Hi my name is Heavenlee. I haven't been around for a year due to the fact that I was locked up for illegal marijuana cultivation. What happened to me should be a warning lesson to all who visit this site. I broke the cardinal role "do not tell anyone " including your best friend. I didn't with this site I only talk to long withstanding members I trust. But I heard of a guy that was bragging of getting IOP drugs from place I'm unsure of and sure enough that the police showed up at post office to sign. Anyways I'm so happy to be back with my DB family. So many good people take the time to know them. Read throughout threads before you ask questions, do your homework! Another thing is when I joined awhile ago, I was an emotional wreck, seriously out there. I found a strong support system of women and man that helped me through the roughest time of my life. My husband having an affair and leaving me. Now two years later I am out of jail off probation and the happiest I've ever been. And I still hold so much love and gratitude for the good people in this community!