Pr0pran0l0l to treat PTSD


Dec 6, 2015
I had heard about this before back when they were doing it with rats, but here's a interesting article on how people curing PTSD and other anxiety disorders related to particular memories using a form of exposure therapy and tx with this beta blocker. Definitely worth looking into if you have PTSD, etc

My ex G/F is on propanel and suffers from bi-polar,so they are being used along with anti-depressants and SSris in her case.......



Propranolol wouldn't help any psychological issues, it would only help the physiological ones.. I think it's extremely effective when used in conjunction with other drugs, especially if you are showing outward signs of anxiety - shaking etc.. And is invaluable when trying to taper of benz@'s... Or SSRI's... Really helps with those incredibly annoying withdrawal 'brain zaps'! 


It's not the propranolol that's helping with the psychological problem, but rather the therapy. The prop. just makes the therapy bearable enough by removing the PTSD symptoms that would normally accompany the therapy.

personally ive been through most sris over the years an tbh never got any resolve from them. weight gain yes, fuzzy head yes and even black outs. i suffer from emotional unstable ptsd. the only way i step over my threshold of my door is loaded on benzos. else id lit freeze up/ i have thought about maybe trying betablockers. so that way i can step away from this 13 year benz habbit..  buying them in such big quantitys so cheap an easy my tollerence is at such a messy state. no real stable dose at min. i cant be trusted i eat them like sweets. my mrs has to hide them an leave a few out else id weigh the lot in if i could. also i know they are usually fine but hate getting unblistered meds..does anyone have any info or success stories along the lines of my path. would love to hear them.

have a god day/night dbgers


Propranolol wouldn't help any psychological issues, it would only help the physiological ones.. I think it's extremely effective when used in conjunction with other drugs, especially if you are showing outward signs of anxiety - shaking etc.. And is invaluable when trying to taper of benz@'s... Or SSRI's... Really helps with those incredibly annoying withdrawal 'brain zaps'! 

yes, i thought it was just me.. 'brain zaps' perfect word for them, ive tried to explain them to my gp an partner when talking on this issue. they are like little electric jabs. such a strange feeling

I have no experience with PTSD, but i have tried pr0pan0l0l. It did nothing for me as i have few outward signs of my anxiety. I need benzos to go outside like dotcomkotr said he needed, but then i'm able to pretend to be ok at least a couple of hours if i keep full control of myself at all times. I'm invariably exhausted when i get home tho, if i'm not drinking, which partly explains why i was addicted to alcohol.

I know i probably shouldn't say this, but short term alcohol is more effective for anxiety than benzos, but for the love of god, don't resort to that to deal with your problems. Long term, alcohol F*CKS you up!

I found what Phrenicz said about SSRI withdrawal and Pr0p helping with that really interesting. Two years back, without consulting my doctor, i stopped taking my quite heavy dose of c1pralecs which i had been on for 13 years, just to see what would happen. That turned out to be a really bad idea. Apart from becoming really emotional, getting sexual release without actually trying, the worst part was the intense itching all over my body. Itching doesn't quite describe it. It was more like constant waves of electricity running all over my body. I didn't sleep for a week until in an act of desperation i drank till i passed out.

I've been thinking about quitting c1pr@lex (this time consulting my doctor) because i don't know for sure whether they're good for me, but i'm afraid to do so because of what happened last time. Your advice, Phrenicz, may turn out to be invaluable.

I don't know about PTSD, although my ex has PTSD and has never been prescribed them.

I was given them for anxiety/panic attacks - they did nothing - except land me in hospital for one night with a very low heart rate.

This is a med that you certainly shouldn't abuse. :(

I take propranolol to help me with anxiety and they work pretty well. They take away the physical anxiety symptoms; like racing heartbeat and shaking. They don't take away the mental. If your anxiety is bad than I wouldn't reccomnd them. I would try a benzo instead.

Propranolol 10mg twice a day has been used for many years for mild anxiety and with some it works, cheap way to see. it does help with tremors why do you think it is a banned substance in the olympics .Especially for Biathlon.

Ive recently been prescibed this 10mgs up to twice a day for my PTSD and Anxiety. Unfortunatly it has done nothing for either, Benzos are really the only thing that helps. Got an apt this upcoming weeek , going to see if maybe my doc will prescribe me gabapentin and give it a shot.

haven't had it in a long time, but yeah, it did absolutely nothing for my anxiety, so i doubt it would help much w ptsd. sorry :/ it seemed like a useless drug to me.

Yeah I only gave it one day and havent touched it since. It just sits in my med cabnet lol Gabapentin was done wonders for day to day pain and anxiety. Glad to have a good Doc who listens and cares.

    I think theres so many kinds of anxiety, which is why this drug prolly doesnt work for everyone.   Generally speaking, it stops the effects of adrenaline and reduces the heart rate, which helps stop the fight/flight/freeze response, so if you have the kind of anxiety/panic that has lots of rapid heart racing this might help.  There's a reason why performers swear by it and its called the "stage fright drug".   And why its banned in the Olympics.  As for its usage with ptsd, i know beta-blockers have been show to be very helpful when given immediately following a traumatic incident, because the faster you get someone out of flight/fight/freeze following trauma the less ptsd symptoms they usually end up experiencing.  Slowing the heart rate is a key part of that process.  Thats why beta-blockers are heavily used in the military.  Similarly, once a person has ptsd and is experiencing re-triggering or panic or similar, this can be very helpful in reducing that amygdala response and calming a person down.  Or if they are taking it regularly, it will help prevent escalation.   I have used it extensively for this purpose with much success.  When people say its "helpful with PTSD" i think they are only talking about very specific symptoms of PTSD (or being helpful preventing ptsd), and not everyone experiences those particular symptoms.  And of course everyone is very very different, so there is no one-size-fits-all sadly when it comes to helpful drugs. 

     An example outside of PTSD related usage: i know someone who owns their own business, and they take it if they have a super stressful meeting or have to deal with something really crazy and it works wonders keeping them steady and not freaking out.  But there's no way they would take it before say, going to a party or similar, because it wouldn't help them at all.  Their social anxiety is very different from the freakout panic that can materialize in stressful situations.  Even tho they would describe themselves in both situations as being very "anxious". 

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yeah that's very true. it's applicable in certain circumstances. i will say that a xanax kills anxiety for me way better, but i know these are much better in the long term. i had a care provider who refused to give out benzos, she only prescribed this and gabapentin. neither worked for me but i think she was smart

I got prescribed propranolol for my insomnia and i'll tell ya that stuff was poison on me. I needed it badly and felt depressed/suicidal when off it and my body was dependant on it after 2 days of being on a low dose. Be very careful with this stuff

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