Question about getting off long acting opioids?


Jul 10, 2023
Ok so I was trying to switch from fetty to subs recently but the fetty lasts longer than H in the system so even when I try to take a sub at 3 days I go into precip.
I ended up on methadone because of it. Now I'm thinking of how to get off. If I start taking a short acting "Zene" would that help me get back onto my subs faster. I heard zenes you tend to get sick the same day. So technically I can take a sub then correct? I can get off the subs no problem but these long acting fetty and methadone I'm struggling .
Any words of wisdom are appreciated
Ok so I was trying to switch from fetty to subs recently but the fetty lasts longer than H in the system so even when I try to take a sub at 3 days I go into precip.
I ended up on methadone because of it. Now I'm thinking of how to get off. If I start taking a short acting "Zene" would that help me get back onto my subs faster. I heard zenes you tend to get sick the same day. So technically I can take a sub then correct? I can get off the subs no problem but these long acting fetty and methadone I'm struggling .
Any words of wisdom are appreciated
No.. I was addicted to suboxone for 4+ years... I waited a couple days until I started withdrawing fairly bad, then I started taking kratom (a higher quality and reliable brand/type), and poof, withdraws literally obliterated.. I know it sounds hard to believe for some ppl because kratom is not that strong, but if you get a high quality (you don't even need an extract, those can sometime be as strong as low dose morphine/oxy's) and take ~5-6grams, and you wait until you have restless legs/body syndrome, muscles aching, cold sweats... then mix ~6 grams powder in water and you have to stir it many times to get it to mix completely (I find drinking it directly more effective than capsules or any other ingestion route, it's kinda nasty if you're not used to it, but if you know it will ease it take away withdraws, you will do anything to rid that shit honestly), then you down that drink.. within 15 minutes you're body will be in utter bliss, not super high typically, but the relief from those withdraw symptoms almost completely taken away... it is /was like heaven my man... though everyone has different experiences, I would NEVER EVER been able to get off of suboxone without switching to kratom for a few months, then easily doing a slow taper of that months later.. a -zene will set you back my friend...

Hope this helps =}
No.. I was addicted to suboxone for 4+ years... I waited a couple days until I started withdrawing fairly bad, then I started taking kratom (a higher quality and reliable brand/type), and poof, withdraws literally obliterated.. I know it sounds hard to believe for some ppl because kratom is not that strong, but if you get a high quality (you don't even need an extract, those can sometime be as strong as low dose morphine/oxy's) and take ~5-6grams, and you wait until you have restless legs/body syndrome, muscles aching, cold sweats... then mix ~6 grams powder in water and you have to stir it many times to get it to mix completely (I find drinking it directly more effective than capsules or any other ingestion route, it's kinda nasty if you're not used to it, but if you know it will ease it take away withdraws, you will do anything to rid that shit honestly), then you down that drink.. within 15 minutes you're body will be in utter bliss, not super high typically, but the relief from those withdraw symptoms almost completely taken away... it is /was like heaven my man... though everyone has different experiences, I would NEVER EVER been able to get off of suboxone without switching to kratom for a few months, then easily doing a slow taper of that months later.. a -zene will set you back my friend...

Hope this helps =}
I've got off subs once before with good kratom.

Ok so I was trying to switch from fetty to subs recently but the fetty lasts longer than H in the system so even when I try to take a sub at 3 days I go into precip.
I ended up on methadone because of it. Now I'm thinking of how to get off. If I start taking a short acting "Zene" would that help me get back onto my subs faster. I heard zenes you tend to get sick the same day. So technically I can take a sub then correct? I can get off the subs no problem but these long acting fetty and methadone I'm struggling .
Any words of wisdom are appreciated
I don't have experience with zenes; did dope when it was real and actually started to quit because I felt like the synthetics were getting nasty quick. And they did lol. I'd have died a long time ago. I'm commenting because you're asking about jumping on zenes just to get on subs.


I admire the innocence tbh, but provocation upon provocation is what leads to mortality. And lack of education is going to speed up this process. You will die playing with zenes. Not anybody. You will though.

I'm all for what people do to their bodies, but not knowing the Ins and outs is tandemount to being poisoned.

And I'm sick of people dying and then other responsible users being targeted. That part really pisses me off because I had to order bromazolam from across the world just because people are so reckless that they can't be trusted to go and purchase alprazolam from walgreens.

Kratom works great. And the best part is that it's addict-proof. You can't die from it. You'll just throw up and sweat and say "damn never again". No ER. No life support. No losing everything. Hmm.

I feel for anyone stuck. I know best how that feels but I'm living proof that you have to pull through
Thanks for being one of the guys that give a fuck about a fellow addict. Most people just do what they do and don't give a shit about the next guy.

I just need to figure out a way to get off this methadone. I'm on 120mg atm but I can't risk getting sick because I do have a decent job.

I was just thinking if I got myself on a short acting opiate even low dose that once I get the methadone out of the system then I'll be able to use the short acting zene to get sick quick. Then being able to jump to suboxone and after being on subs for a little bit then I could jump to the sublecade shot and do that for 2 months, then not go back for the sublicade shot for a 3rd time.

You don't get sick coming off that shot. My girlfriend was on the sublicade shot for over 1 year and still has subs in her system. She came off the shot with zero withdrawals.

I used to take kratom for a long time. I was a kratom tester for many companies back when r/kratom allowed sourcing. I would do detailed reviews about whatever they sent me for free. I had tons of kratom on hand all the time, hundreds of strains. I figured out that getting off subs was easy as pie to get off of with no withdrawal because you can take it while you still take the subs. Like you said between 4-6 tbls I did that every 4-6 hours. Mostly red strains but during the day I would mix reds with whites in the morning and red with green in the afternoon. All red at night. The sedating reds. The reds during the day I would pick a not so sedating red to compliment the white or green. It really worked great.

Personally I've tried with herion once and it didn't work and that's why I would be reluctant to try that with methadone.

If you were on r/kratom 2016-17 I was
I was pretty well known on there. I still get messages time to time about it. That's also the place where I learned that there were research chem vendors and I went off the deep end and said peace to kratom. Haven't really been back down that road since..
Ah shit yeah I cringe when I see the word methadone anywhere. It's got to be the worst ever. I remember getting a job and not being able to do to the clinic, so I decided to hop off only 75mg per day for 2 months. I had maybe a 20 of dope and thought ok I'll just dose twice today and I'll be fine..

..that withdrawal hit me so hard it was the worst moment of my life. I remember being on the truck and telling the guys I was hungover. My face was white. That withdrawal was brutal and those were acute symptoms. The psychological effects are unique in that no other opioid messes with your mind like methadone does. That told me to steer clear. If you're on a do or die situation and you're dead without it, then it can save your life. But it's just as soul stripping as any of the other opioids. Kratom Is the only exception since it's a natural partial agonist. There's no such thing. That's why kratom is arguably, imo, good for you.

I'm really sensitive so when I say something is horrible, take that with a grain of salt. However methadone is the worst of the worst imo because people actually accept it. They accept not dying in exchange for selling their souls...just my 2 cents
Thanks for being one of the guys that give a fuck about a fellow addict. Most people just do what they do and don't give a shit about the next guy.

I just need to figure out a way to get off this methadone. I'm on 120mg atm but I can't risk getting sick because I do have a decent job.

I was just thinking if I got myself on a short acting opiate even low dose that once I get the methadone out of the system then I'll be able to use the short acting zene to get sick quick. Then being able to jump to suboxone and after being on subs for a little bit then I could jump to the sublecade shot and do that for 2 months, then not go back for the sublicade shot for a 3rd time.

You don't get sick coming off that shot. My girlfriend was on the sublicade shot for over 1 year and still has subs in her system. She came off the shot with zero withdrawals.

I used to take kratom for a long time. I was a kratom tester for many companies back when r/kratom allowed sourcing. I would do detailed reviews about whatever they sent me for free. I had tons of kratom on hand all the time, hundreds of strains. I figured out that getting off subs was easy as pie to get off of with no withdrawal because you can take it while you still take the subs. Like you said between 4-6 tbls I did that every 4-6 hours. Mostly red strains but during the day I would mix reds with whites in the morning and red with green in the afternoon. All red at night. The sedating reds. The reds during the day I would pick a not so sedating red to compliment the white or green. It really worked great.

Personally I've tried with herion once and it didn't work and that's why I would be reluctant to try that with methadone.

If you were on r/kratom 2016-17 I was
I was pretty well known on there. I still get messages time to time about it. That's also the place where I learned that there were research chem vendors and I went off the deep end and said peace to kratom. Haven't really been back down that road since..
And np man I know how It is. And it's hard because pretty much nobody understands it unless they've lived it. I've lived it. And the best reward in life is truly helping others. That's what keeps me clean to where i can manage life because i get that rush from helping people it's true. So that becomes your drug. We're all addicts. Just need to find what you can be responsibly addicted to and if you're lucky, they'll even pay you lol. This world is crazy. Just Need to find your place and I think that's what I see most in addicts is that they're people who don't feel like they have a place in society but they yearn for it. I was one of the addicts who never cared and that's probably why I was able to get clean. Nowadays I do kratom and was messing with bromazolam but I've been taking a break letting my receptors heal from years and years of torture
I agree the only reason I got on it this year is because I knew I wasn't going to be able to afford my habit during the x-mas season. We also had family flying in staying for a while and I wasn't able to work. I tried getting off subs before the holiday season using the Bernice method(micro-dosing w/ suboxone) which had worked for someone I knew but they didn't have a big habit so it was quite easy for them. I had a way larger habit and just couldn't get it.

The last ditch effort was methadone. The plan was to do it for a week but now it's 3 months 120mg and still using here & there. I hate all this shit and want off.

I was clean off opiates for 5 years and all it took was a friend giving me a bag (which didn't get me high so I kept trying other dealers searching for some feeling aside from slight sedation. By time I realized that euphoria wasn't apart of the game anymore, slap now I have a habit on some shit you have to wait 3-4 days before getting sick and if you get sick it can last for 4 weeks of hell.

I didn't know what to do because every time I would wait till I'm not feeling well to take a sub, I would still go into precipitated w/d.
I felt so trapped. I'm still on the quest to get off with little w/d
I agree the only reason I got on it this year is because I knew I wasn't going to be able to afford my habit during the x-mas season. We also had family flying in staying for a while and I wasn't able to work. I tried getting off subs before the holiday season using the Bernice method(micro-dosing w/ suboxone) which had worked for someone I knew but they didn't have a big habit so it was quite easy for them. I had a way larger habit and just couldn't get it.

The last ditch effort was methadone. The plan was to do it for a week but now it's 3 months 120mg and still using here & there. I hate all this shit and want off.

I was clean off opiates for 5 years and all it took was a friend giving me a bag (which didn't get me high so I kept trying other dealers searching for some feeling aside from slight sedation. By time I realized that euphoria wasn't apart of the game anymore, slap now I have a habit on some shit you have to wait 3-4 days before getting sick and if you get sick it can last for 4 weeks of hell.

I didn't know what to do because every time I would wait till I'm not feeling well to take a sub, I would still go into precipitated w/d.
I felt so trapped. I'm still on the quest to get off with little w/d
I'm not a doctor obviously, but a suggestion regimen if I may..of course if your "personal physician" writes off on this. Or whoever 🙂.

I would get green and red kratom. Super speciosa or Krabot are the two staples for me. Start off high dose. 1 Oz- 2 Oz per day for a few weeks. I'm not one of those who are going to suggest 3 grams per serving lol. We're addicts! Take it on an empty stomach and make it count. Toss and wash it. Drink some tea. Even sublingual (yes I said sublingual) that's how they take it on Thailand and its more potent I got to agree. Shorter duration though.

Also...GABAPENTIN! Be responsible with it but gabbys will save you from hot flashes, nausea, anxiety, basically everything.

Baclofen. For the first couple weeks you're going to feel a little creaky like you just might be able to crack in half lol. Baclofen for 2 or 3 weeks. Start higher immediately begin tapering. (The goal is to shed addictions not start them)

Weed or one of the safer synthetics if you cannot find weed. Use to induce hunger and reduce anxiety and help with sleep.

Fresh water. Apples. Oranges. Eggs with toast. Toast with peanut butter. Have to rebuild your stomach properly after that poison has been hanging around in your system.

Exercise. Blood flow. Doesn't matter what you Do. Just need to let your body know that blood is pumping.

Meditation/spiritual/Chakra/occult. The last step. The ones who kick addictions and keep them kicked are typically spiritual. Thats completely up to you but I'd recommend it.

Mind body soul.

Good luck if you have any specific questions I can give you an entire regimen. Love helping
I agree the only reason I got on it this year is because I knew I wasn't going to be able to afford my habit during the x-mas season. We also had family flying in staying for a while and I wasn't able to work. I tried getting off subs before the holiday season using the Bernice method(micro-dosing w/ suboxone) which had worked for someone I knew but they didn't have a big habit so it was quite easy for them. I had a way larger habit and just couldn't get it.

The last ditch effort was methadone. The plan was to do it for a week but now it's 3 months 120mg and still using here & there. I hate all this shit and want off.

I was clean off opiates for 5 years and all it took was a friend giving me a bag (which didn't get me high so I kept trying other dealers searching for some feeling aside from slight sedation. By time I realized that euphoria wasn't apart of the game anymore, slap now I have a habit on some shit you have to wait 3-4 days before getting sick and if you get sick it can last for 4 weeks of hell.

I didn't know what to do because every time I would wait till I'm not feeling well to take a sub, I would still go into precipitated w/d.
I felt so trapped. I'm still on the quest to get off with little w/d
And dude I completely understand the horror of avoiding a precipitated wd. That's why I couldn't fw subs anymore. I would have to be GREEN in order to take one. I would literally need to be where i was one step away from needing to be hospitalized from dehydration and then I'd be able to take it. Please remove yourself from that horror sooner than later. It feels like it's something that might be nagging at your conscience. If that is the case...submit. I know that feeling and it doesn't go away. Ignoring that feeling is torture because that feeling never goes away. And you seem intelligent which in this case, makes it 10x worse. If you were stupid, you could lie to your conscience and basically bullshit your soul. I don't think you can though. Your souls calling you. Just my opinion
Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
  2. rosetrip33 @ rosetrip33: Hey anyone there
  3. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  6. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  7. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  9. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  10. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  11. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  12. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  13. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
  14. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: Lmao 🤣
  16. Z @ zzaps94: Hey guys sorry I misunderstood what does shoutbox was, Hope you guys are all having a great day out there
  17. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: The roland 808. Or the hamond b-3 organ
  18. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: What’s the most important drum machine/kit to have changed music and why? I think maybe SP-12 or the 1200, but kinda want to say drumulator or Rhythm Maker King 2 gave us some classic shit.
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @DocPep yes. just use or snote
  20. Terrylolol @ Terrylolol: Hope everyone has a fantastic week!