Let me get my handy dandy nurse guide and a few hours (errands): if you can privately email me the name and generic + mg (if this isn't allowed to be asked, I didn't know), so just delete.
I will get to you the answers you need but the questions I have to ask may be kinda personal in natural. I won't ask anything to do with YOU, but the med itself. I am ignorant to slang for pk's.
Im home now, What are "rivs"? . I'm guessing it's a shortened name but I need the name to help you and I will.
Are they a brand or generic? (if you know)
are you taking pk's and if so - anything high on that spectrum?
I guess I'm confused because of slang and being new. I will help you or guide you and the rest is in your court. Feel free to keep very private things private between us
Here is a benzo calculator (this is cool) - had no idea it was available for jon q public
Put in what you were taking (benzo or barb) and now taking, this shows dosage you should take to feel the same. Regarding PK's, you cannot compare the two unless you're seeking interactions.
High potent opiates like Dillies, Ox, Rox, Op or Fent are never to be mixed with benzo's, as respiratory distress is almost absolute. There is a time amount to wait before administrating the two though, if a patient calls for it. Depends on meds but standard 1 hour with short acting pk's and anything that's ER it's a no go (to me)
If you are on Fent: I'd call a pharmacy and say you filled it out of state at a different place (fake name if they ask) and were also released from the Er with a benzo (state your American version); ask them when it's safe to take the two as the Dr didn't really explain. Your injury: car crash with no head trauma and seeing others go through worse, as a backstory *ONLY IF ASKED*
Pharmies in the US I trust to give compassionate and real info: Walgreens and CvS with Walgreens being my fave. Pharmacology is a very intense academia and they catch interactions and will totally read everything they can to help you - often times not filling deadly interactive scripts from Dr's together. People get angry, but they are saving your life (generally that's why they do it).