By no means are you being singled out
@Philthy first of all let's make that completely clear. We are here so you do not waste money, put your health at risk and reap the full benefits. Both of us have made these mistakes in the past and have suffered the consequences from it. It's a growing problem and I encounter it only a weekly basis inside and outside the gym. What should I be running?
Stats are everything. Age will determine if you really are in the right age group. If you're in your late teens early twenties unless you are competing your natural test levels are through the roof.
Height/weight - to determine which compounds to match you with. Gain weight/lose weight, strength or athleticism.
training/goals - Recreational bodybuilder/powerlifter/strongman or general fitness aesthetics. Or again do you aspire to step on stage or have a career in the fitness industry. Again that will influence which compounds are best suited to your needs.
cycle history - It's kind of like Trin said would you buy a Ferrari if you've just passed your driving test. If it's your first cycle adding really powerful IGF's and aas is Russian roulette. If you for example run 3-5 compounds on your first cycle and you're getting vast terrible side effects, which one is giving you them?
If you have a good cycle history (4-5 successful) and know how your body responds to IGF's, test, tren, deca, bold, eq, mast and any oral derivatives then building a stack that is both best for your health, wallet and will get you where you want to be is the ultimate course of action.
I respect and admire you and anyone committed to the fitness game and looking after their bodies. So if you are comfortable drop me or Trin a pm or both of us and all the best buddy.