

Nov 9, 2012
It's the 21st Century. No one, absolutely no one, but especially those in any modern 1st World Country, should ever have to be in pain: There are so many real options out there doctors have at their disposal (and I'm not talking about those medications that have the potential side effect of easing pain, which seem to be the 'Pain Management Standard' these days).

When my mother was dying of lung cancer her doctor said he wouldn't give her any Opiate pain medications because he was afraid that she would become addicted! She was 71 at the time, had a couple of months to live, and was in severe pain (which caused her to remain bedridden)... So my dad and I found her a real doctor to control her pain. Thankfully, she died peacefully under the influence of M-phine 4 years ago to date today.

My friend's mother, who is 87, was just denied pain medication by her doctor (for her lower back) because he said she could become addicted to it! So, instead of walking, which she loves to do, she's subject to using a wheelchair when we all go out shopping or to fairs/festivals in the summer.

In 1979 I fell down a large snow mound (which was about 12'-15' high) in my grammar school playground, and severely injured my neck and jaw. I was on Valium for years, which worked great to reduce muscle spasm. Then as our medical culture changed over time (and my doctors as well), so did my medications. From ones that actually worked (like the Valium), to just about every lame and useless medication known to Mankind (Neurontin, Relafen, Vioxx, Celebrex, Flexaril, Elavil, Lyrica, Skelaxin, 800mg Ibuprofen, Ultram, Ultracet, Benadryl, Prednisone, etc). I've had more corticosteroid injections into my neck, head, and jaw then I even want to think about. I've had a number of the nerves at C2, C3, and C4 burned out in my neck time and time again. I have had numerous dental surgical procedures. I had been on N-rco 5mg/3x Day for a while, but my doctor insists the medication is dangerous and reduced it to 5mg/2x Day. The in early September, she said she would not re-new my prescription. Mind you, I am not an addict, nor have I ever abused my medication. While I am finally to the point where I will be having surgery in January, 2013, in the interim, I have decided to take care of my own medical needs. I figured I'm smart, and after all I was a Pre-Med student at one time, so why not trust my own judgement: I have learned that our medical system is way too dysfunctional, and that no one will take of me better than myself. Thankfully I have found this site, and have read page after page here, doing my homework.

My Diagnosis----


-Severe Degenerative Joint Disease of the Cervical Spine.

-Severe Cervical Neuroforaminal Stenosis C2-C7.

-Cervical Facet Syndrome C2-3, Right Side - Occipital Neuralgia.

-Chronic C6-C7 radicolupathy.

-Straightening, indicating muscular spasm.

-Diffuse disc protrusion of C3-C4; this is most severe at the left paracentral aspect, measuring approximately 5mm. This is causing impengement on the bilateral lateral recesses, left greater than right.

-Diffuse disc bulge at C4-C5 with a superimposed left paracentral disc protrusion measuring 4mm. This is causing impengement on the left lateral recesses as well as anterior epidural impengement on the dural sac.

-Diffuse disc bulge/protrusion at C5-C6. This is causing impengement on the bilateral lateral recesses.

-Amputation of the C5 nerve root sleeves bilaterally.


-Bilateral anterior sublaxation without reduction.


-Chiari Type 1 Malformation

-Empty Sella Syndrome

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. xenxra @ xenxra: @Bizz fed board member waller said yesterday he doesn't see a good case for rolling out a cbdc
  2. Bizz @ Bizz: Losing faith….
  3. Bizz @ Bizz: @DerailedFisherman i believe it’s the us central bank digital currency connected to fed now.
  4. PHXINC @ PHXINC: Please do not even mention PHX on this shoutbox. We appreciate it loves. Unless we needa ran through. But that aint gonna happen. Im so happy with our current DBG base. Goodbye scammers. Go play chutes and ladders w your old vendors. ;) Man i got a feeling our thread is about to blow soon. Well even more so...lets just wait and see. And got some arrivals that will be fun i think. ;)
  5. G @ gigiwink143: Xanax
  6. xenxra @ xenxra: a huge chunk of the cost i pay with these firms is to offset the costs of their compliancy tools and they're also in a position to draft out a significantly more comprehensive report that i could use during the litigation process when i inevitably end up having to take this to court.
  7. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon @uncharted i mean you have to consider the landscape these days compared to ten years ago. they send these coins through bridges, dexes, mixers, swappers - all sorts of crap. part of the reason i think i have a chance is bc these people apparently aren't experienced enough to know they could have just withdrawn all my funds straight to a DEX for XMR and they'd be ghosts but they're wallet hopping the BTC to ETH/USDT.
  8. DerailedFisherman @ DerailedFisherman: @Bizz what is USBC
  9. uncharted @ uncharted: @xenxra $200 an hour to "analize the blockchain" is outrageous. I don't know how they got you wether just basic phishing, spearphishing, javascript drive by, or as I said threres many ways. They got me one time years ago and since then it's been straight linux with expecerything compartmentalized in VM's. QUBES would be the best thogh in terms of security
  10. Bizz @ Bizz: Anyone thoughts on USBC being released in two days?
  11. K @ knofflebon: @xenxra damn, you would hope if they charge that much that they wouldn't charge you unless they're successful. That sucks man.
  12. Bizz @ Bizz: @xenxra just wrote something on PHX page that I think applies to your situation as well. I wish I could help, although Lyft has offered my cybersecurity school and in 14 weeks I’ll join the fight lol!
  13. A @ AnnaSofia: Man that sucks sorry @xenra it’s a crazy world with all that stuff. That’s horrible. No chump change either. And to think I was freaking out thinking I lost $350 the other day.
  14. Bizz @ Bizz: @xenxra holy shit dude, I’m sorry to hear that. Makes anything I’m worried about child’s play.
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @AnnaSofia not related, scammer claiming my coinbase account was compromised engineered me and took 100k
  16. A @ AnnaSofia: @xenra is this something h that happened to you while attempting to place magazine orders or not related?
  17. S @ SoopaFireGuy8: Is there anyone offering samples atm?
  18. S @ SoopaFireGuy8: Yeah I just got rugged for $300 so I know how it feels. I’m sorry it’s something you’re dealing with.
  19. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: I hope you end up getting it back, it blows my mind how much technology is capable of
  20. xenxra @ xenxra: i looked into hiring a reputable PI firm that specializes in tracing crypto with LE partners but they want $200 + $175/hr so i'm not particularly enthused about that knowing they could do a bunch of work just to tell me "yeah your money's gone" and then i'm out even more money from paying them to basically tell me that.