**What's the right age to take Steroids**


Mar 9, 2016
This article is being written in hope of reaching some of the younger people, involved in our great sport of bodybuilding, reach their goals without making the great mistake of using steroids too early in their long lives. The problem with this is that most young bodybuilders (BBs) cannot grasp the concept of the future and how long the road ahead really is even with the use of steroids. How do you convince a 14 year old that it will take years before he can look like the Pro BB's in the magazines, and that he may never look like that even with all the drugs available in the world. Well that is what I hope to accomplish within this article. At what age should you be, before you consider using steroids? This question is not as easily answered as you may think it is. You cannot randomly just pick an age and say that this is the point at which you can now start to consider using steroids. Between the ages of 12 and 26 a male's hormone levels are on a steady rise until the age of 26. This is when these levels slowly start to decline until they are almost nonexistent by the ripe old age of 40. When puberty starts in males at the age of 12 there is a huge flux in hormonal patterns in the body, which cause the growth of male characteristics, (deepening of the voice, growth of body hair, growth in height, etc.). These hormone levels increase by themselves so much that they can be compared to that of a mild steroidcycle. Therefore trying to add to what the body is doing on its own by adding in exogenous (outside) Anabolic  Androgenic Steroids (AAS) is very counter productive. Whenever any extra amount of AAS is added to the body, the body recognizes this extra level through a feedback loop in the human body known as the Hypothalamus. Once the Hypothalamus recognizes the increase in hormones which happens usually between 14 and 21 days, the body will shut off its own production of hormones until these levels decrease, along with increasing hormones to decrease these extra levels in the body (cortisone, estrogen). Cortisone and Estrogen are 2 hormones in the body that BBs do not need any extra. The easiest way to try to explain this without getting to complicated, is that the more AAS you put in your body, the more your body will try to lower those levels. When this happens BBs get all the side effects that are normally associated with AAS use, gynecomastia (growth of fatty tissue underneath the breasts in males), hair loss, kidney damage, liver damage, and high blood pressure, just to name a few). Before you consider the use of AAS you should have already reached your genetic potential. What is your genetic potential? To figure this out you should first look at the weight, height and build of other members in your family. Is this exact, no, but it is somewhere to start. If every male on both sides of your family is approximately 5'7" and weighs between 68kg (150lbs) and 77kg (170lbs) and they are all bald by the age of 25, then it would be a good guess that you will also fall somewhere in those ranges by the time you stop growing. Now with working out and eating correctly for 4 years lets say, you would be able to put on 15 or more pounds of muscle tissue (that would mean you now weigh 74-84 kgs (165-185 lbs.). This is what your genetic potential would be. Now if you started to use steroids at that point, 74-84 kg (165-185 lbs) you may be able to put on another 15-20 lbs 80-90 kg (180-200lbs). If you had started using when you were 57kg  (125 lbs)., and gained 25lbs through the use of steroids, you would still be well short of what you could have gotten naturally - 68kg (150lbs) as compared to 80-90 kg (180-200lbs), and now it will be much harder to try to gain another 30-40lbs. So for a starting point lets say that you need to be at least 18 years of age before you consider using steroids. Now that we have a starting point, lets look at a few other factors that should be considered. Steroids DO NOT IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM makes up for a good diet and workout program. Most people who use AAS feel that this is the time where they can be a little more relaxed in their workouts and diet. Actually this is when they should be even more strict. So before you can think of using at the age of 18, you will need 3 more solid years of good training and eating habits. Minor changes in diet and workouts can result in great gains in mass and muscle as well as strength. No matter how much assistance you get from AAS, without proper nutrition and workouts you will be lucky to have any gains at all, let alone keep them after the cycle is over. The goal of using any substance, legal or not should be that after you stop using it you don't loose all of that which you have fought to get. What would be the point of spending all that money (steroids are not free) to gain that 30lbs when you will loose it after the cycle is over anyway? So the better question to ask instead of when can I take steroids, should be, what can I do to get all that I can out of my body without needing steroids?. In order to calculate my progress, I need to talk with my family and doctors, before I try to make a choice like that. We will start with the age range of 14-16; this is when your hormones are raging. Your body is in full swing of making the best steroids that you can ever get, and it does all this without you even needing to do a single thing. At this point you should start with a solid exercise plan and a basic supplement plan in addition to the regular food that you need to be eating on a regular basis. For workouts focus on the basic compound movements (Bench Press, Squats, Deadlifts, Barbell Curls, etc.) Working out 4 days a week with at least 8 hours of sleep a night is a great start. Add to that the extra protein that you should be taking and you will definitely start seeing a difference in your body. As for supplements, at this point all I would suggest is a good Meal Replacement Shake, multi-vitamin and creatine. Any shake will work, just add 2 shakes a day to the 3 solid meals that you should already be eating. Creatine has more benefits then I could start to explain in this article, but what I can say is that it will help your strength, muscle, speed, and recovery without any negative side effects. By the age of 16-18 you will have had most of your growth spurts and you will be ready to change a few more things in your overall plan. You workouts can become a little more specialized as you start using different exercises. As for your nutrition program, all that I would think of adding now would be something such as extra glutamine before bed and maybe a ZMA supplement. You still don?t want to take anything that would alter what your body is doing on its own, so using ZMA and glutamine is just what you need. Somewhere between 18 and 21 you should be just about done growing, so what should you do differently now? Add more protein! You should be getting at the very least, your body weight in grams of protein per day! And that?s at the very least! By now you will have been working out consistently for quite a while and should know your body very well. What will work and what won?t work should be old news. There isn?t really anything new to add to what is already a great program, other than Tribulus and maybe a pre-workout supplement. After this point, you can start to consider the use of steroids. What about them? Are they as terrible as everyone seems to think they are? As long as they are used correctly, I don't think so. When considering their use, I feel that orals should be used as late as possible. These are most harmful on the body and therefore should not be used for a very long time. Another thing to consider, other than the side effects I have already spoken of, is your sex drive. Some AAS will make your sex drive almost nonexistent and will have a big effect on your sperm count. These drugs in particular should try to be avoided. That leaves mild anabolics. Although they are the safest to use, they are expensive, illegal, and require the use of a needle. Which most first time users do not want to use. I told you that this is not something that should be passed off very easily; you shouldn't have to make the mistakes that most of us make by using steroids to early in your life. If used correctly, I think they are fine, but look at what it takes in order to use them correctly. Have you been working out for 5 years straight without more the 2 weeks off every 6 weeks? Do you eat every 2-3 hours, 6 times a day without missing a meal? Do you get 8 hours of sleep every night? This is something that can have a huge effect on your body for the rest of your life, so don?t make that choice in 10 minutes. Good luck and keep growing.


If that base is built in your late teens very early twenties or even earlier which would give a longer training timeline before supplementing, I'd support that fully. Before and you're not taking advantage of those natural steroids that make you a walking erection and a nightmare for your parents. Get the most out of them train and eat like you're possessed to hit that genetic marker. Those are the years that determine if it's truly 'your' sport and separates the casuals from the career athletes. Then yeah after that you are left with little or no choice if you want to stay competitive.

Great read @Hammerblow.  My opinion is there is no right or wrong age to start as long as the person using honestly understands the side effects of using at that age.  An 20 year old kid saying "I don't care if I'll ever have kids or have to be on TRT the rest of my life" is a sign that that person is not ready yet because at that age because in my opinion, most don't have enough life experience to make that decisions of that magnitude.   My thought process at 20 years old is so scary to me when I think about it. 

Great read @Hammerblow.  My opinion is there is no right or wrong age to start as long as the person using honestly understands the side effects of using at that age.  An 20 year old kid saying "I don't care if I'll ever have kids or have to be on TRT the rest of my life" is a sign that that person is not ready yet because at that age because in my opinion, most don't have enough life experience to make that decisions of that magnitude.   My thought process at 20 years old is so scary to me when I think about it. 
Never a truer work spoken mate. Although I will stick by there's no place for steroids in a 14-16 year olds life and without at least two years natural training (and eating) under their belt.

i did mine at age 23 , its everyones own decision but if your under 21 , just train hard eat alot of protein , get your body in that core position/frame so when u get on a cycle ur frame grows.....

also i believe in muscle memory and over-training 

i been working out since age 14, im 34 :/ i been buying supplements from gnc as a young kid and thats how i became  a stim freak, the original xenadrine or the fat burners was CRAZYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, so is there a right age? i dont know i was ready to do it at 19 til my stash got lost

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I'm early 30s and been working out for about 3 years and put on about 25 pounds, granted I was very skinny when I started. But, at this point I cant say I haven't thought about at least taking test. But, If I am correct..I'll have to be on test for the rest of my life. What my concern is, what if the source dries up..can't get your test. Those negative effects are what make me hesitate..

I started in my mid-twenties.  Had a base however, probably should have learned a little more about how to eat correctly beforehand.  Im in my late thirties, damn near 40. More off than on during that time.  I was always on the low end of the range naturaly. Doctors arent very understanding or helpful ime.  I have never found it necessary to take massive amounts or stack more than a couple compounds.  I used to compound my own but its a hassle.  Im not what most people picture when they think steroid user.  The misconceptions that come to peoples mind....

It all matter how your body structure is? weight height age and how long you worked out. You have to figure out what cycle you wanna run and a;ways have A pct on hand. Also you have to at least work out for 2 -3 years until you know what you're doing. Also you have to find a amazing source because there is alot if shit bas who use just oil and maybe some test p. Do a shit tone of research. If you plan on doing only oral cycle then roids aren't for you. Its stupid , you need to not be scared of needles. A good starting cycle is Test cyp Dbol or tbol. Honestly just test chp for first time will get you huge. Never mix when you start. That way you know what company is doing to you and if you like it. WHen u use all diff roids you don't know what is working.

As a 10 yr vet to the AAS game I would say that once you hit 26/27 it is relatively safe. Other will tell you 21 or 23 or even 25 I don't agree with this as you still fill out and hit your prime muscle maturity somewhere between 25-27. At this age it becomes more difficult to lose fat but easier to pack on quality muscle and size. 

I would wait until mid twenties. If you can afford it freeze some sperm at a bank in case you want kids later. Although I've been on and off for ten years wife is pregnant!!

To help out the article creator, I'd like to offer my input and experience using testosterone at an early age, as well as early into my training.

While I did make a heck of a lot of gains, I came to feel that working out without testosterone was just way too much for way too little.

(which wasn't really the case, returning to the gym these days without testosterone has given me incredible and very fast gains, but steroids are addictive, and that's a sideffect of addiction)

I ended up slowing down and eventually stopping training after discontinuing the steroids, and lost a lot of what I gained.

The absolute best way to get in an incredible shape is by creating a lifestyle of heavy lifting, great rest and great nutrition.

Only once you've become totally adapted to this lifestyle over years and have made good gains on your own, should you ever think of introducing a steroid cycle.

The whole idea of "using steroids to get a kickstart" just isn't beneficial. If you haven't been training smart and hard for a good year or two, and you're quite new, you'll gain the muscle nearly just as easily naturally as you would with steroids. When you have no muscle because you haven't lifted weights, your body really puts it on super easy for the first 6 months to a year.

You also really need to do these exercises over and over to really master them.

You don't want to throw in any steroid until lifting has become a lifestyle and addiction, and you've made lots of gains and mastered all your exercises.

Steroids should just be a boost forward in a long and prosperous lifestyle of training. I wouldn't want to use them more then once per year now. Even with the hcg and nolva, I really don't agree with the time on time off theory. I think your body needs way more time OFF steroids then it does on them.

As fast as muscle is inflating my body naturally now, I'm sorry I ever risked using it then.

-Compound exercises (research them) + a few isolation excercises to compliment the type of compound exercises of that day + doing all sets till complete failure @ 8-12 reps (cant do another rep for $1mil - and no dropping weights to floor)

-No more than 4 days a week of lifting

-Lots of sleep, great meals full of nutrition, plus naps

-Strong heart is great, try to do cardio on non lift days without going too far that you start turning the cardio into a leg exercise that eats away your lifting and recovery energy - (assuming your main goal is gaining muscle)


Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!