyday AM and PM she sits down and hand feeds him. It's time consuming especially since she has 6 dogs but she does it.

    Again, I am very sorry you're having to go through this. Your his parent and you'll know what's best for him after watching him for a few days. It's one of the hardest decisions in the world to make but when there is no quality remaining, when they are in severe pain or when they are going to have a slow and potentially painful downhill battle the best thing we can do is to let them go on to the rainbow bridge. Even if you have to make that decision know that your other ones will need you there and being strong for them, showing them extra attention will also help you in the healing process. 
Yes, tried hand feeding, no good. Won't even eat his favorite treats. 

Update...Finally he has nibbled small bit of food. He jumped on the couch beside me last night and just stared at me for like 5 minutes like he was saying " Please make me feel better". Thanks for all the support guys. I am not ready to give up as long as he is at least eating a few bites.

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Aww darlin. Awfully sad for you. Yrs ago...not long after my mum had lost her little schnauzer, I stole a dog from a house who had been kicked and whose rib was broken . Well, she was an ugly little bugger..face only a mother could love. A shihtzu..with bug eyes and an underbite and two flippn pigtails that my mum would pull into colored elastic to keep her hair from her crazy bulging eyes. She was a site to behold. Then..Yrs later she lost an eye..So poor girl looked like  poster child for inbreeding In Appalachia. Well, that friggin dog just went to heaven and she lived to be 20. The point's quality. Her life sucked where she was and I will never regret stealing her once the losers got trashed...or the memory of her being put down. She was blind and riddled with those little tumors. I'm rambling but please don't be sad if it comes to it. But looks like the tides are turning. Maybe the pain has decreased. Must have, really, for him to be jumping about with sore kidneys. Listen..this will sounds nuts but it's feasible it will be helpful.

If you have a medicine syringe, you can flush his kidneys at home really to help things along faster if he stops drinking as much as you would like. The h20 is simply absorbed rectally directly into the circulatory system and then thru the nephron and renal tubule..and out. Pm me if it comes to it. could honestly add a little bit of sugar if the eating subsides again and a little bit of sodium and its as good as a $400 vet visit with IV fluids..

Just doing this long enough..of course to see if he gets better.

I have had to to this to myself during bouts of de hydration when I thought it was going to end up in a cardiac arrhythmia.  I'm thinking of u

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Update...Finally he has nibbled small bit of food. He jumped on the couch beside me last night and just stared at me for like 5 minutes like he was saying " Please make me feel better". Thanks for all the support guys. I am not ready to give up as long as he is at least eating a few bites.
He knows you care and he can see you're not giving up on him. He doesn't want to give up on you either, it looks like it's mutual. I'm so pleased to hear the good news even if it's a few bites. Words can't even describe how happy I am reading this, any progress at all is a positive thing. 



He knows you care and he can see you're not giving up on him. He doesn't want to give up on you either, it looks like it's mutual. I'm so pleased to hear the good news even if it's a few bites. Words can't even describe how happy I am reading this, any progress at all is a positive thing. 


Thank you for they kind words of encouragement. He did eat a small bit this afternoon as well as some of his favorite treats. Not out of the woods yet, but it don' t appear as dark now. Thank you for being there for me and Tucker.

That's so good to hear. Very encouraging. I hope it was just a passing malady. Go Tucker!

Damn it. He threw up everything he at last night. I wish they could just tell us what is wrong. It was the most vile thing I have ever smelled as I was cleaning it up. Not like the usual foam. Called the vet and made appointment to have him put to sleep today at 2:00? I am out of ideas.

Damn it. He threw up everything he at last night. I wish they could just tell us what is wrong. It was the most vile thing I have ever smelled as I was cleaning it up. Not like the usual foam. Called the vet and made appointment to have him put to sleep today at 2:00? I am out of ideas.
Kidney disease leads to dehydration and lethargy and really..he's not the same cat anymore love. He will just close his eyes with you patting him and be at rest. XOXOXO

Take refuge in the love of your others

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  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!