New here, hi everyone


New member
Jun 10, 2022
I'm new here and just wanted to share my appreciation for this forum. I especially like the fact that discretion and prudence seem to be valued so highly. From what I can tell it's a place for people who are sensible and (mostly) have their heads screwed on straight. Very happy to have found a place with this type of community.

I'd also like to ask a question, which I hope is okay here (if not, I'd appreciate learning where to post something like this going forward). I've used the forum's search function but it hasn't turned up what I'm looking for. Do any active users regularly lab test products from vendors? I don't mean just reagent testing, which is easy and inexpensive enough for me to do. Rather, I'm wondering if anyone regularly has product sent out for more extensive laboratory analysis. While I trust the more accredited vendors on here, I'm a cautious person by nature and would appreciate that extra bit of assurance. I've thought of doing it myself, but the expense would make it difficult for me to do regularly, so I wanted to see if any other users are already doing this. Thanks!

@mdg90  Hi, and welcome to the forum!  Glad you found us.  As to your question, sadly it's so expensive that it's pretty rare that people get things tested.  I wish we had a free place in the US like folks do in Canada and other countries.  100-150 is a lot for most people.  And sadly vendors aren't doing it either.  If you have other questions feel free to ask in the appropriate place or you can always PM me directly.  Take care and welcome aboard!

@DoomKitty wow, nevermind I never knew this existed, incredible resource.

@mdg90 I was going to run samples in a lab I was working in once but after speaking to my lab manager, who thankfully was supportive of such questions, consulted with me and concluded that a reagent test would be sufficient. maybe the same would be true for you?

@gpbe22 Thank you for the insight! I'll just stick to reagent tests for peace of mind then.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: We been rocking kinda hard since the day we begun, yo ready-c man, play Sanford and son....
  2. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon:
  3. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: "Well his name is ready-c and im tellin u, he can play the beat forwards a d backwards too...
  4. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: @LatsDoodis maaan funk d.a.t!
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
  6. rosetrip33 @ rosetrip33: Hey anyone there
  7. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  10. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  11. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  12. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  13. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  14. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  15. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  16. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  17. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
  18. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
  19. CnC5 @ CnC5: Lmao 🤣
  20. Z @ zzaps94: Hey guys sorry I misunderstood what does shoutbox was, Hope you guys are all having a great day out there