Taking non script meds on flight from uk to italy


Opal Sponsor
Jun 15, 2016
I'm travelling by plane to italy from uk.  I am interested to know the best way to take my (non script) Di@z.  I am hearing so much conflicting information online.  I'm happy to 'plug' but I've never flown before and don't even know what scanners can detect.  I am also VERY concerened that the friend I am travelling with doesn't see them, so I feel hand luggage is probably a bad idea; for example putting them in rx bottles (which is one of the ways I've been told can work).  Just need to get my weeks supply through the 2 airports!

Forgive me if this is the wrong place to post for asking this question, or if this type of question is even allowed on the forum?

Any help would be HUGELY appreciated

If you have hold luggage, put them in there, or alternatively keep a strip or two in wallet/purse. I fly a few times a year and have never had any issues. This is complicated however if they are loose. A small RX/Vitamin bottle woukd be okay in that regard.

@timEC Whatever you do, please do try to be less obvious than this.  Two young Canadian ladies booked a 66-day round-the-world cruise.  Wheeee!, they said.  It'll be fun, they said.  They frolicked in blue seas.  They mingled with locals at ports of call.  They bought trinkets.  They also happened to have 200 pounds of coke in their luggage traveling with them which caused the Australian DEA to make with the frowny face.  Very frowny, indeed.  


I twice had a situation identical to yours:  Necessary but unprescribed meds required for international travel with family who must not be allowed to see said substances.  This was about five years ago and the meds were Auxies from our DBG friend in SY, D.  The longest trip was having flown from the U.S. Gulf Coast (scanned carryon and body) to New York (customs stop), hopped on a cruise ship, sailed to ports of call in Canada, Amsterdam and Norway, ending with a flight from Germany and then another customs stop back in New York. 

I had no rx, so I bought a couple of small bottles of OTC meds that looked like what I was taking, and swapped the contents.  One bottle in my carryon piece; the other in my checked bag.  Was very lucky that all went well.  The scariest stop of that entire trip was the security dude in Germany.  Mom and I are waiting in the middle of a long line at the airline check-in desk, just tra-la-la, happy as you please.  Then a German security dude walks right up to us, very closely in fact, and stares hard in our eyes as he asks where we're from, our dates of birth, why are we in Germany, where are we going, why are we going, etc.  Seemed as though he was watching our pupils and carotid veins as possible signs of stress, i.e. lying.  Kinda turned into a staring contest, to see who'd blink first.  Thankfully, he was satisfied with our answers.

Did some digging on Bluelight about how to travel without an rx and it's against their policy to discuss such things.  Checked Reddit and the majority of travelers say that using an internal intimate cavity to stow necessaries for personal use serves only to make you appear to be intentionally breaking the law, should you happen to be forced through a body scan.


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Thanks @PTFC and @DippityDoo !

I guess my main issue is I'm only taking Carry On Luggage.  As I don't want the person I'm travelling with to see the 'blues' it makes it tricky putting them in the carry luggage.  I also will need to take more than a few strips for the length I'm away.  A friend of mine who is an H addict says he plugs small quantities all the time when flying (obviously only small personal amounts) and say that that's the way I should do it.... Hmmmm

If I could think of a vitamin bottle that has  contents resembling 'blues' then that could be an option, but as you said @PTFC you've only done that when putting luggage in the hold.  As I've never flown before I have no idea what to expect when it comes to security checks, hence why I'm freakin out a bit!!

Thanks @PTFC and @DippityDoo !

I guess my main issue is I'm only taking Carry On Luggage.   
@timEC :

How many days total will be you be traveling, including flight days?

Is your traveling companion checking a bag or taking only one carryon bag?

Is your traveling companion an experienced flyer or no?

Thanks for your reply @DippityDoo   I'm away for 7 days including flight days.  She's flown a few times, I wouldn't say experienced.  Neither of us are checking in luggage just carry on.


Thanks for your reply @DippityDoo   I'm away for 7 days including flight days.  She's flown a few times, I wouldn't say experienced.  Neither of us are checking in luggage just carry on.

A friend.....of mine......has prescriptions to several medications he keeps around. He strips the pill marker message off the bottom of the bottle with a razor, and also gets rid of the expiration date which is conveniently located next to the pill marker description...

he puts the pills in the bottle with the other pills. he carried 7 prescription pill bottles his last trip, and plans to carry 8-9 prescription pill bottles to increase effectiveness...

could consider this. I am scripted many different stuff I don't use, so I have tons of "filler" pills" and stuff. they seemed to casually examine all of his bottles judging by how they were moved around, but he thinks they just want to make sure its pills in the bottle and not something else...

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Thanks for your reply @DippityDoo   I'm away for 7 days including flight days.  She's flown a few times, I wouldn't say experienced.  Neither of us are checking in luggage just carry on.


Very glad your traveling companion has flown a few times; that's better than no experience at all and she'll hopefully be a prepared, responsible and calm guide through the process.  The waiting you'll do will be longer than actual flight time.  Don't know which UK airport you're departing from, but I strongly recommend you go to their website, read their carryon baggage security requirements carefully and follow those rules EGGZACTLY.  Security makes particularly frowny faces regarding carryon liquid quantities which includes toothpaste, shaving cream and hair gel.  Your issue is not about liquids, but being flagged for liquids (including bottled water!) or scissors or other contraband will draw even more scrutiny of you and your partner's carryon bags.

Don't know if you're departing from Heathrow, but here's a few tidbits from their website:


Can I take medicines in my hand baggage?

You can take enough essential liquid, aerosol or gel medicines in your hand luggage to cover your flight plus a reasonable amount to cover any delays. Any liquid, aerosol or gel medication not needed on the flight, together with any spares must be packed in your hold baggage.

There are no security restrictions on the carriage of powder or solid based medicines.  (NOTE:  This does NOT mean kilos of powder or 100s of a single type of pill are okay.  Also, if your passport name is Pablo Escobar Jr, El Chapo, Gambino or Gotti, it'd be safer just to walk to Italy. )

Liquid, aerosol or gel medicines in containers of 100ml or less should be either:

  • Placed inside your single transparent, resealable plastic bag no larger than 20cm x 20cm, along with any other liquid items; or
  • Carried separately together with supporting documentary proof of authenticity such as a prescription or letter from your doctor.


How do you decide who has to pass through the security scanner?

Our security officers select passengers at random, or when there is a particular security concern (such as the activation of a metal detector).  In the US, everyone without exception must empty pockets of all items, remove watches and place cell phones in a little caddy to go through the rolling belt-fed scanner.  I've seen men with metal belt buckles remove their belts as well to avoid setting off the metal detector, though I don't know if this is required. 

I cannot speak for the body-scanning selection process in the UK or Italy, but in the U.S. it is a crapshoot.  Are you adorable?  You could be chosen for scanning by bored security agents.  Are you a 900-year-old woman in a wheelchair?  Yeah, you're probably gonna be scanned because there's no telling what nefarious items you're hiding in your bloomers.  Are you a drooling infant?  Yep, in the U.S. your diaper could very well be checked for terrorism.
Cell phones MUST be charged.  If your cell phone does not turn on when asked to do so, security is instructed to lose their damned minds as it could be a remote triggering device that evil people really use to do really evil things.

Because you're a young whippersnapper, and unless you're a hardcore gamer, chances are greater that you'd take a tablet rather than a laptop for a one-week trip.  Chances are even better that you'll take only your cell phone with no tablet or laptop at all.  If you do take a laptop, it MUST be removed from its case and placed on the rolling scanner belt.

Watch what efficient people in line ahead of you are doing.  And do that.  Watch what unprepared, time-wasting people do in line ahead of you and DON'T DO THAT.  In the U.S., we still require everyone remove their shoes, so I wear laceless, slip-on New Balance track shoes for all airport travel.  I did hear that some European airports no longer require shoe removal, but I cannot confirm that.  Wearing a coat?  Take it off and let it go through the scanner.  HAVE ID READY AT ALL TIMES.  When handing ID to airport/customs staff, have the ID face-side up and facing them.  Small niceties go a long way.

And, one more time, DITCH THE BOTTLED FRAPPAMOCHAJAMBAJUICEWATER or whatever you're drinking BEFORE entering the security area.

Once on the plane, the most disrespectful thing you can do is recline your seat backward, which smashes the knees of the passenger behind you and makes it nigh impossible for that passenger to use their flip-up tray on the back of your seat.  When the flight attendant says turn off your digital shiat, turn it off immediately.  Obey the flight attendant.  Be kind to the flight attendant. 

Since it's your first flight, I hope you get a window seat because the view from the air is spectacular.

Congrats on your first flight!  Wheeeee!!  Let us know if you survived intact when you get back.

I've flown dozens of times @timEC, and if it's strips then that's ideal, just stick them in any old med box and place in carry on bag, discretely from partner of course. Also, if you have time, you could always go to your GP and ask for a script of something due to your nervousness of flying, you'll no doubt be given half a dozen or so 5mg tabs. But nevertheless, in my experience over the years security have more important things to worry about than a few strips of tabs. 

@jackwade @PTFC @DippityDoo ..... Thanks!  You've all been of great help.  I think I shall take your route @PTFC as I have countless med boxes and the prescription note to cover the item of the box I'll use. 

Fingers crossed on all counts!  Once I'm through checkin etc.  I'm actually excited to be flying for the first time!  Hope I feel that way on the way back!!

Cheers guys

@timEC have you been on your trip?,I've never had a problem taking medication in pill form through Europe .I would just put them in my toiletries bag along with paracetamol,heartburn tablets ect.I'm sure the customs arn,t looking for a few strips of Diaz. I have even seen a strip of Diaz in the box they put through the scanning machine in plain sight and it wasn't stopped or looked at!.Although I wouldn't have the nuts for that,I'd imagine the person had them in there pocket when you have to empty them and just put them through?.



@blissopifree 2

What do you think of bringing hydr0 into a country where it is not used anymore (namely Germany)? I'm coming from the US and am not so much concerned about going thru TSA as I am entering Germany. I don't have a current script, but was thinking I could put them in my old script bottle. What is the process like coming into European customs? Will my carry on for sure be checked again once there? Sorry for the million questions. Any advice would be great!

@blissopifree 2

What do you think of bringing hydr0 into a country where it is not used anymore (namely Germany)? I'm coming from the US and am not so much concerned about going thru TSA as I am entering Germany. I don't have a current script, but was thinking I could put them in my old script bottle. What is the process like coming into European customs? Will my carry on for sure be checked again once there? Sorry for the million questions. Any advice would be great!
All countries in Europe have varying degrees of vigilance, but I will say, I have travelled around continental Europe with ease carrying scripted and non scripted pk's or Di@z etc. I think your old script bottle is ideal, it's better than sticking them in a vitamin bottle or the like,  but I feel the chances of you being stopped when entering the country are as slim as anyone else's, there's a heightened terror alert next door in France and Belgium, I'd think that will take a bit of heat off less "important" procedures, such as a person's personal meds. I understand how it can be a bit daunting all the same. 

All countries in Europe have varying degrees of vigilance, but I will say, I have travelled around continental Europe with ease carrying scripted and non scripted pk's or Di@z etc. I think your old script bottle is ideal, it's better than sticking them in a vitamin bottle or the like,  but I feel the chances of you being stopped when entering the country are as slim as anyone else's, there's a heightened terror alert next door in France and Belgium, I'd think that will take a bit of heat off less "important" procedures, such as a person's personal meds. I understand how it can be a bit daunting all the same. 
Thanks so much! You've calmed my nerves. Where do you pack your meds: carry-on or checked in luggage? And for my last question (lol): When I enter the European destination country, do they have another security check or is it just a few questions and then you can leave? I'm just worried about them checking my med bag upon entering. I really appreciate your advice!

Both sets of luggage, even a strip or two in wallet. Security check is where we will differ, freedom of movement in Europe is part of the Schengen agreement between EU countries. I'm not sure about security questions for non EU "citizens", sorry!?

As my friend @PTFC says when I've traveled within the EU ive allways found it pretty easy.I think international flights go through a more strict process but again as PTFC said put your meds in an old pill container as it looks far more legitimate.I would rather put my pills in the case in the hold  rather than hand luggage,you could allways put a few in your hand luggage or in your purse or wallet but that would just be a few (4-5) pills incase there's any problems with your case at baggage reclaim.Btw I have had a case go missing when going on vacation but it was delivered the next day much to my relief?.



Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!