the entire site is a scam, so be aware!
Are you really certain you friends were successful with this forum? Or maybe they were just too embarressed to admit being ripped off?A couple friends of mine have had successful transactions through a couple different sellers on that site. So seeing this on the Blacklisted section was surprising for me to see. Has anyone here had bad experiences with sellers there? Or is their bad reputation through word of mouth?
I believe I read somewhere a while ago that somebody tried to interest the A*F or D*A with this and they said, "We don't give a shit if no pills are actually sold."Oh, and out of morbid curiosity, I have a question for the more experienced members. Based on the volume of visible victims, and given that some don't speak out for a variety of reasons, how much money are these people stealing from unwitting members every month before they disappear? To me, it appears staggering, enough so that you'd think they would draw serious attention from LE or some heavily armed lynch mob. Who knows. Just makes me ill every time I read about one of these.