New to the RC world. Whats the closest to Benzo's


Mar 30, 2015
Wondering  what is the closest to zanny's or V's and how close are they really as far as effects go ? I dont go out of the box much so wanting to get something that wont ruin my day . I can take 2 to 4 10 mg v's and a couple 2 mg zanny's at a time . Thanks in advance . Also were has everybody been ordering these types from ?

have you tried clonazapan?  i like it better then zannies...i can take low dose and it works longer

most vendors do carry it in the sy seccion...try Eiffel. There are few others but I do know they carry.  Honestly if you curious about something best thing to do is your work reading...use search feature and ask vendors, there always there to help /default_smile.png

If you can get et!zolam, it is a good short acting one, that might be your closest to x@nnies, although clon@zolam is quite hard hitting. Don't go near flubrom*zolam. Flubrom@zepam, however, is long lasting and good. Meclon@zepam is harder to find, never tried it, but apparantly good.

Thanks @Smoka90 So far I have only found a couple of U.S sites . Hit me up if you got a go to place with quick shipping. Thanks 

clonazolam, diclazopam, flubromazolam, and Etizolam are products you should try.

shymolecule or CWRESC for domestic USA

Thing with flubrom@zolam is, it may be nice, but it shoots your tolerance through the roof, it's crazy and takes weeks to recover. So if you're using them at all frequently (dodgy anyway) then prepare to start upping your consumption. Just needed to say that, it's a sneaky one...

I placed a order with shymolicul (not spelled righ lol) . Does anybody know if they send free samples of there other products ? 

I thought he was asking about RCs?
i kind of took it he was just asking for help if there is anything like zannies but not...

and clonapan or clanazepan is close, last longer...I was just letting them know there is other things out there and this one he can ask his doc for if needed or get from a vendor..

but all the other ones they put up are Rc"s...I have not ordered them as of yet but i will at sometme.  From all the reviews on them they sound great.  Expecially the ETZ /default_smile.png  I hope i didnt step on toes, I was just trying to help since I take clonapan myself /default_smile.png

Could u let me know how everything goes with shipping, quality, etc. I was going to order from them. I live in the same state so don't expect shipping would b that long. But am wondering if worth researching. Thanx

Can anyone recommend a vendor to me who is shipping from Europe within Europe?

Oh, please ignore my question.I have done some more reading and I think I should better not try this stuff. Sounds far too dangerous to me.

Best to try:

1. Etizolam - short lasting but most similar to alprazolam (xanax), good starting dose it's around 1mg

2. Flubromazepam - long lasting, a bit comparable to clonazepam, can be helpful for quitting from addiction from other benzo especially short lasting, starting dose around 4mg.

3. Clonazolam - for me it has not big recreational values, can be easy overdosed as its very potent. It has very strong hypnotic values, starting dose 0.1-0.25mg

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
  2. rosetrip33 @ rosetrip33: Hey anyone there
  3. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  6. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  7. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  9. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  10. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  11. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  12. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  13. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
  14. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: Lmao 🤣
  16. Z @ zzaps94: Hey guys sorry I misunderstood what does shoutbox was, Hope you guys are all having a great day out there
  17. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: The roland 808. Or the hamond b-3 organ
  18. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: What’s the most important drum machine/kit to have changed music and why? I think maybe SP-12 or the 1200, but kinda want to say drumulator or Rhythm Maker King 2 gave us some classic shit.
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @DocPep yes. just use or snote
  20. Terrylolol @ Terrylolol: Hope everyone has a fantastic week!