Yea I'm pretty sure admin doesn't approve of the Dark Web and I don't blame him .I don't either its Way toooo Hot!B.B.If my memory is correct, we do not talk about it on this forum. ppl correct me if I am wrong.
I once metioned the dw in passing, saying that the products offered scared the out of me (chilporn, guns, heroin eyc) and that I'm to scared to order med's due to the fact that there is alot of law endorfocement on the dw.You know, I dont know for sure. I have never seen the DW discussed. Lemme check. Very interesting tho.
Perhaps we could discuss it for informative purposes...but NOT promote it?
Bisko ima holla at you. I am so sorry. I am attending physical classes right now and I have not been around anywhere much!