Stay away from paid referral service promising to find a compassionate Dr. in your area. All I got was the runaround and a bunch of excuses. Man, I felt stupid for even trying it but a friend said it had worked for her
Another board member has had success with this method but I think it has a lot to do with where you live. Probably major metro areas are best. It was only a small $ amount but the runaround they gave me was the worst part. MyMDClinic....stay away! Far far away
@DerailedFisherman She's probably dancing down at the pink pony club in west hollywood. God that song is contagious. Hope she's doing ok too.
Phishing attempt via protonmail, offering a link that i wouldn't click
Rick’s new email is in his thread, last post.
@SeaDonkey i use gold as a proxy sometimes to read other things but not necessarily interested in trading it myself. i specialize in trading crypto
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