Question re: Ketamine vials

Jun0 React0r

Oct 3, 2021
Hopefully this is the right forum to ask. Mods please move if not :)

I'd be curious to hear people's experiences purchasing ketamine in vials (Anesket, Gedeon Richter, etc). Are they frequently inert or some unadvertised substance?

I have a full set of reagents, so presumably testing should be no different than powder? But I won't be able to tell potency or find any other nastiness in there. I don't generally IM, so I'm particularly cautious about this.

@Jun0 React0r For reagent testing i've always just let some evaporate first so i'm just testing powder.  Just squirt some on a little dish and let it sit out for awhile until it is just powder.  I've never had a issue quality wise with vials before, but i know people who've used heaps and definitely have their brand preference.  I think thats related more to the isomer mixtures than to potency, but it's hard to say.  Hard to get real info on what the mixes are.  Oh, and DanceSafe has a brand new reagent for testing ketamine that differentiates it from other dissos clearly.  It's called the Morris Reagent. 

@Jun0 React0r For reagent testing i've always just let some evaporate first so i'm just testing powder.  Just squirt some on a little dish and let it sit out for awhile until it is just powder.  I've never had a issue quality wise with vials before, but i know people who've used heaps and definitely have their brand preference.  I think thats related more to the isomer mixtures than to potency, but it's hard to say.  Hard to get real info on what the mixes are.  Oh, and DanceSafe has a brand new reagent for testing ketamine that differentiates it from other dissos clearly.  It's called the Morris Reagent. 
Wow, letting it evaporate first on the spotplate is a great idea, I'm embarrassed it didn't occur to me ;) I have some Morris A&B (from WIM Sci Labs) and some Folin, so I should be ok to test.

I'm relieved to hear you haven't seen any quality issues with the vials. Someone else also reminded me that IM vials have those little tin caps, so presumably it's not hard to tell if it's been adulterated.

Thanks again for the advice!

@Jun0 React0r  I have yet to hear of entirely faked ket vials, but it of course wouldn't surprise me.  But with how much easier powder is, both to transport and fake, i imagine it's extremely rare if ever.  That said, i always reagent and fent strip everything i get.  And yeah, if they don't have the little caps on them something is definitely wrong and do not use.  I am sure some bozos have done that before, like getting a real vial emptying it and refilling it with whatever.  Fuck that mess. 

Hopefully this is the right forum to ask. Mods please move if not :)

I'd be curious to hear people's experiences purchasing ketamine in vials (Anesket, Gedeon Richter, etc). Are they frequently inert or some unadvertised substance?

I have a full set of reagents, so presumably testing should be no different than powder? But I won't be able to tell potency or find any other nastiness in there. I don't generally IM, so I'm particularly cautious about this.
Where are you finding such a wide selection of vials? That's my question! There's only one place I know I can get vials and I have no choice in branding :(

I was wondering where to post this and I think maybe I found it because I've seen this substance in a number of vendor lists and I wonder what a prudent person might do with it? I've seen things and read things about it being good for pain and being good for depression. But I know nothing about it. Ie dosing and and ot is done l is it  Sub-Q, Im? And what it's like when you do whatever you do with it.

I don't plan on trying any time in the near future I just wanted to find out what is what.

The only thing I've ever seen it used for was to put an animal under so the vet could work on it so just educate me a little bit that's all I'm looking for thank you very much for reading this and stay out of trouble.


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