Soma For Anxiety Gad Sad Agoraphobia As Benzo Replacement


Jan 1, 2013
Right now i am quitting the benzos and have been taking tramadol which works very well but has some nasty side effects with me personally . I was wondering if Soma would be something worth looking into.

I have never tried it before so any info on its effects is greatly appreciated.

I have had every benzo countless times, tramadol, percocet and vicodin if that helps with a comparison chart.

Thanks guys as always.

Im not going through detox of benzo I am just on a new med now but the tramadol makes it hard for me to urinate and I sweat a lot, I know this is a common side effect but i dont know if it will pass eventually. I drink a lottttttttttttttttttt of fluids so not being able to piss o command sucks. 

I just thought soma would be something to take the edge off but not put me in lala land like a strong benzo would.

Phenibut is probably the best answer, but it never did shit for me.

Soma is said to metabolize into meprobamate, which was a 1950s chill pill before benzos - which have a higher safety profile came out.  Soma, like narcs, can lower the seizure threshhold; whereas benzos are actually used - like in hospitals - to treat them; esp. clobazam/frisium or klons.  Most ERs and surgery centers prefer Ativan for that and other emergency symptoms that benzos are good for.

soma hits the same gaba receptors as benzos.  Phenibut and baclofen hit the other gaba subunit.

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  20. L @ Lokemer: @hotdog45 noted and thx for the heads up. Edited!