You could do that and be caught lying, then you would have a different black mark on your record. One could practically write a joke about three doctors eating lunch and one says "A past abuser walked in and said she'd never seen another Dr." The second one says, "Yeah one came to me and said she had seen one, but had no major problems..." The third says "One came to me and said she'd only seen the two of you and you were of no help at all! A brunette, about this tall?..." You know what I mean?
Unless they ask for records they need your honest input. As the brightnail says, a small practice with a history of helping is your best bet.
First though, I would ask the current doctors if they can offer some advice. Like, "How can I find out if I have this?" Coming from a point of looking to them as professionals and needing their years of training to help you rather than telling them you already think you suffer from it would seem like a better approach imo.