I did a few searches and didn't really find anything specific to this. As far as storing your meds received from other means does anyone know of a legitamite site or downloadable software where it would be possible to make a printed label that can be stuck on an old prescription bottle with the actual med name in addition to all others standard items (e.g., color/shape, prescribed amount, name of a pharmacy of choice, doctor, phone number, etc.)? This would only before for home use and NOT to be used if traveling by plane or going anywhere where it could be very scrutinized. It is mainly just to pass the test at home should someone look at script bottle and be nosy enough to make sure all appear to be legit particularly drug name and what is actually inside. Thanks in advance!
Been making a few changes to minimize things that are really unrelated to LE issues as a few recent home-related events.
Been making a few changes to minimize things that are really unrelated to LE issues as a few recent home-related events.