Pro Cutting/Diet Cycle


Mar 9, 2016
So I was asked to create a topic around cutting cycles. These can be quite complex as the drug is only worth the diet and workout. All intrinsically linked so below you’ll find a diet I’ve used, cycle information and added bonus workout routine! If you really want to see yourself in a new light then give this everything you have but remember you need to have a good amount of muscle mass so when you are chiseling away it shines through....So we begin

This Diet is not for the person who gives up easily.  This is for the person looking for the best lean look with the correct understanding on diet and workout!!! Any questions please feel free to comment and or pm me for any workout or diet advice!!! :)

Meal 1- 10oz egg whites, 1 cup of oats(dry measured)
Meal 2- 5oz of grilled chicken, 1 whole cup of green veggies, 5oz of sweet potato
Meal 3- 50 grams if isolate, 2 tbls of natural peanutbutter
meal 4- 7oz of white fish, 1 cup of green veggies
Meal 5- 6oz of grilled chicken(red meat on day before leg day), with a large side salad with oil and vinger dresing
Meal 6- 3 whole eggs before bed
Post Workout- 40 grams of isolate, 50 grams of karbolyn

Test Ent- 500mg weekly
Test Prop- 300mg weekly
Tren Ace- 300mg weekly
Mast P- 300mg weekly
Winny(oral)- 50mg daily
Clen at 40mcg usally added last 2-3 weeks for ending cutting!

Workout Routine:
Day 1 (Legs) -I want you to start with one set of leg extensions for 100 repetitions. Then go to squats (free or smith) and do three heavy work sets in the 8 to 12 repetition range. Finish with a fourth set of 20 repetitions (you should
puke and fail at 20). Then go to leg press and do three working sets at
12 to 15 repetitions. Finish with a fourth set of 50 repetitions (should
puke here, too). Next up is straight-legged deadlifts for three sets of
10 repetitions. Next is lying leg curl for three sets of 12 repetitions.

Day 2 (Chest and Shoulders) - Start with an incline pressing movement
(barbell, dumbbells, or smith machine) and do three heavy working sets at
6 to 10 repetitions. Finish with a fourth set of 12 to 15 repetitions.
Do the same thing with a flat pressing movement for your second exercise.
Then go to flyes (incline or flat) and do three working sets of 8 to 10
repetitions. Finish with a fourth set of 20 repetitions. Next up is dips
(weighted if they are too easy for you). Do three sets to failure.
Finish with two sets of cable-crossovers in the 12 repetition range.
Squeeze your chest. For shoulders, I want three sets of side lateral
raises (standing or seated) and three sets of front raises (bar,
dumbbells, or plate). Do both exercises in the 12 repetition range.

Day 3 (Back) - Start with three sets of pull-ups to failure (altenate
grips). Then go to pull-downs for three sets of 10 to 12 repetitions
(alternate grips). Next up is t-bar row (you can alternate barbell rows
with these) for three heavy working sets in the 8 to 10 repetition range.
Finish wtih a fourth set of 20 repetitions. Next up is one-armed rows
with a dumbbell. I want you to pause at the bottom of each rep and
stretch. Do 10 reps per side for three sets really heavy. Next go to
deadlifts (either off of the floor or rack pulls) and do three moderate to
heavy sets at 8 to 10 repetitions. Finish with two sets of dumbbell
pullovers for 12 repetitions.

Day 4 (Shoulders) - Start with a heavy pressing movement (barbell,
dumbbells, smith machine) and do three working sets in the 10 to 12
repetition range. Finish with a fourth set of 20 repetitions. Then go to
side raises and do three drop sets (eg. 40's for 12 and then drop to the
25's for 12). Do the same thing with front raises. Then pick two
exercises for rear delts and superset them together in the 12 repetition
range for three sets. Finish up with three to four sets of shrugs
(barbell, dumbbells, smith machine, or Hammer).

Day 5 (Arms) - Start with three sets of rope pushdowns at 20 repetitions
each. This is not supposed to be easy. You should fail at 20. The go to
skull crusher (incline or flat) and do three working sets in the 10 to 12
repetition range. Finish with a fourth set of 20 repetitions. Next up is
underhand pushdown (cable) for three drop sets at 10 repetitions (eg. 10
repetition at 150lbs and drop to 10 repetitions at 70lbs). Finish with
three sets of weighted triceps dips between benches for sets of 12. Start
biceps with standing straight-bar curls for three sets of 10 to 12
repetitions. Finish with a fourth set of 20 repetitions. Then go to
alternating dumbbell curls for 8 repetitions per side - squeeze and
control! Then go to preacher curls for three sets of 12 repetitions.
Finish with one set of e-z bar curls for 100 repetitions.

Day 6 (Back And Legs)- I will do both workouts combined above with no rest inbetween sets just back for each body group/exercise.

I am doing calves at least three days per week. Punishing them
with different machines, different rep ranges, holding, squeezing,
anything that hurts.

Doing four exercises for abdominals at least three days per week.

Cardiovascular activity - 45 mins of moderate stairs at the start of workout
and or bad joints walk on incline.

Peace ✌️


Yes! Thank you brotha!! This is the shit that gets me motivated as fuck!! I used to keep to a pretty strict routine but then I started drinking and shit went south real quick lol. They say it takes at least 30 days for something to become a habit well count today as day 1! When I was working out I never really adhered to a diet, and when I was dieting I only worked out occasionally. That 6 meals a day works great I can't imagine the two combined! Damn those are done intense workouts bro! lol. What are your thoughts on higher repetitions for cutting like when reps start getting difficult in the 16-20 range? 

I glad you like it 😊 that’s the response I’m looking for yes mate! Stick to the workout the rep range is set for a reason if you are having trouble with it comeback to me mate and we can do an individualised one just for you if you want? 



Thanks man! I would definitely like to do that. I just need to get my license updated to verify my I'd with coinbase to donate on Monday, and I will definitely PM you! Also, what I mean is, will more reps less weight be good for cutting/toning? Because I thought that 10-12 was more for small to medium gains regarding muscle building and 4-8 for maximum muscle hypertrophy and then 16-20 for toning/endurance?

So I was asked to create a topic around cutting cycles. These can be quite complex as the drug is only worth the diet and workout. All intrinsically linked so below you’ll find a diet I’ve used, cycle information and added bonus workout routine! If you really want to see yourself in a new light then give this everything you have but remember you need to have a good amount of muscle mass so when you are chiseling away it shines through....So we begin

This Diet is not for the person who gives up easily.  This is for the person looking for the best lean look with the correct understanding on diet and workout!!! Any questions please feel free to comment and or pm me for any workout or diet advice!!! :)

Meal 1- 10oz egg whites, 1 cup of oats(dry measured)
Meal 2- 5oz of grilled chicken, 1 whole cup of green veggies, 5oz of sweet potato
Meal 3- 50 grams if isolate, 2 tbls of natural peanutbutter
meal 4- 7oz of white fish, 1 cup of green veggies
Meal 5- 6oz of grilled chicken(red meat on day before leg day), with a large side salad with oil and vinger dresing
Meal 6- 3 whole eggs before bed
Post Workout- 40 grams of isolate, 50 grams of karbolyn

Test Ent- 500mg weekly
Test Prop- 300mg weekly
Tren Ace- 300mg weekly
Mast P- 300mg weekly
Winny(oral)- 50mg daily
Clen at 40mcg usally added last 2-3 weeks for ending cutting!

Workout Routine:
Day 1 (Legs) -I want you to start with one set of leg extensions for 100 repetitions. Then go to squats (free or smith) and do three heavy work sets in the 8 to 12 repetition range. Finish with a fourth set of 20 repetitions (you should
puke and fail at 20). Then go to leg press and do three working sets at
12 to 15 repetitions. Finish with a fourth set of 50 repetitions (should
puke here, too). Next up is straight-legged deadlifts for three sets of
10 repetitions. Next is lying leg curl for three sets of 12 repetitions.

Day 2 (Chest and Shoulders) - Start with an incline pressing movement
(barbell, dumbbells, or smith machine) and do three heavy working sets at
6 to 10 repetitions. Finish with a fourth set of 12 to 15 repetitions.
Do the same thing with a flat pressing movement for your second exercise.
Then go to flyes (incline or flat) and do three working sets of 8 to 10
repetitions. Finish with a fourth set of 20 repetitions. Next up is dips
(weighted if they are too easy for you). Do three sets to failure.
Finish with two sets of cable-crossovers in the 12 repetition range.
Squeeze your chest. For shoulders, I want three sets of side lateral
raises (standing or seated) and three sets of front raises (bar,
dumbbells, or plate). Do both exercises in the 12 repetition range.

Day 3 (Back) - Start with three sets of pull-ups to failure (altenate
grips). Then go to pull-downs for three sets of 10 to 12 repetitions
(alternate grips). Next up is t-bar row (you can alternate barbell rows
with these) for three heavy working sets in the 8 to 10 repetition range.
Finish wtih a fourth set of 20 repetitions. Next up is one-armed rows
with a dumbbell. I want you to pause at the bottom of each rep and
stretch. Do 10 reps per side for three sets really heavy. Next go to
deadlifts (either off of the floor or rack pulls) and do three moderate to
heavy sets at 8 to 10 repetitions. Finish with two sets of dumbbell
pullovers for 12 repetitions.

Day 4 (Shoulders) - Start with a heavy pressing movement (barbell,
dumbbells, smith machine) and do three working sets in the 10 to 12
repetition range. Finish with a fourth set of 20 repetitions. Then go to
side raises and do three drop sets (eg. 40's for 12 and then drop to the
25's for 12). Do the same thing with front raises. Then pick two
exercises for rear delts and superset them together in the 12 repetition
range for three sets. Finish up with three to four sets of shrugs
(barbell, dumbbells, smith machine, or Hammer).

Day 5 (Arms) - Start with three sets of rope pushdowns at 20 repetitions
each. This is not supposed to be easy. You should fail at 20. The go to
skull crusher (incline or flat) and do three working sets in the 10 to 12
repetition range. Finish with a fourth set of 20 repetitions. Next up is
underhand pushdown (cable) for three drop sets at 10 repetitions (eg. 10
repetition at 150lbs and drop to 10 repetitions at 70lbs). Finish with
three sets of weighted triceps dips between benches for sets of 12. Start
biceps with standing straight-bar curls for three sets of 10 to 12
repetitions. Finish with a fourth set of 20 repetitions. Then go to
alternating dumbbell curls for 8 repetitions per side - squeeze and
control! Then go to preacher curls for three sets of 12 repetitions.
Finish with one set of e-z bar curls for 100 repetitions.

Day 6 (Back And Legs)- I will do both workouts combined above with no rest inbetween sets just back for each body group/exercise.

I am doing calves at least three days per week. Punishing them
with different machines, different rep ranges, holding, squeezing,
anything that hurts.

Doing four exercises for abdominals at least three days per week.

Cardiovascular activity - 45 mins of moderate stairs at the start of workout
and or bad joints walk on incline.

Peace ✌️

Thats a good cycle for cutting but can be heavily improved upon.  Not saying that in a derogatory manner at all, just is a basic cycle in my experience over the past two decades of being in gear.  Just is more of a “basic cutting cycle” in my opinion, but my opinion is skewered as I have ran some ridiculous stacks over the years.  It is a very effective cycle though.

I see the short acting stuff on there which most people lean towards, but I am a firm believer that you can avoid the Prop’s and Acetate’s and do just as well, if not even better with a few tweaks.  Here is the last true cutting cycle I ran back in 2018 at the age of 45, and got me into ridiculously low body fat without sacrificing size or strength:

500mg Sustanon weekly

400mg Tren E weekly

600mg Masteron E weekly

225mg Sten weekly

100 - 150mg Stanzolol daily

140mcg Clenbuterol daily (Lots of H2O and potassium mandatory NO EXCEPTIONS)

Peptides:  CJC1295 no Dac with Ipamorelin, IGF1-lr3, and MGF.  

Anti E:  Letrozole

Thyroid:  T3 

Sarms:  Anadrine, SR9009 and RAD140.

HGH:  2 IU daily 7 days per week.

Diet had to be spot on and water intake huge.  Please keep in mind that this is by no means a pro style cycle for contest prep and is a rather all encompassing stack of gear.  

I’m 6’ tall and I began with a body weight of 273 (very lean - abs showing) and got to an amazing 248 with 3.8% BF peak (carried around 4-4.6% for last 8 weeks).  No loss in strength as I bench into the mid 500’s for working sets and leg press shy of 2,600 for working sets in quads each and every week to name a couple.

This stack was hard on me at this age, even though comparably to past bulking stacks this was child’s play.  

Peptides and SARMS being added in allowed me to see results I was amazed by.  Wish I would have dabbled in them many years ago, but have enjoyed for the past 3-4 years.

Keep the major body parts to once per week, cardio twice per day, and abs/intercostals and obliques 5 days per week.  I like to do an early morning workout (5AM - 6:30AM )on an empty stomach where I hit cardio and abs and then come back in the afternoon (3PM - 4PM) and hit my weights when I am cutting.

Everyone has their ways and what works for them and I fully respect that.  All good, and in all honesty, this stack is not for a beginner.

Blood work is mandatory in any cycle.  Never have had any irregular panels or EKG’s (heart).  

Any cutting cycle with gear, especially either of these stacks, you need to really be careful during the first 5-10 days as if you go too hard, you’ll dehydrate and end up with a quick trip to ER for some tests and a good saline drip.  Be careful, drink lots of water, get good sleep and listen to your body.  

Good luck!

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!