Pharmacy and Tylenol 3


Apr 7, 2015
I remember people going from the US to get Tylenol 3 for the codeine and it was legal? Still true or was it a myth?

AFAIK, this is false. Tylenol #1 (8mg codeine) is sold "OTC" in some provinces but it's not actually sold over the counter. Although you don't need a script for it, it's usually always kept behind the pharmacist's counter and you have to ask for it. They have the right to refuse to sell it to you, too; basically the pharmacist will eye you up (e.g. looking at your age, demeanor, signs of drug-seeking behavior, etc.) and base their decision on that. 

^This is correct--you can get the Tylenol 1's over the counter but the pharmacist often will ask for ID and keep your information logged so you don't buy too much -- every pharmacy has limits on how many tablets you can purchase within a week/month etc.

I remember people going from the US to get Tylenol 3 for the codeine and it was legal? Still true or was it a myth?
Still true as of 09-04-2015 when I broke my ank;e deliverying to Safeway in Alberta. Americans are allowed 2 packs tl #3s of 24 tablets 12.00 each per trip. Tylenol 4's are prescription.

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Not used to this format, but I have been getting #3s since 1984 and my father since the 60's I suppose, We are a border town

In my province Tylenol 1's now require a prescription. The new law came into effect a couple months ago.

In Canada you can get a generic or 8mg of TYLENOL 1 without any prescription. So, with 8mg of codeine at any pharmacy without a prescription. In some pharmacies you will need to ask the pharmacist for a bottle of 100 pills and tell the pharmacist what you use them for and then go to another store if you want more, etc.. They use to be on the counter and you could buy as many as you wanted until they changed the rules.

Where i reside you can get 15mg codeine products but they a pharm only meds which require a name and addy.

Where i reside you can get 15mg codeine products but they a pharm only meds which require a name and addy.
Are you in Canada?  Because Canada isn't in the Southern Hemisphere, no offence intended mate!

No im In Australia mate. None taken but therre is a world outside of North America :)

I know, I'm in the UK, centre of the world! Just there's no need to post in the Canadian section, you'll have no luck here at all, you'd be best looking at the international section. Aussies have success with sources there. I know how difficult your customs are! Just nudging you in the right direction is all mate.

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222's are better anyway (AC&C's). Easier to make a CWE with too. (Only difference is they contain aspirin, not tylenol, aspirin is easier to get rid of. Although it is more rare, only one big chain carries them here unfortunately. A bottle of 100 of those and 20 Mersyndols (something for migraines you have to ask the pharmacist for also, 8mg codeine/5mg doxylamine/325mg tylenol) I would take straight with my cup of codeine juice, the Doxylamine would get rid of the ridiculous caffeine.

Anybody who gets a script for a codeine/apap compound will not get a generic of tylenol #3, that's mostly for phone prescriptions from dentists, they give you Empracets, Empracets are 30mg codeine/300mg APAP. They're well known to the be the basic thing for some acute injury that is of moderate pain, often coupled with a script for an NSAID, but since Naproxen no longer needs a script except for the 500mg ones and like these products, you can ask the pharmacists or even the technicians for, and there's the pharmacy brand, Aleve is way too expensive for these 375mg ones. EMTEC-30 marked big round pink pills, I was scripted my share for my recurrent jaw pain problems and also for plantar fasciitis that always comes back (very flat feet suck and being born with joint hypermotility suck).

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