There are different types of Fentanyl. The scripted type is perfectly safe when used according to directions and prescribed by a knowledgeable doctor. Trust me here about knowledgeable doctor- you can start with too high a dose and that can be lethal. The smallest size of a Fentanyl patch is 12.5 mg. That is prescribed for severe pain to a patient that needs pain coverage around the clock, and that dose is small, but still powerful. It’s not typically prescribed to someone who is in acute pain, except after surgery. Fentanyl can also be prescribed in pill or lollipop form- again, not for someone who is not used to a potent opioid. Many people have died because they’ve taken too much of a prescription or mixed it with other drugs or alcohol. Fentanyl is also used in twilight anesthesia, like during a colonoscopy. It’s an effective pain reliever when used safely.
Then there is illicit Fentanyl, used to tranquilize elephants, which is being added to other drugs or pressed into copycat prescription drugs and it is deadly. Even a small amount can kill a person. There are different types, but this is very different from prescription strength Fentanyl.