Today is ...


Aug 1, 2017
Today is August 10th  aka


Good news for anyone who needs an excuse to step back from their hectic schedule and uhmmm ... "smell the roses".??? 

So while you are celebrating National Lazy Day ???? I thought that I would share a few fun facts with you.

Have you ever heard of someone being described as  "stupid and lazy" ?

Several  university studies have shown that laziness correlates with high intelligence.  These studies suggest that people with high IQs usually don't get bored easily,  so they are interested in thinking rather than engaging in physical activity.  

National Lazy Day falls in the dog days of August,  so this is a perfect time to celebrate the   


1 English Bulldog

2 French Bulldog

3 Bullmastiff

4 Climber Spaniel 

5 Pug ???


CATS ? have been deemed ineligible for participation in any contest or competition due to their professional standing in this area. 

SO ... what are YOUR plans for celebrating National Lazy Day?

Well me ... I am going to take a nap and THINK about it! ZZZzzz

I must have known this instinctively because I have not accomplished much today outside of DBG.

Well, a few hours late for "National Lazy Day" since it's after midnight here but maybe I am operating on Pacific Standard Time (PST), Alaskan Standard Time (AKST), Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time (HST), actually,  who am I kidding? It's ALWAYS "Lazy Day" for me here lately!! LOL Let's see, I went to the doctor (really am sick, so maybe I have a real excuse to be lazy today and bloodwork showed some serious problems in a few areas so can I use that as an excuse to be lazy until the doctors get it fixed?!  This is one of those times I wished I lived in a MM state....of course I guess that could be a double edged sword bc with my personality instead of just using what Ineeded to feel better for the illness Id end up "indi-couch" probably then be lazy bc of that! LOL! J/K!!!) Anyway, glad to know I wasn't the only one being lazy on 08/10, sick or not! Hope everyone enjoyed their non-productive day!! Cheers Mates!


National Dog Day is observed annually on August 26th.

This day encourages dog ownership of all breeds, mixed and pure, and embraces the opportunity for all dogs to live a happy, safe and abuse-free life.  Dogs give us companionship; they keep us safe, and they aid those in need.  It is a goal for many on National Dog Day to find homes for all dogs in need of a loving family.  The goal of the National Dog Day Foundation is to rescue 10,000 dogs each year.

Use #NationalDogDay and post photos of your dog on social media.  Take your dog for a walk.  If you do not have a dog, ask to take your neighbor’s dog for a stroll or volunteer at a shelter.

BwaHaHaHa........   :205_dog:

Thanks @Toker for letting us know about National Dog Day!  For the first time in my life, I am dog-less (and so sad). All of my canine babies have passed on due to old age or disease process.  It's been about 2 years and really "ruff" , but I THINK that I have finally healed enough to adopt a new baby. Thanks so much for the inspiration,  it's just what I needed today! 🐶🐕🐾


Get your chopsticks ready!  National Chop Suey Day is recognized each year on August 29.

Chop suey, which means “assorted pieces,” is a dish in American Chinese cuisine consisting of meat (chicken, fish, beef, prawns or pork) and eggs that are cooked quickly with vegetables (usually bean sprouts, cabbage and celery) and bound in a starch-thickened sauce. Rice typically accompanies this delicious dish.


“A prime example of culinary mythology” and typical with popular foods, there is a long list of colorful and conflicting stories of the origin of chop suey, according to food historian Alan Davidson.

It is believed, by some, that chop suey was invented in America by Chinese Americans. However, anthropologist E.N. Anderson concludes that it is based on tsap seui (miscellaneous leftovers) which is common in Taishan, a district of Guangdong Province.  Taishan is the home of many early Chinese immigrants to the United States.

Another account claims that chop suey was invented by Chinese American cooks that were working on the transcontinental railroad in the 19th century.

Enjoy some chop suey and use #NationalChopSueyDay to post on social media.


When a loved one dies, the void they leave affects everyone differently.  On August 30, National Grief Awareness Day recognizes the time it takes to heal from loss doesn’t have a prescribed course and is a reminder closure comes in many forms.
HOW TO OBSERVE - Visit to find out more, sign the petition, and use #GriefAwarenssDay to share on social media.

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I was going to say that every day has an excuse to celebrate until we got to grief awareness. I'm glad we are splitting our time between serious matters and fun stuff. Can't wait to see what is next @Toker


On August 31st, National Matchmaker Day honors those romantics whose dauntless pursuit of perfect purchase for cupid’s arrow results in lasting love stories.

Playing matchmaker requires a bit of social savvy, the ability to listen and timing. They know each friends’ habits (good and bad), passions, and hobbies.  When there is a spark, even when the prospective couple is painfully unaware, the matchmaker knows.

While a matchmaker isn’t always successful, her (or his) heart is certainly in the right place!  It is all about love, after all.  Even the success stories can be quite entertaining.  From the awkward blind dates and the miscommunications to the complete mismatches, National Matchmaker Day raises a toast to the people who bring lovers together.

HOW TO OBSERVE  -  National Matchmaker Day honors those special matchmakers who work to bring couples together. Share your matchmaker story!

Use #NationalMatchmakerDay #ArtCarvedBridal #ShareYourStory to share on social media..



We know it’s autumn by the colors and scents of the season. Most notably, those colors are related to our favorite football teams and the smells of grilling burgers and brats at our tailgate parties. That’s why we recognize the first Saturday in September as National Tailgating Day!

Tailgating is the custom of gathering outside the stadium before the game with fans of the same team for food, beverages and socializing. Gatherings often take place at the tailgate of a pickup truck or the trunk of a car, but neither are required. Grilling and beer are staples of the tailgate party, though chili competitions and recipe challenges are not out of the question. Come hungry!

The original tailgate is unknown. Many teams take pride in claiming this title, as they should. Some writers have suggested the many observers in attendance at the Battle of Bull Run at the beginning of the Civil War in 1861 with their picnic baskets and bottles of claret to be the very first tailgaters of all time. Perhaps.

Tailgating does center around the sport of football. While football has its roots in the game of rugby, it is generally accepted that the first football game in United States history was on November 6, 1869, between Rutgers and Princeton Universities. Fans arrived early to enjoy each others company and some food.

Much like building a community, tailgating hearkens back to a time when pioneering villages would come together to raise the framework of a building. Often followed by a large meal and perhaps a sporting competition of sorts, these harvest traditions were looked forward to year after year.Those who tailgate come back every year,

Those who tailgate come back every year, weekend after weekend. Couples have met, families have grown, bonds have been forged, all
through the community of tailgating.


Put on your team colors, bring your game face, whip up your best batch of jalapeno poppers and get outside to watch your favorite team play this weekend! Use #NationalTailgatingDay to post on social media.


Luke Lorick president of Tailgating Challenge founded National Tailgating Day as a way to share his passion for the sport of tailgating. The Registrar at National Day Calendar approved the day in 2016. 

 Tailgating Challenge is one of the largest tailgating companies in the world, and Lorick sees every day the joy and friendships tailgating brings to many Americans. To learn more about Tailgating Challenge visit the website at
Today is  -  TEAL TALK DAY

Let’s talk. September 23 is Teal Talk Day. Over 249,000 women are diagnosed annually with ovarian cancer, worldwide. Gather your friends, wear teal for a day out together and talk.

Join a group of co-workers for lunch. Men are welcome, also. They have mothers, wives, daughters and sisters at risk for ovarian cancer. They should have the Teal Talk, too! There is no standard screening for ovarian cancer. In absence of a test, awareness is best. In the hour it might take to have the Teal Talk during lunch, approximately 28 women would have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

Invite your closest friends, neighbors and sisters for drinks in the back yard. Wear your favorite teal and give the Teal Talk. Let them know early detection improves survival rates by 90%. Make sure they know the symptoms. Persistent bloating, lack of energy, loss of appetite and feeling fuller sooner. Find more symptoms at

Go for a walk with your mom and her friends. Even if it’s a short one it will be long enough for a Teal Talk. Ask them about family history and encourage them to share it with their daughters and granddaughters. Encourage them to see their gynecologist to review family history for inherited risk factors. Families with a strong history of ovarian or breast cancer have a 15-40% lifetime risk when compared to the general population according to the National Cancer Institute.

Find out more information at and have the Teal Talk with the people in your lives.  Use #TealTalkDay to share on social media.

Celebrate Teal Talk Day in honor of all women diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Ovarcome encourages you to talk about ovarian cancer especially on September 23, but also every day. Every day is a good day to talk about ovarian cancer. Follow Ovarcome on FB, Twitter, and Instagram for information, education, updates, and Teal celebrations! Together, we can Ovarcome!


Ovarcome founded Teal Talk Day to raise awareness on ovarian cancer and to encourage everyone to talk about it. With no screening currently available, Ovarcome wants you to be on top of symptoms – be empowered. You can help save a life!

Ovarcome was founded on February 23, 2012. Ovarcome is celebrating their 5 years of service to the ovarian cancer community by starting this national and global movement to talk about ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer is a Silent Disease – but Ovarcome encourages you to be VOCAL about it! In the absence of a screening test, knowledge and awareness are the best ways to empower women and families. Teal Talk Day brings that knowledge and awareness to you.

@Toker I have a suggestion  (I hope you don't mind), but what about posting what day tomorrow will be instead of today? 

Had I known beforehand then I would have been wearing my teal today. So I thought that in the case where there might be something that we (I) could be doing to support or celebrate any of these days it would be nice to know ahead of time. I'm all for raising awareness or geeking out - whichever might apply :P :421_football: :451_running_shirt_with_sash: :143_couple:

@2earls my bad my friend.. :221_see_no_evil:

Due to the difference between you and me (Europe), yes i do tend to be behind a wee bit.

But i will try your suggestion and i suppose i should have been doing it before now!

BUT,, does that mean we will have to change the thread name to Tomorrow is..??    :1_grinning: :13_upside_down: :1_grinning:    LOL

Regards,  T.

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The National Situational Awareness Day is observed annually on September 26th. Situational awareness is the foundation of one’s personal safety since it focuses on being aware and paying attention to your environment. Situational awareness is really just another word for mindfulness and developing it will make you more present in daily activities, which in turn helps you make better decisions in all aspects of life.

This day highlights the importance of using situational awareness skills in everyday life to stay out of harm’s way. Harm may come in the form of walking in front of a moving car or that of an assailant, both of which can happen from any myriad of distractions which cause one not to be aware of the surroundings and situation.

In a dangerous situation, being aware of a threat even seconds before may keep someone safe by giving them time to act instead of reacting. The lack of or inadequate situational awareness has been identified as one of the primary factors in accidents attributed to human error.  Although this skill is lacking in many of modern society, our ancestors used it to great utility to survive. It has been extensively taught for decades to law enforcement and the military, but it is not exclusive to them. Most experts agree that it is the number one skill to learn for the safety of everyone.

The concept of situational awareness was identified during World War I by Oswald Boelke who realized ‘the importance of gaining an awareness of the enemy before the enemy gained a similar awareness and devised methods for accomplishing this.


Discuss its importance with those around you. Be human again and pay attention to the people and events happening around you more than you pay attention to modern-day

Use #NationalSituationalAwarenessDay on social media.


Pretty Loaded, LLC submitted this day in November of 2015. Pretty Loaded is an innovative situational awareness and self-defense enterprise that has inspired the personal safety of millions around the world. September 26th was chosen as the day because it is the birthday of Dru Sjodin, one of the inspirations to start Pretty Loaded.The Registrar at National Day Calendar declared the day in 2015.


National Pierogi Day is observed annually on October 8. This is a day to enjoy this delicious side dish.

Pierogi is the plural form of the rarely used Polish word pierogThe word Pierogi can be found spelled several ways including perogi and pierogy. However you choose to spell it, pierogi are dumplings made up of unleavened dough that are first boiled then sometimes baked or fried in butter. Usually semicircular in shape, they are traditionally stuffed with a mashed potato filling, potato and cheese, potato and onion, cheese, cabbage, sauerkraut, ground meat, mushroom, spinach or fruit.

Pierogi are often served with melted butter, sour cream, fried bacon crumbles, sauteed mushrooms and onions and/or green onion. The dessert variety, those filled with a fruit filling, can be enjoyed topped with applesauce, maple syrup, chocolate sauce and/or whipped cream.

There are other similar types of dumpling-like dishes in other ethnic cuisines. 

It was the Eastern European immigrants that popularized pierogi in the United States.  At first, pierogi were a family food among the immigrants and were also found in ethnic restaurants; Freshly cooked pierogi became a staple fundraiser for ethnic churches in the post-World War II era.  By the 1960s, pierogi were being marketed for the frozen food aisles of grocery stores in many parts of the United States.

While pierogi are eaten as a main dish in other countries, Americans typically consider them to be a side dish.

  • The Pittsburgh Pirates hold a pierogi race at every home game.  Six pierogi costume-wearing runners (Potato Pete, Jalapeño Hannah, Cheese Chester, Sauerkraut Saul, Oliver Onion, and Bacon Burt) race to the finish line between innings. 
  • Whiting, Indiana celebrates an annual Pierogi Fest each July.
  • Glendon, Alberta, Canada is home to a 6000-pound pierogi which stands 25 feet tall and is made of sturdy fiberglass and steel. Piercing the giant pierogi, which was build in 1991, is an equally giant fork.

Have some pierogi and use #NationalPierogiDay to post on social media.

Enjoy  -  🍜

Today is  - World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day is observed annually on October 10. This is a day for mental health education and awareness.  Knowing what to say or what not to say to someone can go a long way toward helping to insure their mental health.


Post on social media using #WorldMentalHealthDay


 It was first celebrated in 1992 at the initiative of the World Federation for Mental Health, a global mental health organization with members and contacts in many countries.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!