I've perfected this recipe over many years as an opiate enthusiast. Bon appetit!

- high quality, whole coffee beans (if still using Folgers, re-examine your life)
- Heavy cream or half & half
- 4oz grapefruit juice / 4oz cold water
- 7.5mg hydr0 or 5mg oxi (weekday dose) *may substitute 2-3 grams of kratom when stash is depleted
- Immediately upon waking, stumble into kitchen and mix 4oz water and 4oz grapefruit juice. Drink half the glass while prepping coffee (to lubricate throat, stimulate digestive enzymes, and maximize blood opiate levels by inhibiting Cyt.P450)
- Grind beans and scoop about 2-3Tbs into a french press (you want it strong)
- boil water. When it reaches a rolling boil, remove from heat and wait 15 seconds. Fill french press to desired level. brew 4 min, stirring twice.
- While brewing, take hydro/perc and chase with remaining water/juice blend
- Pour coffee into large mug. Add 1/4 cup cream (don't skip this step - a small amount of fat is neccessary for maximum opi absorption)
- Consume coffee while getting ready for work.