What Happens If Tramadol Comes Into Country From Online Pharmacy


Jul 17, 2014

I read that Tramadol is now a scheduled drug. Effective I believe on the 14th of August.

I have Ordered from my usual source overseas.

I ordered before the 14th. When it comes, what will happen if customs opens it

and they know it is tramadol. Will they simply toss it?...Try to get in touch with the seller?

Or am I in trouble?


You will most likely just get an LL, (letter from Customs) as even though it was rescheduled it still is far below a CII or even a CI on the watch list.

I would not worry.

Don't worry, as @Jazie said, if Customs opens it they will either toss it and/or send you a LL. No biggy. Just order again until it finally gets through.Sometimes you win, sometimes you don't. The nature of the "game."

That is true, its a gamble so make sure u read up. It's always scary but a love letter sounds bad but its not. If the government takes something there is always a papertrail.

Thanks all....I am just a bit weary because it's a Scheduled Drug now, a controlled substance....

I had visions of them asking me to report to the office...jail time...it's a felony....a DEA guy has a bad

day and takes it out on My litte envelope!...I am not as worried not. I could always plea ignorance.

Thanks all....I am just a bit weary because it's a Scheduled Drug now, a controlled substance....

I had visions of them asking me to report to the office...jail time...it's a felony....a DEA guy has a bad

day and takes it out on My litte envelope!...I am not as worried not. I could always plea ignorance.
Not going to happen, on another forum I went into detail about this.

DEA is not going to show up for a reasonable amount of pills for personal use, unless you have 1,000 Val's or something coming in the most US CBP will do is send you a LL (letter saying the package was intercepted) and if you receive a LL just trash it and move on.

Hello Carib_007...

Can you tell me which forum?...I'd love to see what you have to say about this...

Hello Carib_007...

Can you tell me which forum?...I'd love to see what you have to say about this...

The site was PR (PharmacyReviewer) which is no longer online, at this time nobody knows when or if the site will return.

Regarding Customs, they usually clear entire air/sea freight skids of envelopes at once and sometimes the same goes for packages.

If a K-9 hits on a mail skid (container) US Customs will search the entire container and open the parcels, sometimes US Customs perform random inspections but with the amount of mail coming into the US on any given day they can only search a small portion of the parcels.

Every container contains a manifest that details what is coming in, again, they usually look over the manifest and if nothing stands out they clear the container.

Once the container is cleared it is handed over to USPS, they sort them and load them into unmarked semi trucks and they end up at the regional hub and are again trucked to the local PO for delivery. If you drive by a USPS hub early in the morning on a Sunday you will see the trucks docking and unloading, mail never stops moving.

I know how US CBP operates as I have friends who work for Customs at the New York facility, if you have any questions shoot them to me and I'll do my best to answer them /default_smile.png

Thanks, that's quite interesting...when you say that the containers contain a manifest of what is in them,

the place I order from, they don't label anything, They put them in vacumm sealed plastic and stuff them

in an envelope...Do you think these would be labeled?...and just curious, If customs opened, and

the drugs are not labeled, and they are in capsule form, with no imprints like on pills....are they pretty

well trained or do they let them through, or even care. I've had a couple packages, wrapped with

customs tape, but everything intact.

Yup, the post can be a nightmare...I had a package a few months ago, It came into my local office,

A few blocks away, and then left, went back to New York, Came Back to the local post office and

left again. The postal guy said there must be something wrong with the address or something.

It traveled around the United States twice. I called the main processing center and they were nice,

but said it was pretty impossible to look for mail.

One more question, do you think the online places in Asia will Keep carrying this?, just asking because

they don't seem to carry other scheduled drugs..

thanks again

I've had precription meds arrive in the mail which are clearly illegal to buy online and were 100% surely opened by Customs at it had the Customs Tape wrapped around where they had opened it. Nevertheless, I received the meds with no LL and life went on. Some of the workers must be hoofin' glue.

don't get so freaked out about that that "controlled" label.  many of the items people order are on the schedule and have been for years.  le isn't interested in or capable of suddenly tracking and identifying tramadol.  it's bad luck if it gets seized but that's what it is: bad luck.  all you can do is try again.

Thanks...actually in the 80's, a friend of mine worked for American Airlines I

believe...He said when they got coke out of someones luggage, they'd split it among themselves...

He said it was a Great place to work...

too much.


Love your user name, makes me hungry. I agree with what other users have said about just getting an LL. As long as it looks like it is for personal use, you aren't in any real trouble. I have heard unofficially the "personal use" threshold is a 90 day supply. Now if it's tons more than that, you could get busted for intent to distribute.

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