My back twisted itself into utter agony yesterday, to the point where I had to go to my spinal specialist to schedule epidurals in a couple of weeks (yeah, it takes Tricare that long to approve them), but the NPR handed me a script for 120 50mg Tr@m@dol on the way out the door, and I got home just in time to meet the postman delivering my latest giant order of L@r@zep@m 2.5mg tablets. We're going hunting for a spot of land in the mountains to build our next (and last) home on, should be a pleasant day - Tramadol + L@r@z, supplemented with Red Bull or a triple Latte if I get sleepy.
Here's hoping your weekends turn out just as well.
- b2g
Here's hoping your weekends turn out just as well.
- b2g
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