Before there's any controversy about this thread it was created to share my personal experience being on the medication for educational purposes only.
Experience and story: My doctor gave me 30mg of 0xyc0d0ne for pain. This was a one-time thing seeing I was going through heavy pain at the time. I took the dose around 8PM at night seeing I read up about it having sedative properties and I wasn't sure what to expect so I had the mindset "better safe than sorry" before consuming it. I wasn't sure if it was going to knock me out or what would happen but my doctor made it clear that I would be alright either way and I shouldn't worry that much.
I have a serious panic disorder so I'm prescribed benzos - from what I was told benzos enhance 0xyc0d0ne's effects but seeing I didn't have a tolerance to it I wasn't sure what to expect at all, so here comes the experience seeing I thought I'd give the backstory to it. As a note, this was a one time thing. It's not like my doctor is going to prescribe me this ever again unless it's absolutely necessary.
When I took the medication I felt nothing for the first thirty minutes then it started to kick in. I had various pain all over my body at the time and the pain started to slowly ween itself down which was good. 45-60 minutes into the dosage near all my pain areas felt relaxed with a pleasant "tingly" sensation instead of pain. There was an euphoric feeling indeed, but most importantly there was more of a drowsiness effect where I found myself sometimes closing my eyes and having trouble opening them up so I simply splashed my face with some water and it seemed to resolve that issue for a period of time before I had to do it again.
For some strange reason I had a very hard time urinating, I assume it was due to the medication having a strong effect assistance with muscle relaxing which caused that but it wasn't too much of a concern. My senses overall were I assume above average, I loved feeling soft things, listening to soft music, and I can't really say much about smell besides air freshener was noticeably stronger than before (enhanced due to the medication). I also had cottonmouth as a side effect, but once again nothing serious.
As time was going by, I noticed I had a hard time making out my sentences at times along with walking after laying down or sitting in my desk chair for a period of time. Perhaps that's due to the sedative properties that come along with it. Regarding the euphoric feeling, everything around me felt better than normal and I wasn't obtaining any panic what-so-ever which is a huge plus. I thought I'd give it a few more hours before going to sleep to provide a more accurate review so that's what I did.
I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome at a young age, with that said I did indeed experience a quite strange effect which all my APS (Asperger's Syndrome) symptoms were absolutely gone as if I never had them. I did not imagine this, I was fully aware of what was going on around me and I knew I wasn't crazy. In my whole entire life I've never seen the world the way that others saw it, during this experience I can now say I know what it's like to see the world as a human being without seeing things from a different perspective involved with APS. I've never had my APS issues just vanish like that before, not once in my life. Even after the dose started to wear off I'm not experiencing my ASP symptoms which is roughly 7-8 or so hours after the dose.
I did feel my pain levels increase slowly after the dose was wearing off, but that was to be expected. I didn't expect to never have pain again, but it's honestly not as bad as it was before which is important.
My personal rating and conclusion: I'd give this particular medication a 7/10.
-Very good pain relief.
-Helped with fibromyalgia discomfort and pain.
-Not having signs of Autism, specifically Asperger's Syndrome while under the effects of this medication.
-It's strong, I wouldn't be able to drive a vehicle.
-Trouble urinating.
-Cottonmouth (expected).
-Heavy drowsiness which could be caused due to my medication that was previously in my system to treat my panic disorder yet enhanced.
Overall, it did the job to fight my pain. I think my doctor gave me too much regarding dosage even if my pain was bad, I think it was too high of a dose.
I hope you guys found this helpful. In no way shape or form was this abusing the drug, it was used to fight pain that was obtained from a doctor. I decided to share my experience to the community due to the fact some may of never been on this medication and wouldn't know what to expect, this will give you a generalized idea on what to expect from my own experience fighting this particular pain if you were ever to be prescribed this medication for any reason. Every individual has different reactions to medications so your experience may or will vary compared to my own.
However does anyone else find it strange that I didn't feel any of my average ASP symptoms while on this medication? It was so bizarre, I've never felt that way in my life where I didn't have the negative effects of APS especially with being anti-social, I found myself more comfortable talking to others which is strange because I never had that feeling in my life. I've always been anti-social to an extent due to either APS or my anxiety disorder. I can't tell which one causes it but whatever it was it seemed to resolve my APS issues I've struggled with my whole entire life. So I wonder if something like this could be somewhat of a cure of some sort that they can take notes from to design a medication to assist people with APS.
I hope my experience will be useful to those that are curious about the medication and/or their doctor wanted to prescribe the medication to these users. I'd say it isn't as bad as it sounds, if you suffer from pain it really does the job. If your doctor does prescribe it though and you don't have a tolerance to it, try to request a very low dose due to the fact I found it hard to function at certain times and you wouldn't be able to drive for sure.
Hope this helped,
Experience and story: My doctor gave me 30mg of 0xyc0d0ne for pain. This was a one-time thing seeing I was going through heavy pain at the time. I took the dose around 8PM at night seeing I read up about it having sedative properties and I wasn't sure what to expect so I had the mindset "better safe than sorry" before consuming it. I wasn't sure if it was going to knock me out or what would happen but my doctor made it clear that I would be alright either way and I shouldn't worry that much.
I have a serious panic disorder so I'm prescribed benzos - from what I was told benzos enhance 0xyc0d0ne's effects but seeing I didn't have a tolerance to it I wasn't sure what to expect at all, so here comes the experience seeing I thought I'd give the backstory to it. As a note, this was a one time thing. It's not like my doctor is going to prescribe me this ever again unless it's absolutely necessary.
When I took the medication I felt nothing for the first thirty minutes then it started to kick in. I had various pain all over my body at the time and the pain started to slowly ween itself down which was good. 45-60 minutes into the dosage near all my pain areas felt relaxed with a pleasant "tingly" sensation instead of pain. There was an euphoric feeling indeed, but most importantly there was more of a drowsiness effect where I found myself sometimes closing my eyes and having trouble opening them up so I simply splashed my face with some water and it seemed to resolve that issue for a period of time before I had to do it again.
For some strange reason I had a very hard time urinating, I assume it was due to the medication having a strong effect assistance with muscle relaxing which caused that but it wasn't too much of a concern. My senses overall were I assume above average, I loved feeling soft things, listening to soft music, and I can't really say much about smell besides air freshener was noticeably stronger than before (enhanced due to the medication). I also had cottonmouth as a side effect, but once again nothing serious.
As time was going by, I noticed I had a hard time making out my sentences at times along with walking after laying down or sitting in my desk chair for a period of time. Perhaps that's due to the sedative properties that come along with it. Regarding the euphoric feeling, everything around me felt better than normal and I wasn't obtaining any panic what-so-ever which is a huge plus. I thought I'd give it a few more hours before going to sleep to provide a more accurate review so that's what I did.
I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome at a young age, with that said I did indeed experience a quite strange effect which all my APS (Asperger's Syndrome) symptoms were absolutely gone as if I never had them. I did not imagine this, I was fully aware of what was going on around me and I knew I wasn't crazy. In my whole entire life I've never seen the world the way that others saw it, during this experience I can now say I know what it's like to see the world as a human being without seeing things from a different perspective involved with APS. I've never had my APS issues just vanish like that before, not once in my life. Even after the dose started to wear off I'm not experiencing my ASP symptoms which is roughly 7-8 or so hours after the dose.
I did feel my pain levels increase slowly after the dose was wearing off, but that was to be expected. I didn't expect to never have pain again, but it's honestly not as bad as it was before which is important.
My personal rating and conclusion: I'd give this particular medication a 7/10.
-Very good pain relief.
-Helped with fibromyalgia discomfort and pain.
-Not having signs of Autism, specifically Asperger's Syndrome while under the effects of this medication.
-It's strong, I wouldn't be able to drive a vehicle.
-Trouble urinating.
-Cottonmouth (expected).
-Heavy drowsiness which could be caused due to my medication that was previously in my system to treat my panic disorder yet enhanced.
Overall, it did the job to fight my pain. I think my doctor gave me too much regarding dosage even if my pain was bad, I think it was too high of a dose.
I hope you guys found this helpful. In no way shape or form was this abusing the drug, it was used to fight pain that was obtained from a doctor. I decided to share my experience to the community due to the fact some may of never been on this medication and wouldn't know what to expect, this will give you a generalized idea on what to expect from my own experience fighting this particular pain if you were ever to be prescribed this medication for any reason. Every individual has different reactions to medications so your experience may or will vary compared to my own.
However does anyone else find it strange that I didn't feel any of my average ASP symptoms while on this medication? It was so bizarre, I've never felt that way in my life where I didn't have the negative effects of APS especially with being anti-social, I found myself more comfortable talking to others which is strange because I never had that feeling in my life. I've always been anti-social to an extent due to either APS or my anxiety disorder. I can't tell which one causes it but whatever it was it seemed to resolve my APS issues I've struggled with my whole entire life. So I wonder if something like this could be somewhat of a cure of some sort that they can take notes from to design a medication to assist people with APS.
I hope my experience will be useful to those that are curious about the medication and/or their doctor wanted to prescribe the medication to these users. I'd say it isn't as bad as it sounds, if you suffer from pain it really does the job. If your doctor does prescribe it though and you don't have a tolerance to it, try to request a very low dose due to the fact I found it hard to function at certain times and you wouldn't be able to drive for sure.
Hope this helped,
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