

Jul 27, 2019

Gonna go ahead and make a more official thread for this operation.  This is the retail store for Lizard Labs.  I suggest using their non-NL shipping, which ships neither from Spain or NL.  Or at least with mine it didnt.  Be aware they WILL NOT reship if your product is seized.  And also be aware that products are seized in sender country as well as receiving, so you wont always receive an LL.   So never spend more than you can afford to lose.  Take care and stay safe everyone...

June 10 2022 update:  Ok, so Rarechems seems to have rebranded under very weird and sketchy circumstances.  Really hard to know the true story since LizardLabs and others are saying one thing and Rarechems is saying something totally different.  Anyways, the new site currently is freshchems.shop.  I definitely no longer recommend them and would tell everyone to proceed with extreme caution at this time. 

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@DoomKitty So do you use the "Non-NL International Shipping (Worldwide)" that costs 20 EUR?  I think I know what you mean, but I want to clarify.  Also, do you have any rule-of-thumb upper bounds on total weight?  Like 10g or something?

These guys have some wild stuff...

@vs322 Yes, the 20 euro shipping.  I keep my orders under 3g whenever i order from europe.  I know lots of people order much higher, but i prefer only losing a little if it gets seized!

Still worrying about the 3f@ making it here safe and sound. @DoomKitty have you gotten something recently from them? What's the time frame it takes to get to the states, non NL?

I'm just being antsy... Ignore me :)

i get antsy tooooo!! the one i got recently was 13 days.  Another otw.  My book tell me i ordered from them earlier this year b4 they briefly stopped shipping to US and that order took 6 weeks but that was the beginning of pandemic.  Shipping is all over the place rn.  🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞 May the packs land swift and unscathed!! 

Guess this is only day 11. My dumb self had to do it over a weekend and nothing got processed til the following Monday. May the packs land swift and unscathed!!

Yeah, plus their non-NL shipping only goes out once a week, and im unsure if "shipped" means they transferred it to other shipping place, or the item actually was shipped to US.  Im thinking the former.

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I just saw they have a banner at the top of the site referencing massive USPS delays and linking to an article: https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/usaandmain/2020/09/11/whos-getting-hit-hard-by-post-office-delays/3461404001/

Their prices are a little higher than others but I like that they perform NMR and GCMS tests on all products, and make the actual reports available.  Can anyone comment on the quality of their products compared to some of the other vendors?

I've tried to order from them several times but haven't due to shipping restrictions, vacations or other untimely events.

Y'all. I got it. 3f@. 🥲

9/7 donated

9/10 untracked non NL sent

9/26 in da box east coast usa

I haven't tried it yet bc I need to relax on stims for a bit but this is like, the most exciting thing. Giddy to see and try once I recover. (see my thread from August 23 in who offers it)

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Thanks for starting this thread. It's a alternative for CC. I used to order from LL back in the day before they went wholesale and stopped shipping to the US. I'm going to make an order since they have the A L A D. I'll keep yall updated

Has anybody researched their 4F-MPH? It's awfully pricey compared to BJC/LF or Predator but if it's really worth it I may just have to take the plunge as this has become one of my favorites ... LL has a pretty solid rep for quality. 

@Pilliam Who is "LF"? 

And as an aside, did you ever try any of that "powdered-sugar" 4F-MPH from Purple Ghost Chems (before they turned sketchy)?  That stuff was *amazing*! 

I never ordered from purpleghostchems; I've tried a lot of different batches of 4F and some have been amazing, some have been garbage  @swifTinator

Yeah, I wonder where PGC got that stuff.  Let me know if the Rarechems product is anything like it :-)

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. M @ Mammasboi123: Welcome to the fam, @GABAtastic!
  2. G @ GABAtastic: Good morning DBG fam! Im proud to be part of the family!!
  3. UFOtofu @ UFOtofu: 🌏+🌍+🌎=🫶🏽
  4. H @ hotdog45: @rockychoc my partner does logo design for a living. DM me if your interested. Hope everyone had a great holiday
  5. rockychoc @ rockychoc: Morning DBG! Do we have any logo makers up in here?
  6. CnC5 @ CnC5: @oddhyena69 Merry Christmas to you as well!
  7. O @ oddhyena69: merry Christmas everyone, hope yall had a great day!!
  8. Jason @ Jason: Merry Xmas :)
  9. aBBazaBBa123 @ aBBazaBBa123: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! I hope everyone is well today. Peace N Love
  10. CnC5 @ CnC5: Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄 everyone here at DBG!
  11. xenxra @ xenxra: 4f-mph suppliers dropped it in favor of 4-metmp. pretty sure all the 4f left floating around is from month's old supply.
  12. UFOtofu @ UFOtofu: Whatever happened to 4F-MPH? IMPOSSIBLE to find lately
  13. A @ abadon: Merry Christmas everyone!
  14. P @ Pan-Am_FltRsk: Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy the reading
  15. P @ psychedpsych: I’m new to the site, but still wish a happy holidays as we begin a new year of learning and growing!
  16. P @ player72: Happy Holidays and New Year everyone!
  17. Professor_ @ Professor_: Good morning! May your heart be full of joy and your mind clear with positivity today.
  18. CnC5 @ CnC5: Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄 & A Happy & Prosperous New Year To The DBG FAM I Hope Yall Have A Great One!
  19. H @ hotdog45: @Lokemer: No worries my friend!! Happy holidays to and all dbg
  20. L @ Lokemer: @hotdog45 noted and thx for the heads up. Edited!