What is an illegal question?


Dec 27, 2011
In the rules - Rule # 3

3) Suggesting or encouraging any illegal activity is out of bounds. You can share information on what is legal, and what is not legal, but you must not incite, aid or abet law-breaking on these forums or through the private messaging system.

Dear board members,

Some of you who are new, like I am, may not know what innocent questions are that are considered illegal.-- so I feel I should give you an example so that you know unlike I did. However, I had to blank out the specs because it would be considered illegal that I post it.

It has nothing to do with any of the recent postings - Rule #3 does not state what is illegal and not illegal.


Sorry I had to.....but the question regarding ..... or any other 24 hour turn-around.....

My father is in Intensive Care in the Hospital and not expected to live. He is 900 miles away.

I have got to find a good "24 hour ........to .......in the next day or day and 1/2 so I can get my meds ....... - wondering if you

think ...... is the answer?? Do you know if .........has really stopped taking ............?

Thank you so very, very much!!!!


I received the answer that "sorry they could not help me out" as it could be considered illegal. So I said, "thank - you" for letting me know and the issue was "dropped" not to be brought up again until six days later.

I am by no means an attorney but I a small amount of knowledge about the internet law and lack of it!!!

See this is where the internet is still unchartered territory.

We can discuss where to get things all day online but the minute that person actually receives it it depends on many things when things become illegal.

Which class the med is determines as to what is legal or not legal. Obviously If we say to each other I crush my valium up 10 at a time and snort them. That is illegal talk on the forum.

In the US for example Valium, Xanax, Ambien, & most of the benzodiazapines is class IV which you are allowed to purchase on the internet a 3 month supply.

Now a 3 month supply obviously can not equal more than 1- 4 times a day (for 10 mg) so 90 pills are allowed to be ordered and received online.

Ok so that was the easy one..................

Pain meds are a class 3 or 2 which by no means are allowed to be purchased online without a prescription. PERIOD.

However advertising them all day is legal but as soon as you purchase them it becomes illegal.

You also can talk all day every day online about where to get them BUT when you buy them that's the illegal part.

But if you have a prescription for the med and the IOP checks with the doctor and he approves of the sale online that is legal.

Airexpress sites are done perfectly in that you need to put your Doctors name in the order form and the can call and verify if it is ok..... That does not mean they do but they can.

But talking on a public forum about how to abuse drugs is Illegal.

I hope I cleared a few things about whats legal and whats not.

Anyone else out there care to pitch in!

An illegal question is can I remove the tags of my mattress.
Oh, Troubadour; please be careful! You do NOT want to mess with the mattress police! Its on the internet, so you know it must be true:

If you remove that tag....as soon as it gets dark, the black helicopters are hovering over your house, big dudes in black fatigues are rapelling down...and you're never heard from again!

Its some Seriously Scary Sheet !!

FG :-)

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Oh, Troubadour; please be careful! You do NOT want to mess with the mattress police! Its on the internet, so you know it must be true:

If you remove that tag....as soon as it gets dark, the black helicopters are hovering over your house, big dudes in black fatigues are rapelling down...and you're never heard from again!

Its some Seriously Scary Sheet !!

FG :-)
lol. I didn't realize it was legal to order xanax online.

I am by no means an attorney but I a small amount of knowledge about the internet law and lack of it!!!

See this is where the internet is still unchartered territory.

We can discuss where to get things all day online but the minute that person actually receives it it depends on many things when things become illegal.

Which class the med is determines as to what is legal or not legal. Obviously If we say to each other I crush my valium up 10 at a time and snort them. That is illegal talk on the forum.

In the US for example Valium, Xanax, Ambien, & most of the benzodiazapines is class IV which you are allowed to purchase on the internet a 3 month supply.

Now a 3 month supply obviously can not equal more than 1- 4 times a day (for 10 mg) so 90 pills are allowed to be ordered and received online.

Ok so that was the easy one..................

Pain meds are a class 3 or 2 which by no means are allowed to be purchased online without a prescription. PERIOD.

However advertising them all day is legal but as soon as you purchase them it becomes illegal.

You also can talk all day every day online about where to get them BUT when you buy them that's the illegal part.

But if you have a prescription for the med and the IOP checks with the doctor and he approves of the sale online that is legal.

Airexpress sites are done perfectly in that you need to put your Doctors name in the order form and the can call and verify if it is ok..... That does not mean they do but they can.

But talking on a public forum about how to abuse drugs is Illegal.

I hope I cleared a few things about whats legal and whats not.

Anyone else out there care to pitch in!
I found this post to be very helpful. It's that GREY AREA again. Just like weed in certain states where you can grow a number of plants as a grower and become a caregiver to people that have OMMP Cards. State laws say one thing yet to the ATF, DEA, FBI and others over in the Federal Fraternity will bust you regardless.

I found this post to be very helpful. It's that GREY AREA again. Just like weed in certain states where you can grow a number of plants as a grower and become a caregiver to people that have OMMP Cards. State laws say one thing yet to the ATF, DEA, FBI and others over in the Federal Fraternity will bust you regardless.
Personally I live in a state that it is allowed to go in and see a doctor and get a 1 year medical MJ license for $49. Well worth it indeed. The feds wont even think of touching the holder of that little card its the big time grow ops they don't like. The internet is such "uncharted turf" that it is going to take years if ever to police it. It is free information plain and simple. It is when you actually go in to detail about the who and how etc. Even then it is still gray!
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Personally I live in a state that it is allowed to go in and see a doctor and get a 1 year medical MJ license for $49. Well worth it indeed. The feds wont even think of touching the holder of that little card its the big time grow ops they don't like. The internet is such "uncharted turf" that it is going to take years if ever to police it. It is free information plain and simple. It is when you actually go in to detail about the who and how etc. Even then it is still gray!
That's interesting Sherwood,

You sure are right about who the Feds target and who they leave alone. They won't waste their time on the little guy, they want the big fish - the growers with 10+ caregiver green cards. Everybody knows they aren't giving the weed away. "But I'm just letting poor Mrs Jones with Fibromyalgia grow her 6 little plants". Sure!!!

And when the Feds do pay a visit they don't arrest, they just pull up the plants and destroy everything in site.

One thing that's making the drug business much harder (any drug business) is the changes in banking caused by 9/11. Cash is watched very closely now. You may not know it but if you withdraw or deposit a measly $2,000 or more the teller is obligated to fill out a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) on you. Banks also 'talk' to each other now and check for smurfing where you send people around to deposit smaller amounts into different account so that it stays below the IRS limit. Also structuring where you could try and deposit $9,900 on Monday, then another $6,000 on Thursday. There are programs set up to flag these transactions. All things considered, it's really hard to get large amounts of cash into your accounts now. The old practice of going to the casino and buying $10,000 of chips and playing for a while then cashing out with a check will only get you reported to the IRS.

So you have all this cash which is fine for buying groceries and gas and electronics and bullshit, but you really can't get a new car or house because you can't show your income.

Jeez, $2,000 doesn't even pay for a decent Gibson guitar. You sure they're obliged to report such a paltry sum as suspicious? Also I had no idea that gambling winnings are taxable in the US. It must be about the only place where winning bets or lotteries is taxed. Till about 20 years ago there was a 9% tax on your STAKE when betting dogs and horses in the UK, but that went mostly towards the racing industry with only 1% going to Revenue & Customs, the dept responsible for tax in the UK.

How deluded can governments and financial institutions get if two grand is deemed a suspicious amount of money? To our members over this side of the water, that's approx £1,225.


You do have to declare gambling winnings over a certain amount. Not that I've ever had this problem, I've only broke even once at a horse track and came back a "small loser" two times from Vegas.

Without looking it up I believe you have to declare somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 to 5K, I could be wrong. Just remember hearing that while there.


upallnite said:
Posted by Upallnite -

Thanks for some clarification everyone.

Trust me... it all seems gray until you find yourself in front of a Circuit Court Judge attempting to explain your actions . Then all you see is the BLACK AND WHITE ROBE! It happens still. BEEN THERE DONE THAT!

So everyone be glad that we have the voice of some experienced senior members in this forum. :-)
Good point. If you are stopped on the freeway and you happen to have $2,000 in cash and the cop asks if he can search your car, are you really going to "Sorry officer, I know you are just doing your job, but I don't consent to my vehicle being searched. You are going to tell a 6'2" 240lbs cop that when he asks you? Try it. You will not be left alone to go on your way. I talked to my cousins (unfortunately 5 are cops) and they told me they have never let anyone go who says no. They call the K9 unit and the fun begins.

Unless you have an airtight money trail that cash will be confiscated. They know that today it's almost entirely credit/debit cards. Anyone with more that $500 cash is subject to some pretty pointed questioning.


Jeez, $2,000 doesn't even pay for a decent Gibson guitar. You sure they're obliged to report such a paltry sum as suspicious? Also I had no idea that gambling winnings are taxable in the US. It must be about the only place where winning bets or lotteries is taxed. Till about 20 years ago there was a 9% tax on your STAKE when betting dogs and horses in the UK, but that went mostly towards the racing industry with only 1% going to Revenue & Customs, the dept responsible for tax in the UK.

How deluded can governments and financial institutions get if two grand is deemed a suspicious amount of money? To our members over this side of the water, that's approx £1,225.

Well you just have to think about why would someone have cash? There are many people that don't have a single dollar in their wallets/purses 95% of the time. They debit everything. I've gone months with no cash. One of the few times I've had cash is to go to MoneyGram ha-ha. See what I mean? In this day and age it points to something shady unfortunately. Everything is set up for debit. Maybe not valet parking or the car wash with tipping but...

If they plan on buying that Gibson guitar then a cashiers check is used. Safer than carrying cash. Google the new Bank Security Act (BSA) over here. It is pretty harsh. Tellers have to 'know their members' and be familiar with their banking habits.

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Troubadour said:
I have a great way to get the cops to go away but since I am a polite man I'll save the nasty details. Starts with "Sorry Officer"<--------------------

Now to officers cant wait to see me and pull me over. I am lying (or am I)
Nobody can really tell Troub,' but you have us laughing.

Thanks for that info. You put it in a way that made it very easy to understand. The more we know the more and understand the rules, the better this board has a chance of stay around for awhile.

Okay, I think this is a legal question/statement.  If a CS***D is not really a ****, then should we $$$$ to the ????? or to the #*#?  Not only do I believe this to be a totally legal question, but also irrelevant.  Seriously, irrelevancy is the only way to be entirely safe, but then what would the point of this forum actually be.  Thanks to those of you who go out on a little bit of a limb while using some common sense.  

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Jeez, $2,000 doesn't even pay for a decent Gibson guitar. You sure they're obliged to report such a paltry sum as suspicious? Also I had no idea that gambling winnings are taxable in the US. It must be about the only place where winning bets or lotteries is taxed. Till about 20 years ago there was a 9% tax on your STAKE when betting dogs and horses in the UK, but that went mostly towards the racing industry with only 1% going to Revenue & Customs, the dept responsible for tax in the UK.

How deluded can governments and financial institutions get if two grand is deemed a suspicious amount of money? To our members over this side of the water, that's approx £1,225.

I know in the Uk if you deposit in a bank/building society or try to buy a car (from a dealer/forecourt) with more than £4999, or make any other cash purchases to that value  they are "supposed to fill in the above mentioned form"  

Regarding whats legal to discuss online/forum theirs another board that rhymes true blight that freely discusses methods of extraction from fent and patches and other meds as well as how/where to inject safely If any one cant work out the name of the place i'm trying to hint at google the subject matter or pm me; they have a legal section which to be honest I personally suggest we should have here so people know their bona fides and when joining instead of just clicking the yes I have read your t+c's their should be a 10-15 minute wait or however long it would take to reasonably read the document like other sites do It doesn't guarantee people will read diddly  as they could just open another tab and wait it out but it shows the forum is making an effort to ensure people adhere to the law and doesn't get shut down due to some of the idiocy people post on here and I don't refer to anything written on this thread before people reach for the red send him to hell arrow.  

What do others think should we have a legal section here?  because trusting people to be sensible clearly doesn't work!!! Mods removed detailed photographs of a certain vendors packaging process in the last 48 hours?? So clearly some people need a bit of guidance.

repects TeeKay

I know in the Uk if you deposit in a bank/building society or try to buy a car (from a dealer/forecourt) with more than £4999, or make any other cash purchases to that value  they are "supposed to fill in the above mentioned form"  
Ah yes, Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs. Gotta love 'em, LOL!

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
  2. rosetrip33 @ rosetrip33: Hey anyone there
  3. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  6. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  7. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  9. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  10. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  11. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  12. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  13. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
  14. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: Lmao 🤣
  16. Z @ zzaps94: Hey guys sorry I misunderstood what does shoutbox was, Hope you guys are all having a great day out there
  17. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: The roland 808. Or the hamond b-3 organ
  18. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: What’s the most important drum machine/kit to have changed music and why? I think maybe SP-12 or the 1200, but kinda want to say drumulator or Rhythm Maker King 2 gave us some classic shit.
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @DocPep yes. just use temp.pm or snote
  20. Terrylolol @ Terrylolol: Hope everyone has a fantastic week!