I have no experience with PTSD, but i have tried pr0pan0l0l. It did nothing for me as i have few outward signs of my anxiety. I need benzos to go outside like dotcomkotr said he needed, but then i'm able to pretend to be ok at least a couple of hours if i keep full control of myself at all times. I'm invariably exhausted when i get home tho, if i'm not drinking, which partly explains why i was addicted to alcohol.
I know i probably shouldn't say this, but short term alcohol is more effective for anxiety than benzos, but for the love of god, don't resort to that to deal with your problems. Long term, alcohol F*CKS you up!
I found what Phrenicz said about SSRI withdrawal and Pr0p helping with that really interesting. Two years back, without consulting my doctor, i stopped taking my quite heavy dose of c1pralecs which i had been on for 13 years, just to see what would happen. That turned out to be a really bad idea. Apart from becoming really emotional, getting sexual release without actually trying, the worst part was the intense itching all over my body. Itching doesn't quite describe it. It was more like constant waves of electricity running all over my body. I didn't sleep for a week until in an act of desperation i drank till i passed out.
I've been thinking about quitting c1pr@lex (this time consulting my doctor) because i don't know for sure whether they're good for me, but i'm afraid to do so because of what happened last time. Your advice, Phrenicz, may turn out to be invaluable.