Pardon My Bad Manners

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Hi all,

So I have been around a couple months and have been SO busy reading everything else that I completely missed the intro section. So here I am. Hii there! You guys, ALL of you guys, have provided me with relief from several things through your shared info, referrals and humor. I have no physical pain, only mental pain. My whole heart goes out to you guys that have terrible pain and cannot treat it properly due to fearful doctors. I pray for you each day. I have been a drug addict my entire adult life. The reason, IMHO, is I am self medicating to deal with issues resulting from an "incident" in young adulthood. i have tried therapy, to no avail, i just dont want to talk about it. EVER. In my life, not one person knows of my struggles and there is NO ONE for me to talk to. I am fully functioning (?) and support my family, as lots of you are. I am addicted to trams and have quite the habit. I first found this site because I was desperate and going through wds which were horrible. I googled something and ended up here. I am eternally grateful that I have found this site. I honestly thought I was the only one in the world who is addicted to trams. Ditch and Young Hypnotic, i cried like when I read your stories. To find out I was not alone in my addiction meant the world to me. Thank you for sharing. I humbly hope to contribute here and become a bigger part of the community. I only have my stories and my opinions to offer, and I hope I can express myself well enough to someday help someone like you guys helped me. I swear a lot and have a filthy sense of humor (especially toilet humor!) so I pray that I dont offend anyone! I am beginning to get comfortable here so..........anyhoo, the salient parameters of me are there, and I sincerely hope to get to know some of you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything

Oh, and I have spit coffee all over my ipad several times from laughing at certain posts. Thanks for that.

Well sorry for what you are going through,  You are in great hands here!  Alot of knowledgable (SP) people on here and they are willimg to help and give great advice..  Especially the MOD SQUAD and ADMIN.  There are alot of comedians on here also as far as humor,  but you will always get a straight answer from the people on this board.

Enjoy your time here.

Hey Raymond,

I guess we both have some stuff. Thanks for the good wishes, and the same to you and kittykat. Reitering that thissitebhas been a godsend.

Hi all,

So I have been around a couple months and have been SO busy reading everything else that I completely missed the intro section. So here I am. Hii there! You guys, ALL of you guys, have provided me with relief from several things through your shared info, referrals and humor. I have no physical pain, only mental pain. My whole heart goes out to you guys that have terrible pain and cannot treat it properly due to fearful doctors. I pray for you each day. I have been a drug addict my entire adult life. The reason, IMHO, is I am self medicating to deal with issues resulting from an "incident" in young adulthood. i have tried therapy, to no avail, i just dont want to talk about it. EVER. In my life, not one person knows of my struggles and there is NO ONE for me to talk to. I am fully functioning (?) and support my family, as lots of you are. I am addicted to trams and have quite the habit. I first found this site because I was desperate and going through wds which were horrible. I googled something and ended up here. I am eternally grateful that I have found this site. I honestly thought I was the only one in the world who is addicted to trams. Ditch and Young Hypnotic, i cried like when I read your stories. To find out I was not alone in my addiction meant the world to me. Thank you for sharing. I humbly hope to contribute here and become a bigger part of the community. I only have my stories and my opinions to offer, and I hope I can express myself well enough to someday help someone like you guys helped me. I swear a lot and have a filthy sense of humor (especially toilet humor!) so I pray that I dont offend anyone! I am beginning to get comfortable here so..........anyhoo, the salient parameters of me are there, and I sincerely hope to get to know some of you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything

Oh, and I have spit coffee all over my ipad several times from laughing at certain posts. Thanks for that.
Excellent, heartfelt post CH, very well done, and I appreciate your sincerity. Even in an "anonymous" online venue, it's still difficult to reveal those dark corners of our lives and souls, so I admire your courage and thank you for sharing your story with us. Know that you are NOT alone, not in your battle with Tram, nor in any other battle that might come along. I often use team sports analogies, and if I may do so again, what you're experiencing here at DBG is one of the great things about being a part of a team. Of a collective bigger than yourself, bonded together through common interest and purpose. Our community often brings back feelings that I missed for many years after leaving professional sports, and I consider it a privilege to contribute, participate and be a small part of something much larger than I that brings hope into the lives of others. And if I might share one other thought, I think you'll find that in time, the joy you'll find in paying forward anything you receive here on DBG will be 10 fold that of anything you've found thus far. That, my friend, is what a team is all about. We receive assistance from the veterans and staff when we're a newly minted rookie, then we find our role and contribute in whatever way we can, and then one day we wake up and find that we're the veterans, and the process repeats itself. For me anyway, my greatest hope in terms of my legacy, both personally and professionally, is to be remembered as a great teammate who succeeded by always putting the person next to him first, no matter what. I believe that when we approach life in this manner, the blessings we receive in return are more than we could ever have imagined. You seem like the type of member who would embrace such a philosophy, and I truly hope that you find a welcoming, understanding 2nd home and family here at DBG.

And just in case I haven't formally done so before, welcome to the community!



That was a very candid and heartfelt introductory post no matter when posted.

I look forward to reading about the parts of your journey you feel safe enough to post.

Good on you for taking a chance on "talking" a bit about your struggles here.

My opinion is that therapy can look different for different folks.  Perhaps you have found yourself a therapeutic outlet here...

I hope your time while on this board, affords you some hope and and relief from your pain.

Take Care, 


Wow. Thank you Jewy, Hooter and Beranda, from the bottom of my heart. I so look forward to interacting with you all. It really means a lot to me to have this forum. The effort that admin and mods have put into keeping this venue safe and unobstructed by bs really shows. Thank you!

Beranda, i just want to let you know that I am in bed and I am draped in 170 pounds of pitbull right now, one on either side of me. I knows what you means about the doggies in the bed thing. Lol!

I wish you all a peaceful day!

Welcome cat, and I know what you mean all too well when you feel as if you are the only one that this happening to and that you are all alone in this world. It's a terrible feeling, but just remember there are many others out there with similar stories to yours, mine, etc.

I posted what I was going through in the 'Ask the Wookie' thread and the overwhelming support that I received was incredible. Just remember that we are all hear to help in anyway we can and maybe more importantly just to listen.

I am so sorry that you have to go through this psychological pain, but like I said you are not alone and we all wish you the best on your journey forward Good luck and yes you have found a great community of people here! Take care.

Thank you very much dk, i am so looking forward to my time here. I hope to be a contributor to this amazing site as well. Seems like some fab folks here! I am already addicted. But HEY thats my nature, lol!

Thank you very much dk, i am so looking forward to my time here. I hope to be a contributor to this amazing site as well. Seems like some fab folks here! I am already addicted. But HEY thats my nature, lol!
Trust me, you're going to not only fit in just fine, you're also going to be a great contributor. Wookie's have a furry 6th sense about these things!
All kidding aside, there's actually a Biblical passage that says, "Those who have endured the stinging experiences are the choicest counselors God can use". I'm a bit embarrassed to say that I don't recall the exact passage location, but my grandmother used to quote it frequently, and it stuck with me over the years through painful struggles. So, point being, the fact that you have endured challenges and difficulties has prepared you to help others in a meaningful way.

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Thank you very much dk, i am so looking forward to my time here. I hope to be a contributor to this amazing site as well. Seems like some fab folks here! I am already addicted. But HEY thats my nature, lol!
Day late, dollar short, but welcome Cat.  Nice to have you around!  S-


I am partial to pits and to have two healthy ones flanking you in bed sounds like some of the BEST therapy I could recommend or hope for.

We have only one now and he is such a good brother to my young child...doesn't screw with the cats and is pretty all around perfect.  

Before him, we had a sweet boy who we lost in amputation surgery when my first child was weeks old.  Talking some dark days there.

Get ready for some TMI, but I'm not trying to impress anyone with this story:

When my own mother was weaning me, we had a great Pit who was so patient that she allowed me to snuggle up and literally nurse her (as I went through WDrawls)...the dog was a SAINT!

Over the years I've been lucky enough to live with many large breeds (even a few exotics) but you just can't touch the disposition of a Pit Bull in my opinion.

Far better than 95% of human companions one can hope for...

Glad you're here (and really glad you've brought the "kids")

Hope to live up to your sense of me Jewy! That is an excellent quote and i shall remember it often. I shall try my best!

Thanks DGSB you are my hero already cuz of Kiwi! You saved my sorry ass from much torment. Thank you!

Beranda, heres a little info about the babes. Polly and Lilly were rescued by their godmother from one of the south side (chicago) highest kill shelters. They were a little rough but pretty young, skinny and had injuries when we adopted them. Lilly used to snap at anyone that would try and touch her and Polly had no social graces whatsoever. They are my first big breed. With love, training and nurturing these two darling animals are the BEST! They are so smart and loving and FUNNY I cannot imagine my life without them. I will never own another breed (unless i acheive my dream of opening a shelter and saving ALL of the animals that are in need) and I will die trying to save as many as I can. When I am not feeling well these two snuggle me nonstop. My husband lost his eyesight several years ago and they have been the greatest gift to him. While they are not "therapy" dogs, they seem to sense when he is faltering or depressed as well. Their love knows NO bounds. I completely get the nursing thing, they always seem to sense when someone is in need. I can only hope to learn from them. I get what you said and it is not TMI to me, just very special and reinforces my great love for pitties. God bless!

You guys are fucking awesome!

Hi all,

So I have been around a couple months and have been SO busy reading everything else that I completely missed the intro section. So here I am. Hii there! You guys, ALL of you guys, have provided me with relief from several things through your shared info, referrals and humor. I have no physical pain, only mental pain. My whole heart goes out to you guys that have terrible pain and cannot treat it properly due to fearful doctors. I pray for you each day. I have been a drug addict my entire adult life. The reason, IMHO, is I am self medicating to deal with issues resulting from an "incident" in young adulthood. i have tried therapy, to no avail, i just dont want to talk about it. EVER. In my life, not one person knows of my struggles and there is NO ONE for me to talk to. I am fully functioning (?) and support my family, as lots of you are. I am addicted to trams and have quite the habit. I first found this site because I was desperate and going through wds which were horrible. I googled something and ended up here. I am eternally grateful that I have found this site. I honestly thought I was the only one in the world who is addicted to trams. Ditch and Young Hypnotic, i cried like when I read your stories. To find out I was not alone in my addiction meant the world to me. Thank you for sharing. I humbly hope to contribute here and become a bigger part of the community. I only have my stories and my opinions to offer, and I hope I can express myself well enough to someday help someone like you guys helped me. I swear a lot and have a filthy sense of humor (especially toilet humor!) so I pray that I dont offend anyone! I am beginning to get comfortable here so..........anyhoo, the salient parameters of me are there, and I sincerely hope to get to know some of you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything

Oh, and I have spit coffee all over my ipad several times from laughing at certain posts. Thanks for that.

I know all too well how difficult it is to get off of Trams - if you ever need to talk, feel free to PM me, I have been through it a few times.  I truly believe that it is way more difficult to get off of than Oxy or some others - mainly due to the anti-anxiety aspect of the medication - which is the part that will have you feeling 'blue' for some time after you have quit taking it.  Keep in mind - that will lift - and life will return to normal.  You have many of us here who have your back - the sole purpose of this site isn't to just acquire meds, it is also to help take care of one another.  If leaving the Trams behind is to your best benefit, we are all 100% behind you - I hope that you know that. 

Also - I commend you for seeing therapists in the past and am sorry that it didn't pan out - each of us is different in that.  I saw one a few years back - for me it was helpful - only because I was able to speak to someone who was unbiased - who didn't have preconceived notions about me and didn't judge me.  He was able to give me solid advice and I continued seeing him for about a year and a half solely because I enjoyed talking to him.   

Like I mentioned before - we are all behind you - and if you ever need to talk - whether it be about Trams or anything else, I am just a PM away. 

Take care,


Aloha Cat ~

Sending you the warmest of welcomes, to you and your 4 legged 'kids' ~ arms wide open with many hugs ~~~~

Your heartfelt & deeply sincere 'intro' touched me so deeply I wish I could beam thru these computers to give you those hugs in person.

Thank you so much for sharing what you have been & are going thru.

Your courage & strength in doing so truly show what you are made of and it is that immense & deep courage & strength you possess that will help you conquer any battle life puts before you.

I've had my share, was completely alone (or was I?), had no idea how I'd make it, got so down I really didn't think life was worth it....but, Hell ya, life's worth it! ~ looking back, all I can think of is "How the F*ck did I get thru that? Damn, I'm a hell of a lot stronger than I ever thought." and "Thank God for the Angels whose words and/or actions whether for a minute, day, week, year or lifetime, he put in my life right when I needed them, were there to help pull me thru the darkness when I was convinced there was no light. 

I love Jewy's analogy of the DBG team ~'s a privilege to contribute, participate and be a small part of something much larger than I that brings hope into the lives of others. And if I might share one other thought, I think you'll find that in time, the joy you'll find in paying forward anything you receive here on DBG will be 10 fold that of anything you've found thus far. That, my friend, is what a team is all about.

And as Jewy wrote: "Those who have endured the stinging experiences are the choices counselors God can use."

You've got a large family of non-judgemental angels here for you, any time, no matter what!

Mahalo ~ Namaste ~ Aloha Nui Loa  /default_cool.png

Dorothy Z -

Thank you. I just cannot believe the support and brotherhood i have recieved from DBG. It is the single MOST wonderful feeling! I just cannot explain how great it is to feel that I have support and just some people I can talk to. Thank you for your kind words and offer to talk. I am certain we will talk more. Thank you. Btw, i am the BIGGEST Golden Girls fan ever! I know all of the episodes by heartand continue to watch every day when I am getting ready for work. I cracked up when I saw your name and pic! They RULE! Last week they kept playing the last couple episodes and I cry every time when Dorothy is leaving for the final time and keeps coming back to say goodbye one more time. Lol!


Thank you for the hugs, i felt them as if you were here! My babies, my dogs, my cat, and my snake all give me that special love, that unconditional love that makes my heart sing! I am feeling some of that love here too! It is indeed special. jewy's quote and team analogy are spot on! I only hope to pay forward as much as I desire to. I have said, I only have my experiences to offer, and I hope and pray that lovingly and humbly I can help someone as you all have helped me. This site is a LIFE CHANGER for me. I havenever felt such support and love in this area of my life.

Thank you yet again for everything. Each morning I am so excited to check in with you all and see what is up. Thanks you thank you.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: We been rocking kinda hard since the day we begun, yo ready-c man, play Sanford and son....
  2. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: "Well his name is ready-c and im tellin u, he can play the beat forwards a d backwards too...
  3. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: @LatsDoodis maaan funk d.a.t!
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
  5. rosetrip33 @ rosetrip33: Hey anyone there
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  7. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  9. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  10. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  11. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  12. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  13. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  14. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  15. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  16. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
  17. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
  18. CnC5 @ CnC5: Lmao 🤣
  19. Z @ zzaps94: Hey guys sorry I misunderstood what does shoutbox was, Hope you guys are all having a great day out there
  20. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: The roland 808. Or the hamond b-3 organ