Thin the threads


Mar 3, 2017
If a thread has been inactive or someone posting on it after a couple of years I think it is time to have an Archive section and move it to it. Frustration looking at ancient posts

I think the site is incredibly easy to navigate.  I also read a lot of older posts for entertainment as well information.  I have been a member a little over a year and find a lot of the stuff that happened before my arrival fascinating.  Its also interesting to read the older posts of some of the more well known vendors to view their rise and fall in activity. I really enjoy the forum and the wealth of information it provides.  Thanks Mods!

I think the site is incredibly easy to navigate.  I also read a lot of older posts for entertainment as well information.  I have been a member a little over a year and find a lot of the stuff that happened before my arrival fascinating.  Its also interesting to read the older posts of some of the more well known vendors to view their rise and fall in activity. I really enjoy the forum and the wealth of information it provides.  Thanks Mods!
It's a pleasure @aintnouse

@PTFC  We dont say it enough...You guys work hard and deserve tons of credit!! :)  

When I first joined, I read for hours and hours trying to educate myself.  I was amazed at how long some vendors have been in action and I was also amazed at how some just seemed to have disappeared.   It was also nice to see exactly how the process works and how to contribute to the forum without sounding like a total jackass.  

Its also interesting to see some of the more prolific posters from the past.  I always wonder where they disappeared too.  I am not talking about the banned members, but people like Headbanger, Mary PP or Cat.  Mary PP always cracked me up.  I have never met these people personally but I hope they are well.   I also think its interesting to see new people pop up and instantly take over the forum for a few months and then flame out.  What is nice about this forum, in particular, is that 98% of the people that participate are pretty cool and everyone treats people with respect.  Even when a few jackasses try to be the "know it alls", no one really lashes out at them.  We have a very civil forum and it is much appreciated!!

@PTFC  We dont say it enough...You guys work hard and deserve tons of credit!! :)  

When I first joined, I read for hours and hours trying to educate myself.  I was amazed at how long some vendors have been in action and I was also amazed at how some just seemed to have disappeared.   It was also nice to see exactly how the process works and how to contribute to the forum without sounding like a total jackass.  

Its also interesting to see some of the more prolific posters from the past.  I always wonder where they disappeared too.  I am not talking about the banned members, but people like Headbanger, Mary PP or Cat.  Mary PP always cracked me up.  I have never met these people personally but I hope they are well.   I also think its interesting to see new people pop up and instantly take over the forum for a few months and then flame out.  What is nice about this forum, in particular, is that 98% of the people that participate are pretty cool and everyone treats people with respect.  Even when a few jackasses try to be the "know it alls", no one really lashes out at them.  We have a very civil forum and it is much appreciated!!
I agree mate, I've said many times, I looked at several other forums before I joined this one, and it was the "friendly factor" that enticed me to here! I think we have a largely fantastic community and not only do myself, @2earls and @Admin, do our best to protect the members from any scamming or suchlike, not to mention the work that goes on behind the scenes you mention, YOU, the members also play a pivotal role in protecting others, via the blacklist or reporting questionable posts also, keeping the reviews coming in goes a very long way too! Not to forget donating, I keep saying it,  sure , Diamond sponsorship is relatively expensive to opal, but you get a bargain either way! Choice, value not to mention, most orders are in excess of even the highest sponsor level which again as I say regularly,makes opal sponsorship a steal! I can totally relate to "the new people that appear and take over fir a few months and flame out!!!!!! ???

@aintnouseI'm like you in that manner. I like reading all over this site. Checking out the history, getting to know people without really knowing them. I get a good feel for people in this manner and I learn a ton. I'm so glad I stumbled across this forum after the last one I was a part of disappeared. There is a great group here from the mods to the members. You are so right about the donation @PTFC. One order is well over most donation levels. You get so much with minimal donation. It is well worth it. And the members here are great. It's so nice to have a place like this to help keep people from being scammed by the scum bags that do. Reading through that jewbacca thread is crazy. Talk about scum bags I'm a big believer in karma and can only hope those that do get there's back ten fold. Thank you @PTFC, @2earls, @Adminand all the great members I love reading from. 

Exacetly like others said, this forum that will have new members coming and exploring, but not just questioning but giving anwsers as well. I hate it on reddit when it said its archived. I what to do then if you still have questions? Let say like this, i was looking for some vyv and R and there was topic for that. And no one anwsered for more then a year. Then someone said in New Zeland some parents are pissed becouse government is not paying for original, instead kidsare given generic that is not having same effects. And imagin if i was from NZ i would never found out if there was no someone posted about it. The times are changin sometimes slow and then rapidly fast, you newer know. And people will be unsatisfied if they cant get an anwser. And for us with anxiaty is easier to reply to egzisting topic then to start new. So what would you then when after 5 years new information rises, start new topic? And then have 40 archided topic, all with only 3 anwsers. Who has rime to search all this? 

Someone just bumped an old post on how to order that was just as relevant today as it was when it was originally posted years ago. It's easy to avoid reading old threads if you are not interested in them. Compared to another very similar forum, DBG is much easier to navigate. I'm sure there's always room for improvement and over time you will notice that Admin is always changing and trying to improve our experience. 

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
  2. rosetrip33 @ rosetrip33: Hey anyone there
  3. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  6. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  7. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  9. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  10. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  11. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  12. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  13. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
  14. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: Lmao 🤣
  16. Z @ zzaps94: Hey guys sorry I misunderstood what does shoutbox was, Hope you guys are all having a great day out there
  17. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: The roland 808. Or the hamond b-3 organ
  18. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: What’s the most important drum machine/kit to have changed music and why? I think maybe SP-12 or the 1200, but kinda want to say drumulator or Rhythm Maker King 2 gave us some classic shit.
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @DocPep yes. just use or snote
  20. Terrylolol @ Terrylolol: Hope everyone has a fantastic week!