Why Are There So Few Posts From Members?


Apr 22, 2012
I would like to take advantage of the features that require having a certain amount of posts IE: discount codes etc., I never understood this requirement because I noticed from another (defunct) site that this leads to alot of unimportant baloney posts just to reach the magic number.

I understand the reservations members have in posting, during WWII, they used to say "loose lips sink ships"

The point in having the post count is to help others with things you may know about that other members may not know about. Asking questions(valid ones after research i.e. google, search function, has failed) also goes toward post count. You may feel that the question is stupid or the info that you are sharing with the board is common knowledge but who is to say others don't want to ask the same question or even post a comment on the exact subject but too embarassed to do so. You see, your opinions, questions, and knowledge helps others. I can tell you being in the online pharmacy world since 2003 that I DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING! There are still alot of things I would like to know. Hope that helped. Seems like such a large number because it is double digit but 15 really is not alot if you put your all into your postings. Now 150 for forum panel takes time and more experience. The only things we really discuss is how to help newbies and keep our board clean. If you are dedicated and find a real interest in this board then you will contribute.

I totally agree , after being a member of pharmacyreviewer for 2 years and having only 20 posts , no one was willing to share the info about reliable sites unless you belonged to 60 posts and 20 liked group. That is why i moved to this great site , so we can share our knowledge with anybody who is a genuine and grateful person in need of help, no matter what the post count.

Peace to all, Andrei

You are correct in maintaining the fact that for a site like this to survive we must have new members researching new websites, offering new information and keeping the vendors going which would be hard to do by word of mouth alone.

On the flip-side we can not over look the fact that being in the open does carry its risks. Many do find a reliable vendor and that's it for them. They are gone. They just aren't team players (boy I hate saying that). It's the lurkers that I don't understand. Why keep showing up because after a while you will gather the Vendor scene and shipping info. You don't have to come back, but if you do, why not throw down a post or two. Add to the relationship post or sport post or something. There's almost something for everyone here.


thats what i dont get on this site,it seems people come here find a vendor,iop and are gone,if not happy then come back and moan and complain until their orders come through.I personally dont know the owner of the website but whats the point in having all the sections about daily stuff doctors,relationships effects,best meds,if no one cares or bothers to post anything,or maybe its the only purpose,who knows :/ find few vendors and who cares about anything.

I am right with you all. I have only been on here for less than, maybe 2wks, and I noticed there needs to be more posts which include opinions, experiences, obviously the norm regarding orders and anything. even if it's nothing important at least then maybe the person with a question wont be as hesitate to ask it cause they are more comfortable. Just my thoughts

I also am having issues with this, I guess these people have their reasons.. :blink:

I totally agree , after being a member of pharmacyreviewer for 2 years and having only 20 posts , no one was willing to share the info about reliable sites unless you belonged to 60 posts and 20 liked group. That is why i moved to this great site , so we can share our knowledge with anybody who is a genuine and grateful person in need of help, no matter what the post count.

Peace to all, Andrei
This is one of the reasons why I joined this forum instead, the other forums always had you having to make so many posts to see the "elite" information while this forum seems to promote more friendliness and has members helping everyone!

Hello I just wanted to say hello I'm sure some may recognize me from part of my username.... Been around since the good ol drug buyers days when we had norco worldwide medsmadesimple and many other great online dr"s . I feel I have a lot of knowledge to offer so feel free to ask me any questions

hello everyone, need a mentor if you can connect with me be much appreciated. thanks.
I wasn't going to respond, but you have posted the same thing 11 times today.  No one is going to be your mentor and hold your hand.  But

I'll get you started in a few easy steps.

1:  Stop posting

2:  Start reading

3:  Read some more

4:  Keep reading

You will figure it out soon enough, but we're not here to do your research for you, nor make decisions for you on how/where you spend your money.

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I wasn't going to respond, but you have posted the same thing 11 times today.  No one is going to be your mentor and hold your hand.  But

I'll get you started in a few easy steps.

1:  Stop posting

2:  Start reading

3:  Read some more

4:  Keep reading

You will figure it out soon enough, but we're not here to do your research for you, nor make decisions for you on how/where you spend your money.
That's why I love'em! /default_biggrin.png

IMHO I think that there needs to be an open area for new members to view so that they can get their feet wet so to speak & get their post count up. I also feel that we need a private area with info for members with 100+ posts I know this sounds like a lot of posts to view info but the whole reason I say this is due to the fact that some of us that have over 100 posts are the members that took the dive on new sources and at times lost money doing so and at other times had sources come through for us and that's how we know who is a reliable vendor and who's not? I know I personally have lost money in a few occasions taking one for the team. So I feel that if the newer members had to go through and do their research and try some of these new sources then they could build up their post counts giving reviews on wether or not they received what they paid for, if the quality is good, how the communication is, if they are consistent or not and if they would recommend this vendor to other members and while they are doing this, they will reach the magic number and by that time I'm sure they will have a new source or vendor to bring to the table. I know this might sound harsh but I think this would be a good way to keep the posts coming in and I also believe that they should have access to the black list (as no one should get ripped off that's why we all went through trying these sources) and there should also be a section for newly recommended vendors or sources so they can try them out. Again this is just my opinion nothing more but I feel like we need to take certain measures to protect or reliable vendors that are tried and true from being exposed to just anyone that signs up for the board. We could still answer their questions and read their posts to guide them in the rite direction but the way things are set up now people join find a source and if they get what they order they don't post back about the communication the quality of the products or packaging or the delivery time, nothing at all... They eat and run so to speak they get what they need and then do not contribute to the board that helped them out by providing the info they needed. Putting a private section with premium vendors would give them some motivation to post their experiences so they could view the private area vendors( I also think that it should be the vendors choice if they want to be placed in a private area where they will not be viewed by new members until they prove they are going to order and contribute to the board). I also think this would help keep these reliable vendors from constantly raising their prices like they have been doing lately, I think they do this due to the massive amount of people ordering from them so they don't care about the customers that were there from the beginning if we stop ordering they could careless because we basically gave them free advertisement. But with that also a lot of people that probably bother them by asking a lot of questions and sending a bunch of emails taking up their time and then never order. They would benefit from this as well. These are just some of my thoughts to keep the posts coming in while protecting a few of our tried and true vendors & hopefully keeping the prices steady rather than seeing them go up every time I order... Idk these could be bad ideas or good ones but at least I'm trying to help out in some little way. Please let me know what you think of these ideas trust me no offense will be taken!

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Well. I guess newbs will just have to wait to place an order until they have enough posts to read the "good stuff".

I'm not trying to be an asshole but what's up with the sense of entitlement? Whomever owns this forum puts it out for free. Use it or don't. If you don't like it go somewhere else. I'm really tired of reading all of the complaining prefaced by "I'm not a whiner...."

Guess what? You are a whiner What did y'all do before you found this site? You can't be any worse off by joining and not having enough posts. So what? You have the same lack of information you had before you joined.

Thirty posts is not much. Yes it's an arbitrary number but so what? Some people wanted it to be 100 posts. Go join PR and work on your 300 posts and 60 likes to read the BI section. Please help yourselves to all of the other free info on the interwebs.

This is supposed to be a community. Not a place for freeloaders to take the info and contribute nothing. If you don't like it go somewhere else.

......folding up my soapbox and stalking away bitching under my breath ....

Well. I guess newbs will just have to wait to place an order until they have enough posts to read the "good stuff".

I'm not trying to be an asshole but what's up with the sense of entitlement? Whomever owns this forum puts it out for free. Use it or don't. If you don't like it go somewhere else. I'm really tired of reading all of the complaining prefaced by "I'm not a whiner...."

Guess what? You are a whiner What did y'all do before you found this site? You can't be any worse off by joining and not having enough posts. So what? You have the same lack of information you had before you joined.

Thirty posts is not much. Yes it's an arbitrary number but so what? Some people wanted it to be 100 posts. Go join PR and work on your 300 posts and 60 likes to read the BI section. Please help yourselves to all of the other free info on the interwebs.

This is supposed to be a community. Not a place for freeloaders to take the info and contribute nothing. If you don't like it go somewhere else.

......folding up my soapbox and stalking away bitching under my breath ....
As a total newbie here, I can see how the minimum post rules, etc can be frustrating. I don't always know where to post, what to say, and if what I do say is going to sound stupid, break the rules or whatever. I lost a longtime vendor as well recently, and yes it really sucks! It is a lot of work and research to find a new one- you have to read and research like crazy to find a vendor to take a chance on, place a small order or two, probably get more frustrated, then you are back to reading some more..There are so many people out there just waiting to rip you off. Sure, it would be great to just jump on that shoutbox thing and yell out "hey where can I get some (insert totally illegal drug here)" and that info is just shouted right on back to you. However, I have to agree with the above post, from what I have observed so far, this is a community with a lot of great information- but you will "get what you give" and can't expect the hard work to be done for you and then just fall into your lap (as nice as that sounds) Most days I wish people would just start randomly throwing large amounts of (insert totally illegal drug(s) here) at me as I walked down the street.. but that isn't likely ever going to happen either /default_smile.png

I dont see what anyone is complaining about. READ and you will get a "feel" of whos good or whatnot and then you can read whatever youre talking about or post wherever. People have been here years and I dont blame them, I would want some "rookie" coming in posting the same thing and complaining 12 times in 1 damn day. I know someone on here and ive seen whats available to members so maybe thats why I understand and respect it better. So, just do your time and good things will follow.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
  2. rosetrip33 @ rosetrip33: Hey anyone there
  3. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  6. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  7. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  9. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  10. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  11. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  12. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  13. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
  14. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: Lmao 🤣
  16. Z @ zzaps94: Hey guys sorry I misunderstood what does shoutbox was, Hope you guys are all having a great day out there
  17. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: The roland 808. Or the hamond b-3 organ
  18. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: What’s the most important drum machine/kit to have changed music and why? I think maybe SP-12 or the 1200, but kinda want to say drumulator or Rhythm Maker King 2 gave us some classic shit.
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @DocPep yes. just use temp.pm or snote
  20. Terrylolol @ Terrylolol: Hope everyone has a fantastic week!