Supplementing your liver and kidneys


New member
Dec 26, 2020
Let's face it, medications can tax your liver and kidneys.  I get my yearly tests and they stay normal, I believe because I take just a couple supplements that strengthen them.  I am not a doctor, I am just telling you what I take to help.  Feel free to share if you take anything.  I take Standard Process, Arginex, choline and Livaplex.  I also take a great liver supplement by Thorne Research S.A.T  and Professional Botanicals Kidney.  All these items can be bought on Amazon or by doing a Google search.  

WOW, i think that Livaplex is the only thing ive ever seen in my life that contained bovine prostrate!!!  I take inositol and milk thistle for the liver.  Ill look in to the others you mentioned.  Thanks for the list!

Recently I've been worried about my kidneys do to all the medications I'm on that are processed through it. I'm starting to get tests done to make sure they are functioning good but I should of been doing that for years.

I know inositol has a bunch of good health effects but didn't know it can help the liver, I need to read more about it. All the research that I've read it indicates that milk thistle doesn't really do much if any benefit at all for the liver. Then again I haven't read any research about milk thistle and the liver for nearly a decade now I'm sure there is now new info available we've learned since then.

@porkandbeansboy yeah im not sure milk thistle does anything either.  its one of those "ive taken it forever mine as well keep taking it" sort of things.  the only studies ive read about it are ones related to hep c, and all of them found it useless.  maybe i should read up on it more and possibly save some money lol....

Thanks for the info!!  Can't get too much help in this area.

Hello!  Thanks for posting, I would really appreciate any help regarding supplements that may help and preserve kidney function.  I have CRF stage 3 (creatinine 3.0-3.3 and GFR 46  not the greatest) so I'm reaching out for any help.  I have been told that kidneys and kidney function typically goes from bad to worse with little chance of improvement.  I currently take meds for BP (atenolol, losartan) and atorvastatin for chol.  Also use short and long acting insulin and gabapentin for feet neuropathy.  I'm trying to avoid using nsaids but need them to help with pain control from time to time.  I really would like to avoid dialysis. any suggestions are appreciated.


1) Low-protein, low-salt and low-fat diet to reduce stress on the kidneys from increased flow (hyperfusion), pressure (hypertension), and acidifying potential, respectively. The blood pressure drugs are supposed to help with this, but there's an easier way.

2) Alkalinize your blood, thus your urine. Nephrologist would typically give sodium bicarbonate for this, but there's an easier way.

3) Reduce cholesterol to stop any renal artery occlusion from plaque buildup that may be occuring. They might give you statins for this, but there's an easier way.

Okay, I lied just a little: it's easy in that there's one thing that does them all, but how easy it will be to implement will depend on your motivation and your willingness to do so.

That one thing: Whole Food Plant-Based (WFPB) diet, which is an alkalinizing, high-antioxidant, high-fiber, low-fat (esp. saturated fats and trans-fats), low-cholesterol diet.

(It's not low protein per se since beans and quinoa and nuts, for example, are high in protein, but plant protein behaves differently and gets a different response from the body than animal protein, and plant protein is usually accompanied by a heavy dose of fiber to move things along.)

This quite surprising finding may interest you: (transcript:

Btw, is a great resource to get started on a WFPB diet, as is

"The best kept secret in medicine is that, given the right milieu, the body heals itself." - Michael A. Kadoch, MD

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