
There is only one left that I know of for the pharmacy-grade tabs and they are now $150 per 1 pack of 50 1mg tabs..

Used to be $35 for the same thing, but since the ban or whatever happened that’s not allowing it to the USA anymore they jacked the price up every so often… I am guessing as their stock gets lower..

Sad as I used this medicinally for severe social anxiety. It worked better than any benzo for ALL DAY relief and little to no tolerance development…

If anyone knows any sources still selling at reasonable prices, PLEASE let me know!


Would domestic 3-Hydroxyphenazepam solutions satisfy your requirements?  Assuming they were within budget.

Interesting topic revival ;)

Some Benzos could be pretty unique, especially the ones in the pharmaceutical official meds. Japan (and some other I'm not aware of) got benzos meds that are nowhere else sold in the world (Benzos experts knows for sure which ones are those ;)
The RC Benzo scene offered some very solid analogues - Bromazolam was for me one of my fav, since I prefer a "good mood / calming down" but not excessive sedation effect.

What the scene would definitely love to see, since regarding the typical benzos there are enough good alternatives, would be Midazolam or Triazolam analogues. 
I was aware of a potential Triazolam analogue or pro-drugs being developed last year, sadly the project was dismissed.

We will see what the future will bring us. 

PS @ OP : you may try another approach if you are not seeking recreational usage, especially if it's something you need to take daily. very long term benzo usage is not pleasant, both for the tolerance increasing and the potential hardcore withdrawal if you need to quit after years of daily usage.
Most mainstream suggestion, about social anxiety and general fears, would be Pregalbin. Otherwise you may have a peek to Centalun or some others non-benzos classes. Bromantane could be a thing as well - it's actually a stimulant, but it has anti-anxiety effects. Very smooth effects and it takes a while to become functional, still, helped different people I know (including myself) without sticking with benzos usage.  

Interesting topic revival ;)

Some Benzos could be pretty unique, especially the ones in the pharmaceutical official meds. Japan (and some other I'm not aware of) got benzos meds that are nowhere else sold in the world (Benzos experts knows for sure which ones are those ;)
The RC Benzo scene offered some very solid analogues - Bromazolam was for me one of my fav, since I prefer a "good mood / calming down" but not excessive sedation effect.

What the scene would definitely love to see, since regarding the typical benzos there are enough good alternatives, would be Midazolam or Triazolam analogues. 
I was aware of a potential Triazolam analogue or pro-drugs being developed last year, sadly the project was dismissed.

We will see what the future will bring us. 

PS @ OP : you may try another approach if you are not seeking recreational usage, especially if it's something you need to take daily. very long term benzo usage is not pleasant, both for the tolerance increasing and the potential hardcore withdrawal if you need to quit after years of daily usage.
Most mainstream suggestion, about social anxiety and general fears, would be Pregalbin. Otherwise you may have a peek to Centalun or some others non-benzos classes. Bromantane could be a thing as well - it's actually a stimulant, but it has anti-anxiety effects. Very smooth effects and it takes a while to become functional, still, helped different people I know (including myself) without sticking with benzos usage.  
I was taking Diazepam 10mg 3 X Day for 6 years… This was, besides Phenazepam, the only benzodiazepine prescribed to me where I did not develop a tolerance once I reached this 3 X day dosage regimen… Sadly they took me off when I was admitted to a hospital for severe depression episode… Though this episode had NOTHING to do with my Diazepam or threatening suicide with them, they still took me off… This is when I discovered Phenazepam and have been taking that ever since in 1-2mg 1-2 x day with no tolerance development, except initially they where more potent, but the anxiolytic effect never faded (Thank the lord lol)… So now when they are phasing out Phenazepam due to people or children being idiotic and irresponsible with this substance, I am becoming SOL… Yes, 3-oh-Phenazepam solution (in response to Tylenol’s reply to my last post) would suffice… I would maybe think it would even be superior then not only Diazepam, but Phenazepam as well (longer acting, need to take it less)… For people using these recreationally, these substances are most likely the worst pick of any Benzos, for long-term use MEDICINAL anxiety relief, I believe they are the best… At least for me, and I believe it would be for others like me as well…

Thanks for reading whoever does!!


Would domestic 3-Hydroxyphenazepam solutions satisfy your requirements?  Assuming they were within budget.
Yes, 100% that would work for me… Especially if it is already made into a solution or tablet that I could take specific doses without making it myself or eyeballing powder (3-oh-Phen would be wayyy to potent to eyeball and I would be taking medicinally)… If anyone knows where I could get Phenazepam or 3-oh-Phenazepam… Please PM me or respond here… I would be indebted to you greatly!


What about ? A benzo without being a benzo ;)
Yes, I actually have a couple sites that sell the pharma grade rilmazafone… It only works for me as a sedative before sleep… it’s not very anxiolytic for myself… I need Benzos like Phenazepam, Diazepam, Pyrazolam, Flubromazepam, or 3-oh-phenazepam… These work long-term for me and I can take daily without having to increase the dosage (once I reach my target dose)…..

Thanks for the idea though!!


I think for a long-term usage / life-time, Benzos are not the best pick. But of course everyone decide for its best ;)

Pregalbin is not a valid option?
Bromantane could be a thing as well, a Stim but with anxiolytic properties.

Yesterday I spent few hours to discuss about this one:

"Deschloroclotizolam or Clotizolam-2 is a new designer sedative drug thienotriazolodiazepine derivative. It has a similar structure to Fluclotizolam (synthesized in 1979 and not used in medicine and not participated in official sales).Deschloroclotizolam has properties similar to benzodiazepine preparations (Brotizolam, Ciclotizolam, Deschloroetizolam, Etizolam, Fluclotizolam, Metizolam), as it interacts with the benzodiazepine site of the receptor. "

Basically should be a benzo. But it's not a benzo. The question was if the potential WD when stopping it would be the same of classic benzos. 
Passing from , landing toΑ5IA , ended up that a benzo-non-benzo structure if tweked properly could give an absolutely safe anti-anxiolytic effects without even facing a WD when quit. But well, lot of research still needed :D

The world definitely never stops moving ;)

That would be the ideal, right! =] heh

I have used diazepam for over 6 years though without tolerance build up… Some ppl can do that… When I took Etizolam, I had to continually increase my dosage and after just one month I was taking 5x the amount with little to no anxiolytic effect… It was terrible… When I was on Diazepam, or Phenazepam, this was not the case, they worked wonders for my social anxiety and for years with no issue besides the fact I DID HAVE to take it… I was dependent, but the alternative was severe agoraphobic social anxiety… I don’t know much or anything of Deachloroclotizolam, but I’m guessing the half-life is short… If so it would not work for me… I’ve even tried Flutoprazepam, it was okay, but was never strong enough… It would be my last resort if I couldn’t get diazepam or phenazepam (which I can now and working on getting a doc to prescribe me diazepam once again so I don’t have to resort to trying to get it elsewhere)..

Pregabalin does work for me for general anxiety, but not social anxiety… Or it does work for social anxiety for about 3-4 days, then it’s effect on my nervousness around social interactions fades, but it’s overall effect on my general anxiety (and I might add my mood was highly elevated [good substance for treatment resistant depression I feel, or at least an add-on] and I don’t mean the euphoria it can cause with a one-time use of 300-600mg dose with no tolerance. I mean a safe and effective mood elevation [antidepressant effect] that lasts long-term) lasted long-term. It is very addictive and hard to get off of, the effects were not worth the trade off of dependency, as the benzo dependency is worth the trade off, as the alternative anxiety is too debilitating…. My options would be Diazepam, Pyrazolam, 3-oh-phenazepam, Flubromazepam, or Phenazepam…

These are that I know of… If you or anyone knows of LONG-lasting Benzos that are very anxiolytic (some people want them for muscle relaxation or their other traits, not me though) please inform me…


That would be the ideal, right! =] heh

I have used diazepam for over 6 years though without tolerance build up… Some ppl can do that… When I took Etizolam, I had to continually increase my dosage and after just one month I was taking 5x the amount with little to no anxiolytic effect… It was terrible… When I was on Diazepam, or Phenazepam, this was not the case, they worked wonders for my social anxiety and for years with no issue besides the fact I DID HAVE to take it… I was dependent, but the alternative was severe agoraphobic social anxiety… I don’t know much or anything of Deachloroclotizolam, but I’m guessing the half-life is short… If so it would not work for me… I’ve even tried Flutoprazepam, it was okay, but was never strong enough… It would be my last resort if I couldn’t get diazepam or phenazepam (which I can now and working on getting a doc to prescribe me diazepam once again so I don’t have to resort to trying to get it elsewhere)..

Pregabalin does work for me for general anxiety, but not social anxiety… Or it does work for social anxiety for about 3-4 days, then it’s effect on my nervousness around social interactions fades, but it’s overall effect on my general anxiety (and I might add my mood was highly elevated [good substance for treatment resistant depression I feel, or at least an add-on] and I don’t mean the euphoria it can cause with a one-time use of 300-600mg dose with no tolerance. I mean a safe and effective mood elevation [antidepressant effect] that lasts long-term) lasted long-term. It is very addictive and hard to get off of, the effects were not worth the trade off of dependency, as the benzo dependency is worth the trade off, as the alternative anxiety is too debilitating…. My options would be Diazepam, Pyrazolam, 3-oh-phenazepam, Flubromazepam, or Phenazepam…

These are that I know of… If you or anyone knows of LONG-lasting Benzos that are very anxiolytic (some people want them for muscle relaxation or their other traits, not me though) please inform me…

have u tried flubromazepam instead? dose profile makes titration much easier but it also has a v. long half life (220+ hrs includin active metabolites) and i find it more enjoyable and helpful for pain

have u tried flubromazepam instead? dose profile makes titration much easier but it also has a v. long half life (220+ hrs includin active metabolites) and i find it more enjoyable and helpful for pain
I have in the past, i don’t remember much as back then when I took it, it was in powder form and I was already on diazepam… I was younger and taking too much Benzos… now I am good with just taking my 1-2xday medicinal substance…. But that is the thing… Pyrazolam 2xday or Flubromazepam 1xday would work perfectly if I can’t get this Dr I’m seeing in a week or so to represcribe me diazepam (which is a big if)… I wish I knew where to get it in tablet form or in solution that I could easily dose with … I don’t like messing with powders and mg scales… Thanks for the advise.. am I able to ask where you get yours from and in what form? I didn’t know it helped with pain as well…


get fpam dose it at 4 or 8mg:1ml
Once a day would you say? Are you saying this from experience, knowledge of many others or just speculation?

If I were to o the Flubromazepam route.... I would prob d05e ~8-12mg p3r day... I was prescribed 30mg diazepam/day (3 10mg/day) for many years... I ended up usually taking 20mg right when i woke up, then not even taking the 3rd I was prescribed... I would usually end up with 30 (give or take) extra tabs/month.. that added up quickly and I never had to worry.... but obviously circumstances have changed or I wouldn't be talking here...


Thank you for your care enough to respond with your thoughts... Care to expand though????

4mg of fpam is close to 10mg valium.  from there you should be able to figure out a good dose schedule.

im not exactly sure what your goal is...

I saw a few new interesting  Benzos RCs releasing the the last weeks. But I've not enough intel to make an advice based on the current reports, nor I had time to crawl to old papers / researches that were done the time they were discovered. 
My advice remain the same, if you are seeking for a long time solution, the most suitable way would be a non-benzos class (there are a lot of underrated classes that could do the job), AND at the same time having a good therapist. 

Not any random psychology or psychiatric therapist, but a very specific one, depending the source / root of your issues. Body-therapy is a very interesting branche of psychology methods, that is very effective if you find a good one (and despite the name, it has nothing to do with "physical" contact during the therapy).

But, if you want/must stick on benzos, without going to recent ones, I think Flubromazolam could be the best one for your case, IF properly dosed. It has definitely a long half-life, the issue with it is that is somewhat too much sedative, and if you need to make a job where your mind need to be pretty active, unless you combine with other stimulants, could not be the best pick. I researched the sweet spot dosage, and blotters with 0.28 to 0.33mg of Flubromazolam were optimal, because they were effective enough to cover the anxiety all day long but not too sedative, like the "recreational" dosage of 0.5mg is usually sold for.

I suggest anyway to give it a try with Bromantane. It's really a very interesting compound, maybe too soft for your case, but is something that will show its potential / benefits after 2-3 weeks you are taking it. I would say is an improved  version of Wellbutrin (bupropion), an Anti-depressant and a distant parent of Mephedrone. It's initially somewhat stimulating for the first week of usages, it won't give any immediate effects against anxiety, but it really help to stabilize your mind without zombify like most of other AD does.

Bromantane is sold on different nootropics shops. Despite sharing the structure of a stimulant, it's actually acting as anti-anxiety. Give it a try for 3-4 weeks, a lot of people I know (myself included) found it extremely functional in such context of overall anxiety / fears without a proper reasons. 

Just my 2 cents. Good luck,

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  8. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
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  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  15. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
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