Slow Withdrawal From Diazepam


Aug 16, 2011
Slow withdrawal from 40mg diazepam.

Adjust to your needs.



20mg 20mg 40mg

18mg 20mg 38mg

18mg 18mg 36mg

16mg 18mg 34mg

16mg 16mg 32mg

14mg 16mg 30mg

14mg 14mg 28mg

12mg 14mg 26mg

12mg 12mg 24mg

10mg 12mg 22mg

10mg 10mg 20mg

8mg 10mg 18mg

8mg 8mg 16mg

6mg 8mg 14mg

5mg 8mg 13mg

4mg 8mg 12mg

3mg 8mg 11mg

2mg 8mg 10mg

1mg 8mg 9mg

- 8mg 8mg

- 7mg 7mg

- 6mg 6mg

- 5mg 5mg

- 4mg 4mg

- 3mg 3mg

- 2mg 2mg

- 1mg 1mg

- - -

The above is for information only. Use your' own judgement. Be safe!!!

I'm thinking of stopping, ive definatly developed a diaz addiction. I sometimes really hit it hard (some days 60mgs out of boredom), i dont even know what my "standardized" dose is,

I can kind of get by on 50mg a day (I used them for 2 months off and on, but I stopped abruptly 4 weeks ago, 6 days later, I thought I needed an ambulance, luckily I had ordered a 28 pack 3 days before and they arrived the next day.

I ordered picamilon as I heard it helps, also magnesium citrate, l-theamine, GABA, fish oil, vitamin c caps, B complex, 500mg caps of niacin, multi vitamin + iron (I did a lot of research).

As I only abused it for two months, do you think I should try to put myself on a "standardized" dose before I taper? I shold I just wait until WD's kick in (WDs start daily now) and then take 10mg and see what happens?

I am an alcoholic (sober at the moment) so I cant use ethanol as a sub.

Any advice? Would greatly help. I reckon I can get by on 45mgs a day if I start tomorrow.

The thing is im a student in uni, I cant let anyone know what I am going through/taking or reducing.

Also, I am already on mirtazapine from the doctor, which helped when I thought I needed an ambulance. Doctor does not know I use benzos, as he treated me once for alco withdrawl with librium. I cant approach him about this, he would hospitalise me for a detox etc...

But I am functioning, just having to carry pills on me during the day.

Im really worried.

I also wondering, with my suppliments, If I can power through it, by dropping by 5mg a week, or would that be stupid?

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I have been in a similar situation to you mediocre!  Even with libbys to come off alcohol in my stupid younger years, though I do drink socially nowadays, only occasionally. I am also on mirtazipine at the moment and am also tapering from Di@z. Thors plan is very good, but if I could point you in the direction of Dr Ashtons benz guide, compare them. Web search will bring up instant information. It lists tapering from just about every benz imaginable, she is renowned for her research into this class of med. I would advise against dropping 5mg a week, that's too much in my opinion. Dr Ashtons guide has you dosing twice a day, Di@zzzzz has such a long half life that twice a day is enough, early stages you are dropping weekly rather easily I found, but I am finding the lower dose stages a little more challenging, and my last 2 dosage drops I have done fortnightly. It's better to go slower than too quickly also. 

Benzo dot org dot UK - withdrawal schedules

You want to look at schedule II

Can you brake a 5mg into 4 quarters, so you ruffle get 1mg pieces, or would it be better to get proper 1mg's? Haven't seen anywhere doing 1mg, not that i've noticed anyway.  

  When I was reading Dr Ashtons guide. She said to have a combination of 1,2 and 5mg, if I remember right. But that's I assume based on having proper pharmaceutical meds and being under Dr's supervision.        

No, it was 2mg 5mg and 10mg. A halved 5 is close enough for me, I am lucky to have sourced some 2mg and have kept them by for the lower end of the taper. For instance I am at the 8mg morning and 10mg evening stage, for that I am really just taking 7.5 mg morning as it's a 5mg and half of a 5mg, you could do it without the 2mg, would just involve a bit of precision pill cutting! I am keeping the 2mgs for when I reach 6mg, 4mg etc

No need for supervision either, you do it yourself or if you are desperate, go your your GP, though there are many reasons why you wouldn't want to of course. 

Ive taken mirtazapine and I knocked me sideways 45mg sublingualy.I felt absolutely mongued out on it.The morning  after I took it (it was prescribed to my then gf at the time) I was still fooked!).

I got up early and went food shopping abt 9am on a Sunday,to cut a long story short I came home after driving there and put all the shopping away and swiftly falling asleep. I awoke roughly an hr later telling my girlfriend I better be off and do the weekly shop.She said in amazement have a look in the fridge and kitchen cupboards,you can imagine my amazement when they were stacked full with loads of foodstuffs I don't even like!.

So I'd driven there and done a huge shop and I couldn't remember the drive there or even being in the supermarket,now imoa that is most dangerous  and my cc had been well overused!!!.

Let's just say I have never taken the said med again.I,ve also noticed that when my ex was on it she ballooned in size,of course me being the gentleman I am I never said anything about it but I have now found out weight gain is a side effect with this med,but my ex was always beautiful in my eyes some of her behaviour was not however....

Btw I'm far from perfect so I really can't go on too much about her behaviour anyway


Bliss. . . . . 

Slow withdrawal from 40mg diazepam.

Adjust to your needs.



20mg 20mg 40mg

18mg 20mg 38mg

18mg 18mg 36mg

16mg 18mg 34mg

16mg 16mg 32mg

14mg 16mg 30mg

14mg 14mg 28mg

12mg 14mg 26mg

12mg 12mg 24mg

10mg 12mg 22mg

10mg 10mg 20mg

8mg 10mg 18mg

8mg 8mg 16mg

6mg 8mg 14mg

5mg 8mg 13mg

4mg 8mg 12mg

3mg 8mg 11mg

2mg 8mg 10mg

1mg 8mg 9mg

- 8mg 8mg

- 7mg 7mg

- 6mg 6mg

- 5mg 5mg

- 4mg 4mg

- 3mg 3mg

- 2mg 2mg

- 1mg 1mg

- - -
This migt be too quick for some my fiend slowly slowly catches the monkey on your back ime...


I've been try to withdraw of Diazepam for 20 years so thanks might try this.


If I may, knowing of your situation, maybe try to tackle the N'trazepam before the ValEum.  There is also the option (and this might be good for you) to first gradually swap over from the doggies to ValEum.  The BNF will have you believe that Ten mg's of N'trazepam is equivalent to ten mg's of DiazEEpam.  I don't believe this to be true.  I would put the equivalency at 5mg's of N'trazepam for every 10mg's of DiazEEpam.  N'trazees are routinely distributed in 5mg form, this is most certainly the dose (or increments thereof) that many GP's will give to a patient.  Slowly titrate to DiazEEpam, maybe at 2 and a half N'trazees to 5mg's of Dz every two weeks until you are taking only Dz's (90mg's would sound about right, but less if you're comfortable with this) and then you can, in turn, work on the Dz's, without anymore concern and you should find that your sleeping isn't as affected as it otherwise maybe.

And then, prof Ashton is your woman, as has been said tho, a 5mg drop every two weeks is harsh and for many it will be to quick.  2mg's a week or every two weeks sounds more plausible and never be afraid to ask for a LibrEum (chlordiazepoxide) swap at ten mg's for ten mg's DZ'S.  Take regular breaks if need be too, just make sure that you never go back on your reduction unless it's ABSOLUTELY necessary.

I found that taking up a productive hobby like boxing or swimming, helped me.  Mediocre was bang on about taking supplements as well, they will help.  Keep going and reward yourself every week, you need to be your own best friend.  As I have said, get in touch Dude, if you're going for it and would like some support.

This goes for all you Dudes.  I have experienced a huge Benzo withdrawal and I know (outside of medical qualifications, understand that no-one can 100% give this unless they are a Dr and even then......) how things go.  Good Luck Everybody,

Mr Galls, 

In the west Nitrazepam is only available in 5mg form.

Mg for mg for myself I would say its more effective than diazepam but then again I only use it sporadically when I cant sleep.

Got a guide for me for 16mg of alpzzz a day?

Ive been able to kick alpzz before with Diaz but not kick benzos completely. To be honest I still need them for my anxiety. After this last batch of barz I have I'm going to use Clonaz and Diaz to slowly taper off. Will probably take me a year at this fecking point.

I reckon as long as your following your desire to kick it it doesnt matter how long it takes mate. It takes what it takes. In my experience from tapering with gp for something else it was done too quick for me and i ended up back at the beginning.  Stay positive and just do it at your pace and i reckon youll get it done.

I couldn't agree more, slowly slowly catchy monkey. I've been nearly 5 months now tapering, and nearly at an end, the higher doses are easier to drop at the beginning, but bit more discerning with the lower doses, dropped every 2-3 weeks after 30mg Di@zzz total dosage a day. Split into 2 doses, there's no need to dose more than twice a day with Di@zzz. I think the clonaz@@z will help you with the @lpzzz snoop,but give it a few days to build up, and then follow Ashtons guide from that to Di@zzz. It's taken me a while as I said, but I'm only on 10mg  a day now, one evening dose. I am really chuffed with myself, but I have been particularly strict. 

When I want to I'm able to but at present I have no desire to stop.

Im lowering my tram intake to a minimum first which I want to do slowly then I will start the quitting process. I have plenty of both taper meds available so at least I don't need to go on a spending spree ?

I couldn't agree more, slowly slowly catchy monkey. I've been nearly 5 months now tapering, and nearly at an end, the higher doses are easier to drop at the beginning, but bit more discerning with the lower doses, dropped every 2-3 weeks after 30mg Di@zzz total dosage a day. Split into 2 doses, there's no need to dose more than twice a day with Di@zzz. I think the clonaz@@z will help you with the @lpzzz snoop,but give it a few days to build up, and then follow Ashtons guide from that to Di@zzz. It's taken me a while as I said, but I'm only on 10mg  a day now, one evening dose. I am really chuffed with myself, but I have been particularly strict. 
Good man PTFC you really are getting there!,give yourself a pat on the back as you deserve to be chuffed with yourself.

It's been a long road but as usual will power and right timing is ESSENTIAL!!!.



Thanks for the advice big man.

I know I say I can munch 16mg etc but that's when I'm looking to get wasted.

I take around 8mg across the day and 2mg of lorazepam in the evening. I have no doubt that when I begin the tapering process there will be some dark times but I've watched my good friend PTFC do it so I know it can be done when you have the desire to quit.

Thanks for the advice big man.

I know I say I can munch 16mg etc but that's when I'm looking to get wasted.

I take around 8mg across the day and 2mg of lorazepam in the evening. I have no doubt that when I begin the tapering process there will be some dark times but I've watched my good friend PTFC do it so I know it can be done when you have the desire to quit.
Spot on snoop bud,you MUST have the desire to quit or at lest reduce your intake of xan especially!.

Good luck with your reduction/taper and I hope you find it as comfortable as possible.



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  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
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