1) Diet. 2) cardio and weights split morninf and night unless you are feeling too sore or out of shape, in which case you still do it but jog or run a few miles at night instead of running with intermittent sprinting added in or whatever your idea of fun cardio is). 3) if you have mainly 1 and most of 2 down, your stack can be simple, but I’d stay away from peptides and cardarine for now and do what your body is familiar with and is backed by decades of medical research. If you can’t pin ED or EOD, do the following split into 2.5 injections per week of:
-250mg-500mg week test C or E; -masteron E 400-600mg/week; -Primobolan 500-600mg/week; -start or end last 8-10 weeks with Anavar 40-70mg/day upon post workout with cup of coffee and split second dose with morning coffee or before bed. (winstrol is fine, too, but Anavar is king. Winny might dry you out some but is just too toxic and will induce DNA level changes that can cause issues for renal and liver function on top of just being brutal on your liver. It shouldn’t be necessary if you’re diet is right with the compounds mentioned on your first time out).
-rhGH 2-3IU ED on empty stomach upon rising for two months before your cycle, for the 1.5-2 months you stay on cycle, and for the month you stop your compounds and begin PCT about two weeks later (Anavar being the exception - it can be ran up until a day or two before pct starts.)
Short ester version might look like this: 75mg/Test phenyl Prop, 50mg-75mg Nandrolone Phenyl Prop, and 100mg masteron propinioate EOD (or even ED, really) and it will cut you like a Turkey in 8-10 weeks. Preload with two months hGH and continue for a month after cycle (during PCT), and you’re a monster. Primobolan is the best and safest (masteron is safe as well but will give you power and mental well-being and primo needs longer cycles - like ideally 2 months or more at 500-600mg week. People use 200 to cheap out and don’t keep the shredded, solid muscle it will help you retain on a calorie deficient diet (and while all these compounds will do that as well, they won’t help you retain it for nearly as long or with the permanency that primo and to a lesser extent Anavar will.)
prepare to lose some hair if you’re susceptible to it, but side effects should be minimal and masteron should combat most of them, but a little proviron can help. Keep Exemestane on hand and tamoxifen and or clomid, too, just in case. And use two weeks of two administrations of 2500mg hcG or 5000mg hcG after these compounds have left your system. Use 25-50mg clomid for two to four weeks during this time as well. Check bloods beginning of cycle and end, as well as after PCT. listen to your body above all else. Treat sleep like diet - don’t fuck it up.