Weight Loss Clinics


Mar 20, 2012
I noticed that admin has taken notice of an earlier suggestion by another member, and had added a weight loss section to the forum. To get the ball rolling, I thought I'd get a topic started for local weight loss clinics / physicians that anyone may be aware of. I know that referrals of this type are much appreciated by many, and often times tough to find.

To narrow it down a bit, and to keep it relevant to our forum's name / mission, what I'm referring to here specifically are physicians that ascribe to the reduction / prophylactic use of weight loss medication school of thought. For those that aren't familiar with medical weight loss methods, this school of medical thought involves weight loss through lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise, coupled with the use of weight loss medications such as Phentermine. Most have heard of the old "Phen / Fen" protocol, which received quite a bit of negative press attention due to some negative side effect issues. As a result, that protocol is no longer in use to my knowledge. However, a number of weight loss physicians believe wholeheartedly in Phentermine as an effective weight loss medication. Most recently, Phentermine has been shown to be quite effective in combination with good old fashioned Fluoxetine, better known as Prozac. The "Phen-Pro" weight reduction method is relatively mainstream, and in fact was featured in the following video on The Today Show:


All of that being said, the fly in the ointment for those who struggle with obesity and, more specifically, keeping the weight off long term, and that have been successful with the Phen-Pro combination in achieving significant weight loss is in the maintenance phase. This is where our federal acronym friends and a division of philosophical approaches among doctors come in. Phentermine was one of the medications that was a primary target of the crackdown on online pharma via the Ryan Haight Act. As with PM doctors, the acronym folks began paying frequent visits to weight loss clinics that prescribed Phentermine to their patients. The result was a mass exodus of pharmaceutical weight loss physicians from the market. So as to not run afoul of federal agencies, those that remain have begun to exclusively use the "combination protocol", i.e. Phen / Pro, as opposed to Phentermine alone. Apparently the federal agencies view it as more legitimate. In any event, those same agencies, despite not being practicing physicians, seem to be of the opinion that once the initial weight is lost, and a "normal" BMI achieved, that the medication should also stop. One noted weight loss doctor in Texas had a quote that I enjoyed on this issue. He said that "the government has no issue with a heart patient taking various medications to prevent a heart attack, yet they find it anathema that a morbid obesity patient take part in proven, effective pharmaceutical protocols to ensure that the maintain a healthy weight in partnership with their physician".

The bottom line is this. There are dramatically few medical weight loss clinics in the post-Haight Act medical community, and even fewer that will continue to prescribe Phentermine on an on-going, prophylactic basis as a means to prevent dramatic weight fluctuation. Those that do tend to maintain a very low profile in the mainstream advertising marketplace, and can be difficult to find. So, to make a long story that much longer in typical Jewy fashion, this topic is dedicated to folks seeking this type of treatment from a physician in their local or regional market. Note that these types of physicians are very stringent on their follow up visit requirements in order to receive medication refill scripts, and generally require an office visit every 30 days.

For the time being, I won't post any specific physician names and / or contact information until I'm advised by Admin that it is permissible to do so. If you have an interest in a physician referral of this type, I have personal knowledge of about a dozen in various markets around the United States, so please feel free to PM me if you have an interest. Should any other members have knowledge of any similar types of physicians that they'd like to share to our members, I'd recommend just posting your willingness to share that info by PM, again until guided by Admin to post information directly.

Suggestions, comments and other points of conversation on this topic are welcomed. I personally have not struggled with weight issues, but have several family members who have endured tremendous struggles that have taken a serious toll on their overall health. As a result, I've come to have an above average understanding of the topic, and have become a believer in the Phen - Pro method as an excellent alternative to invasive gastric bypass surgery.


I used phentermine for a long time & it didn't help me lose weight any more than kicking up my gym routine.

For what it's worth.

I liked the idea of the forum big time :)

I used phentermine for a long time & it didn't help me lose weight any more than kicking up my gym routine.

For what it's worth.

I liked the idea of the forum big time /default_smile.png
Yes, I've heard that a lot, at least that it didn't really help significantly with weight loss beyond a certain point. Plateau times and pounds lost seem to vary widely from person to person, but I have heard many reports of meaningful weight loss beyond 6 - 12 months at most. That being said, I know some people who've used it successfully for that amount of time, coupled with a strict diet and workout program, who've lost as much as 50 pounds or so, and have been able to keep it off long term with the assistance of phentermine. In my view, the "yo-yo effect" prevention element of ongoing maintenance doses is one of its more redeeming characteristics. Unfortunately for many, that is the minority viewpoint within the modern medical community.

Thanks for breathing a little life into the thread. As you can readily discern, it wasn't exactly my most popular creation!

Myself, I have a hard time getting enough initiative to exercise. I hate the health clubs and fitness centers in my town too.

So I bought myself some high quality exercise machines and have set aside 1-2 hours per day to work out. The last month has been a flop for I had pneumonia, but as of a few days ago I was able to start working out again. One month off sure made a difference in how I felt mentally plus it added about 5 pounds of weight on me.

Anyways, as I think I wrote in another thread, the combination of a Caffeine pill (200mg) plus Ephedrine (30mg) prior to working out ONLY, helps provide me the endurance to work up a sweat and accomplish the goal/time intended.

I do not take that stuff before meals and such as some people do. But I've heard it can also help decease appetite.


Yes, I've heard that a lot, at least that it didn't really help significantly with weight loss beyond a certain point. Plateau times and pounds lost seem to vary widely from person to person, but I have heard many reports of meaningful weight loss beyond 6 - 12 months at most. That being said, I know some people who've used it successfully for that amount of time, coupled with a strict diet and workout program, who've lost as much as 50 pounds or so, and have been able to keep it off long term with the assistance of phentermine. In my view, the "yo-yo effect" prevention element of ongoing maintenance doses is one of its more redeeming characteristics. Unfortunately for many, that is the minority viewpoint within the modern medical community.

Thanks for breathing a little life into the thread. As you can readily discern, it wasn't exactly my most popular creation!
I think you hit the nail on the head when you said WORKOUT PROGRAM. No pill will help anyone over late 30's lose weight without getting your body moving.

I'm frustrated because after the days of phentermine (in my late 20's), I've been prescribed Adderall for fatigue & I'm sure ADD too. I am a cerified indoor cycling teacher but I take class more than teach. Class is an hour and you sweat like crazy. I've done it for years 4-5 days a week as my cardio then my weight routine is always changing.

Despite the working out and the Adderall (which doesn't make me hungry & I'm not a big eater anyway); at 5'7 I'm stuck at 145. My weight most of my adult life has been 125-127. When stressed I've been as low as 117 & that's too low.

I can't shake these pounds and I don't know what I ate to gain them? I keep a food journal because a former trainer I worked for said it was a good idea & if I eat 2000 calories a day that's a lot of food.

I'm closer to 1000-1500 and I don't eat sugar, snacks (chips, crackers), no soda only water & a scoop of hydration powder (10 calories-stevia), don't eat desserts or even buy them. It's like this huge mystery.

The trainer I worked for suggested maybe I wasn't eating enough at the right time. He uses the STAX system since he knows the owner & it does work except lately for me.

Had the thyroid tested-all ok. Stopped Adderall totally for 5 months (heard it messes up your metabolism if on it long enough), didn't help. I'm totally puzzled??

At least I know my problem isn't how much or what I eat, it's a metabolic issue and finding medical help for that has been impossible. I change docs they say "work out more". I'm like I spin 4-5 days a week and do an hour on the ellyptical the other days & lift 4 days a week- what more do you want me to do?

They really don't care unless you're overweight to the point you have medical problems like high sugar. But 20 pounds on me doesn't look horrible to the outside world, it bothers me.

I would love to find a new approach to add to what I'm already doing if you have any suggestions?? I disagree with HCG shots because you have eat get the shots AND maintain 500 calories a day. The shots aren't cheap and I can live on 500 calories but it won't help me lose weight (tried that).

Aside from the HCG shots (the hormone produced by pregnant women, 100% legal in US using a doc, clinic, or nurse- to make sure I'm not spitting out any shady names). I've had many trainers I work with tell me the "HCG doesn't work it's the 500 calories, don't waste your money".

After hearing that it's money better spent elsewhere, I was interested in another idea for boosting metabolism since that's the only thing that could have caused the weight gain despite no diet or work out changes and all thyroid & other blood work was normal as of 30 days ago.

Any ideas??

Myself, I have a hard time getting enough initiative to exercise. I hate the health clubs and fitness centers in my town too.

So I bought myself some high quality exercise machines and have set aside 1-2 hours per day to work out. The last month has been a flop for I had pneumonia, but as of a few days ago I was able to start working out again. One month off sure made a difference in how I felt mentally plus it added about 5 pounds of weight on me.

Anyways, as I think I wrote in another thread, the combination of a Caffeine pill (200mg) plus Ephedrine (30mg) prior to working out ONLY, helps provide me the endurance to work up a sweat and accomplish the goal/time intended.

I do not take that stuff before meals and such as some people do. But I've heard it can also help decease appetite.

There you go, Slammer's right exercise. I used to do 7 days a week of 2 hours straight cardio but got mono (didn't know till 1year later) then lift for 45-60 minutes but then when I started teaching cycling, I was a last minute sub all over town so if I did 2 hours in tthe AM then had to sub 2 or 3 classes that day, I would be exhausted for 2 weeks-lol.

People think 30 minutes on a cardio machine is plenty. Maybe if you're 88 like my dad or have an injury. I say if the goal is weight loss, you will need a 60 minutes 7 days (if possible) and you have to push yourself hard.

No drug or herb will make you push harder, like putting the treadmill up to a 12 incline at 3.5mph, that's a mental game. I agree with you it does help you get through it but I wish there was a pill that mixed up my cardio every day-lol.

Besides, since I am prescribed adderall for fatigue, and I workout daily, I have to get an EKG every 3-4 months per my doctor. Maybe because I'm 45?? But better safe than sorry I suppose?

Too bad we don't all live close together, I need new workout buddies!

Not sure my post will help. At one time I was 5'6 and avg about 190. Last physical a1c was 7.1, they classified me as a diabetic. Scared me so I met with endocrinologist since family doc didn't have any real solutions other than to eat better. Now with all that being said, the endo doc put me with a dietician or nutrition expert. She talked with me for for about an hour. Pretty much gave me the american diabetic association recommended diet. However, the most helpful thing was she told me to keep my carbs under 60 grams per meal. In addition she said every I time I ate a carb to add a protein. Now since following those instructions and walking about 40 minutes in the morning, another walk in the evening I'm down to 169 lbs. Now I'm running every other day, at least trying to when weather permits, try to average at least 1 mile to 2 miles per run. Now that I've lost the weight, knee and ankle pain doesn't bother as bad as it did when I was 190, duh. Feel better than I've felt in ages but the lowest I could get was 163. I'd love to get to 160 but it's going to take a lot of discipline.. Bottom line is I was told that not only is it what we eat, how much we eat, but also the right combinations. I'm doing good about staying under the 60 carbs per meal with an 1800 calorie per day diet, most days don't get to 1800. My problem is more of the right combinations. I need to do a better job of balancing the carbs with the fats and proteins. Hope this helps some.

Weight loss clinics are pretty easy to find around here, actually, and they give out phentermine like candy at cheaper prices than what you can find online. I'm relatively blessed to be in an image-obsessed area.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!