*Woman Special* 10 Diet Mistakes


Mar 9, 2016
Ok this is a big one but stick with it and I’m always here to help!

Here's what you need to know...

TV weight loss plans and "pretend" health foods keep women in the dark about sustainable healthy eating habits. It's time they take control of their own diets.

Women need to train and eat to support muscle growth. Muscle and metabolism are intimately connected.

Going to extremes with carbs or dietary fat means avoiding one like the plague while over-consuming the other. Athletic women need the right kinds of both.

Women often attach their identity to food choices. They need to gain perspective on food in order to gain control of their eating habits.

1Adopting a Diet Program Advertised on TV

"Lose five pounds your first week!" To any female aching to see the scale go down, these TV gimmicks sound tempting.

You can even have pizza, pancakes, and cake! Just eat your prepackaged meals or point allotment of foods and the pounds melt right off. No critical thinking required. Too bad these plans have about a 97% failure rate over the long term.

Why the dismal results? Well, the low calorie approach these diets must take in order to guarantee fast results makes women rebound in weight once the diet is over.

Sustaining a very low calorie diet is a surefire way to lose muscle mass, slow their metabolism, and experience caloric compensation once their appetites catch up and they've run out of microwavable pasta bowls.

And since these diets are aimed mostly at women who don't weight train, they not only gain the fat back, they gain a few bonus pounds too thanks to the loss of that metabolically active weight we call "muscle."

Sure, any female who's allotted a point system or given a micromanaged selection of TV dinners will succeed, but only as long as she's paying up and being spoon-fed. Once she starts thinking for herself in the kitchen, those same vices she wrestled with before become problematic again.

The celebrity spokespersons for these programs – who never seem to stay thin despite being paid to diet – are evidence of this.

These TV plans wouldn't continue to profit if women learned how to address the behaviors that made them gain weight in the first place. They certainly wouldn't continue to profit if their clients became autonomous healthy eaters, built a bit more muscle, and stoked their metabolic furnace.

That would mean losing them as repeat customers.

Programs with point systems or premeasured foods keep women in the dark about permanent change, and by setting them up for weight fluctuations and long term failure, they increase the odds that former customers will come right back whenever they want a quick fix in weight loss.

Finally, most of these plans are nutritionally antiquated, still warning against those "evil" saturated fats while including some very questionable ingredients like corn syrup in their "approved" foods or frozen meals.


Women will have greater long-term success if they invest some time making sure their own nutritious meals are ready to go and easy to assemble.

They'll need to accept some responsibility, put in some footwork, educate themselves about nutrition, and stop being dependent on diet plans that D-list celebrities can't even stick to.

2 – Ignoring the Obvious

Females will often look for an obscure missing component in their diet rather than zeroing in on the glaring behaviors causing the real problem.

Many would rather find out what Dr. Oz's secret fat loss formula is than put a stop to obvious bad food choices. Nah, can't be margarita night, sodas, or ice cream! Must be a deficiency in Amazonian koo-koo berry juice!

It's easier for some women to rationalize what they're eating because they'd rather believe there's some way around it that'll help them reach their goals.

Boozy weekends that make them uninhibited around unhealthy food; constant grazing on sweets between meals; liquid-dessert coffee drinks; and even too many semi-healthy snacks made of dried fruit and nut butter – these are all examples of blunders women overlook while searching for the secret to instant weight loss.

Most of the time women do have an idea of what their vices are, but without someone saying "stop eating that" they'll keep the junk in their diets and scale back on the portion sizes. For some reason, petite-sized servings of crappy food make women think they'll achieve a petite-sized body.


Women need to take an honest look at their eating. A food journal can help them become more introspective.

They need to become more aware of what they're eating, when, why, and how certain foods really make them feel. They'll need to find out if they're snacking, almost unconsciously, throughout the day, or eating their kids' leftovers.

A food journal or log can help them find out what seemingly innocent snacks are actually trigger-foods that lead to overeating an hour later. It may even show them that healthy foods satiate better in the long run than junk. No koo-koo berry juice required.

3 – Eating Fake Health Food

When health conscious women hear that they need more protein or fiber, many will go to the store and load up on fortified packaged foods. More often than not, these fake health foods are appetite-inducing sugar bombs.

What many women don't realize is that sugar is listed under a ton of different names and they all do about the same thing in the body, even earthy sounding ones like coconut crystals and organic agave nectar syrup. Likewise, fat free, sugar free, high fiber, organic, and gluten-free foods can still make you fat.

And because these products appear healthy, they're easier to rationalize eating in excess. I've worked with clients who've found it difficult to have just one bowl of Kashi Go Lean cereal or just one Fiber One bar. Why? Because these things generally make people crave more instead of satisfying their appetite.

They're insubstantial, and they don't serve a purpose other than giving the consumer the impression that they're being good dieters by trading Snickers for soy-filled treats.

Ensure, Boost, Slim Fast, Carnation Instant Breakfast, Special-K protein shakes and protein cereal, Kashi cereals and cookies, Kind Bars, Fiber One "protein" bars: These are the most insidious forms of junk food because they masquerade as nutritious.


Women looking for protein at the store need to stick with meat and eggs, and then get their fiber from Mother Nature. Then if they want to supplement with protein or workout nutrition, they'd be wise to get it from a place that doesn't also sell motor oil and toothpaste.

4 – Obsessing Over Fat Loss and Not Eating for Hypertrophy

Some women always seem to be "on a diet." Which is strange because these same women always seem to be a little overweight. If she's been on six diets in two years, shouldn't she be lean by now?

Here's the problem: Most women who continually make fat loss a priority don't realize that they'd become more efficient at burning fat if they simply had more muscle.

Eating to weigh less will make women smaller, which will require them to eat less in order to stay smaller. Muscle is lost, metabolism is sluggish, calories have to be lowered again and again, and the downward spiral eventually spirals out of control.

Soon, these women proclaim that "dieting doesn't work!"

Unless they're dangerously overweight, most women would do better by trading the smallness and fat-loss game for muscle growth and permanent leanness. Continually chasing fat loss in unproductive ways will eat away at their muscle more than women know.

If they made hypertrophy a greater priority than fat loss, the weight loss would eventually happen – slowly at first, but steadily, healthfully, and permanently.

Sure, most fat loss strategies work at first. But then the body adapts, plateaus, and regresses as muscle is catabolized. This is bad news, especially in the midst of lots of strenuous exercise, because a loss of muscle just leads to a skinny-fat body and a handicapped metabolism.

So the best way for women to not adapt to fat loss strategies is to make their bodies more efficient at burning fat – then if they must use a diet, it will only take a small and temporary tweak to get back on track. Women who are perpetually playing the fat loss game are either doing it wrong or they're emaciated.


How can women get to a place where they don't need to diet? By building more muscle and eating as though they want more muscle on their bodies. This doesn't mean eating crap; this means fueling up for workouts in order to work harder, pump nutrients into muscle cells, and feel muscles working.

Then when they get to the gym, they'll need to actually try to build muscle. How? By lifting weights that are heavy enough to challenge them and by seeking the muscle ache and tightness that indicate work is being done.

It's a lot different than just going through the motions with pink dumbbells or running on the fumes of their 100 calorie breakfast. It requires focus and an actual desire to build.

It's true that it's tougher to gain muscle and lose body fat at the same time, but what women can do is build muscle so that their bodies eventually become better at burning fat even when they're not necessarily trying to.

5 – Having Emotional Hang-Ups and Judgment

Women attach more meaning to food than men. When most males overindulge they'll say "whoops" and move on.

But when a female overindulges, her identity and self-worth go in the toilet until she's able to punish herself and deeply regret what she did. Then her out-of-whack instincts will tell her to compensate for those dietary missteps with further dietary restriction or excess cardio, leading to overindulgence again.

Females often find themselves in a constant ebb and flow of overeating and hyper-restriction. If they just moved on in the first place and stopped the self-judgment they'd be able to find stability.

Their self-image hinges too much on their diet and they often don't even realize it. During times when they're eating less, they're happier with themselves and more confident. When they're eating more they generally don't feel good about themselves.

And there's usually a reason why they're overeating: Food is their go-to tool for taking the edge off stress, anxiety, sadness, frustration, or any other emotion.


If women stopped attaching their self-worth to their eating habits and dealt with emotions in productive ways other than "comfort food," they'd be more inclined to eat appropriately.

A long walk will clear the head better than a row of cookies. A good bonk in the sack is more stress relieving than a pint of ice cream. And going back to number 4, overindulgence wouldn't be such a big deal if they sought hypertrophy instead of fat loss.

Hypertrophy is about growth, not restriction, and that change in thinking frees women from the constant cycle of trying to eat like a supermodel and falling off the wagon.

6 – Overeating at Night

Females who eat like birds all morning, especially those who may have worked out fasted, often cap off their nights with a couple thousand extra calories because they're making up for what they didn't get earlier in the day.

Their bodies are screaming for nutrition. And those hours of lacking nutrition can lead to elevated cortisol for lengthy periods of time. This combo of high cortisol, exhaustion from an insufficiently fueled day, and any other incidental emotions become a ticking time bomb for a pig-out.

No person, male or female, wants to think about food prep when they're famished. And even fewer will want to commit to a specific allotment of macros or calories when their stomach feels like it's eating itself.


If women ate substantially during earlier meals and fueled up appropriately for workouts they wouldn't struggle so much with nighttime cravings and second helpings of dinner or dessert.

7 – Not Eating Enough Protein

Most females, even the health-conscious types, have no idea they're not getting enough protein.

Sure, they've probably heard that a gram per pound of body weight is a decent rule of thumb for lifters, but unless they've intentionally tracked their macros, they won't realize what that number looks like on their plate. And unless they're supplementing with protein, that intake is going to seem like a whole lot of meat.

If fat loss is their goal, then even more protein than the standard gram per pound of body weight would be beneficial. Why? Because protein satiates, preserves muscle, helps build muscle, and during digestion it's more calorically expensive than carbs or fat.

Protein has a higher thermic effect than the other two macronutrients. But women would rather pick at kid-sized portions of meat so that they can save room for cookies and chocolate-covered crap later on. (This is called dietary displacement.)

They don't realize that extra protein doesn't just stave off hunger, it also prevents muscle atrophy. Ladies who are trying to lose fat by eating fewer total calories and doing extra workouts are at an even greater risk of catabolizing muscle, which is the one thing that'll make their bodies more efficient at burning fat.


Women need to calculate their protein needs and track their intake for a while to make sure they're getting enough. If they're struggling with body fat, a higher protein approach might have a major impact on their appetites and waistlines.

8 – Going to Extremes with Dietary Fat

In recent years, most health conscious women have been getting over their fear of dietary fat. We've become avocado lovers, grass-fed beef and butter eaters, coconut oil connoisseurs, and heavy-cream-with-coffee drinkers. But in an effort to show disdain for fat-phobia many have let the pendulum swing too far.

No doubt, the saying "fat makes you fat" is outdated. We know there's more to gaining weight than that. But a lot of women are learning that nuts and full-fat cheeses actually do add up, and those who think their thighs are immune just because they're not spiking their insulin with "processed carbs" are misguided.

There is a point at which too much dietary fat will make a person look like they're eating too much dietary fat.

On the other end of the spectrum are the health conscious women who still have an aversion of fat. Even though the 90's taught us that you can stay fat on a fat-free diet, some women still fear butter and egg yolks (but it's saturated!).

Many don't realize that without fat and dietary cholesterol, the body will struggle to make the hormones necessary for a naturally fired up metabolism and sex life.

A traditional bodybuilding diet that appears clean and pristine with plenty of vegetables, lean protein, and oats can still be inadequate without some cholesterol-containing animal fat. And our hormones thrive when we get enough of it.

These hormones can increase the amount of muscle women are able to build, the energy they're able to expend, and the amount of playtime women want to have in the bedroom.


Women need a variety of fats, including some saturated fat, and would benefit from prioritizing omega-3 fatty acids, which are the most beneficial for decreasing inflammation and promoting fat loss.

Females also need to realize that cravings for copious amounts of fat are a red flag that they're getting inadequate amounts of one of the other macronutrients, like carbs.

9 – Going to Extremes with Carbs

There's no doubt that our sedentary population would benefit from dropping the dinner rolls, cereals, and aforementioned obvious junk, but countless low carb eaters who had success at first end up hitting major plateaus.

The problem with low carb plans is that many weight-training females eventually get fatter while sticking to them.

Athletic ladies who eschew starches tend to have an insatiable appetite for fat. Because their need for carbs isn't being met, they seek satiation from (excessive) fat-filled, calorie-dense foods. These high fat foods, healthy as they may be, aren't as effective as carbs at doing all the things their weight-trained bodies require.

Athletic women often don't realize the capacity a muscular body has available to store glycogen. Many carb-depleted athletic females walk around with flat muscles and assume that they're "carb intolerant" because when they eat carbs the scale goes up.

But the reality is that when weight-trained women eat carbs they're just restoring glycogen to their flattened out muscles, and in turn they're making those muscles fuller and more effective at doing work.

The more muscle a body has, the greater its capacity for storing carbs as glycogen. And when women deplete their muscle glycogen, they're not actually burning fat, even though their bodies will appear smaller. They're just draining their muscles of usable energy and water.

Muscular women can make the scale spike or plummet in a matter of days with carb manipulation. This doesn't mean they're gaining or losing fat.


Athletic females who want a lean and powerful body should make room in their diets for carbs, especially around their workouts. It'll make them more effective in the gym and better at building muscle. Sedentary women with little muscle would do well to rein carbs in.

10 – Eating Sweets to be Sweet

A lot of women get stuck eating stuff they don't really want because they haven't mastered the art of saying "no thanks." Females are often more sensitive to the feelings of others, so in an effort to be polite they'll eat food they don't want, even if doing so doesn't help them get any closer to their goals.


This one's not so easy. The solution depends on the situation.

If it's not a special treat that someone slaved over, then she'd benefit from being assertive. A female trying to change her eating patterns will need to get friends used to hearing her say, "I'll pass."

But if the food that's being offered is a treat someone special put a lot of effort into, she's got a few options.

She can say "thank you" and delight her loved one by indulging; she can say "thank you" and set it aside until she figures out what to do with it; or she can say "thank you" and lie about having a piece later on.

But if my own granny were to make me something, I'd eat and enjoy the crap out of it. Weigh the options and take whatever action will hurt feelings and physique the least.

If you have any questions I’m more then happy to help 


A little disappointed this didn't cover more of the physical needs of women vs. men rather than behavioral issues that I find many men having too.  ;)

I've been counting my calories using an app called Lose-It! for the past year and been pretty happy with my success. I'm not even really "dieting" anymore, just using it to track calories in the day. It's been pretty eye-opening to see which foods are high or low calories, and which keep me more full with less calories.

It wasn’t intended in anyway to be sexist..honest. The opposite actually, men are much much worse and I’ll cover that in another article. If you would like me to write up something on the physical needs I’ll do that.

ive never heard of lose it but could be an American thing and sounds exactly like the MyFitnessPal which is great for tracking macros. And yep it’s astonishing the amount of foods that are basically empty calories. You seem to have the right idea though pal 😉


@Hammerblow Oh I wasn't trying to accuse you of being sexist! Maybe it came off that way though. I'd definitely be interested in stuff about physical needs! I also really appreciate your posts. I'm nowhere near a bodybuilder, but the information is very interesting.

Lose-It! is probably an American thing, but many of my friends also use MyFitnessPal. I've never tried it myself. I think if I ever get motivated enough I'd like to work on my proportions of carbs/fats/proteins since it looks like a majority of my calories are carbs and fats when they could be proteins...

Goodness I never thought you were. I’m working on something I think you might like. It’s not all steroids, bodybuilding and ‘one last rep’ ha! Healthy lifestyle based within our communities parameters and physical needs is a topic that’s really interesting to me. 


ps. Eat more protein! 

Ok @Hammerblow I'm intrigued!  You must be in the fitness world for more than just working out as you seem very knowledgable.  I've tried for years to find the perfect balance of working out, what to eat and when to eat.  What about those of us who have to try to keep weight on?  

After eating when will my muscles have the most energy to workout?  How quickly should I eat something afterwords?  

That I am I’m a classic physique “pro” in the organisation I compete in. I absolutely love it but it’s not my job, I don’t want to be a fitness influencer. That’s basically the only way to make money in the fitness world, pimping yourself on social media. You mostly lose more then you make by competing even if you are quite high level.. 

Anyhoot getting back back to your first question. I don’t know enough about you to answer that DM me and I’ll get some info and take it from there.

Every single person is different so it’s hsrd to commit to an optimal time for anything, I workout completely fasted in the mornings, a proper shit my bones workout. Most can’t do that. Muscle energy depends on what type of food you are eating and how quickly your body converts it. Slow digesting carbs 1-2 hours beforehand 👌 

Eat whenever you want after you workout there’s no ‘anabolic’ ‘catabolic’ window. That’s just nonsense created by the fitness industry to sell supplements! So it’s almost ingrained that you need Creatune, PWO shake, intra shake BCAA’s, PWO shake. TDEE is what is important and your overall calories for thst day. I’ll have my second session then go straight into work and not eat till I go home so they’ll be a 10-12 hour window between meals. Timing is inconsequential eat when you are hungry and never deny yourself. It’s a marathon not a sprint. Never base or judge by the day but weeks, months. 


It wasn’t intended in anyway to be sexist..honest. The opposite actually, men are much much worse and I’ll cover that in another article. If you would like me to write up something on the physical needs I’ll do that.

ive never heard of lose it but could be an American thing and sounds exactly like the MyFitnessPal which is great for tracking macros. And yep it’s astonishing the amount of foods that are basically empty calories. You seem to have the right idea though pal 😉

@Hammerblow it IS sexist but I’m not putting you down......honestly many  men feel privileged....they  just aren’t self aware.

Thank you...I think 😊 I was completely aware after writing it but I’ve corrected things going forward. I’ve got lots of interesting articles just purely covering the physical needs. 


I was too busy agreeing with what I was reading to notice any sexism. Have always suspected you are a closet misogynist and it was bound to come out sooner or later.

I have never been a believer in any kind of diet. I think you have to have a desire to change your eating habits for whatever goal; health, weight loss, even budget.

I saw a new thing being advertised on TV "Noom". It's supposed to be some type of therapy that "changes your relationship with food". It doesn't force you to give up what you like, so it sounds like it might be promising since this sounds like a more reasonable approach than staying on a diet for the rest of your life. 

JK of course @Hammerblow has a proper respect for the ladies from what I can tell ;)

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Thank you...I think 😊 I was completely aware after writing it but I’ve corrected things going forward. I’ve got lots of interesting articles just purely covering the physical needs. 

I think that may help. Saying things like women attach their self worth to food; that we can’t say “no thanks” to unhealthy food; that we need someone around to tell us what to eat and not to eat, (just to name a few stereotypical 1950’s rhetoric) really are offensive to me personally. I’m alarmed that you believe these things about women. Put the shoe on the other foot...Men attach their self worth to food more than women do; men can’t say “No Thanks” to unhealthy food because they don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings; men really need to have someone else around them to tell them “No don’t eat that!”. But now I’ve overindulged myself here so my self esteem just went down the toilet I will want to punish myself!! I should a walk instead of smoking this doobie to relax then eat this whole row of cookies! 

@Hammerblow seriously now....can you NOT HEAR how silly this sounds?  I’m not attacking you. Your nutritional information is textbook. You’re probably a nice person but that’s beside the point.  . @2earls I’m pretty sure he’s no longer in the closet with his misogyny. 

Thanks for your next post where you say you deal strictly with physiology!! Probably a very good idea as I think you have a lot to offer 👍🏽

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Hi @Nitetrain I honestly mean no offence by it and I promise you I’m not misogynistic in any way shape or form. I’m completely respectful to women and my views are definitely not set in the 1950’s stereotypes. 

I was perhaps just not clear enough in my post. I’m a professional bodybuilder and I train and train along side a lot of female athletes and take of some female clients helping them get prepped for shows or generally setting goals for weight gain/lose etc. My experience is vast and these are the pre dominant roadblocks/challenges I’ve faced. It’s a very personal relationship when you are training someone and they are more inclined to confide in you. You’re also slightly cherry picking I also said women are more sensitive to others feelings and many other positives. I much prefer working with women! Men are worse and can be an absolute nightmare. Their hang ups are only getting worse which is predominantly pushed by society/social media to be this photoshopped mostly unattainable super man. 

Again I'm sorry if I caused any personal offence I was trying as always to provide informative content. If you search my content I have many articles dedicated just to women and praising them. There work ethic and commitment is insane at times especially because genetics are scientific fact. So you do have to work harder but I see some incredible results and dedication. 

Peace ✌️ and all the love in the 🌎 


 @Hammerblow.  I didn’t want to offend you and I apologize for my overzealous 1950’s reference. You’ve been respectful in your replies and I’ve thought long and hard what I want to say. I thought, “Here’s a professional trainer who works with women all the time. He’s told me they’ve shared their personal experiences with food; what their emotional relationships with food are how food effects their coping mechanisms. This rings true, not for me personally but for women I know deeply. You use this information to help them overcome these obstacles. Maybe I’ve got it all wrong....perhaps it’s these women who have stereotypical 1950’s tapes running through their heads. I know I’ve worked very hard to shut off my tapes so I can definitely relate. We as women see, hear, read and have to defend ourselves against these crazy, hurtful, untrue and discriminatory ideas daily. HOW we choose to reject and deflect is personal and exhausting. Sometimes we just shake our heads and think “Smh...”!  I’m in a physical situation that has, over a period of 4 yrs., taken me from skydiving and competetive martial arts to difficulty walking. I’m angry and feeling vulnerable and haven’t had these feelings in  75% of my lifetime. I’m just saying  I understand why you wrote it the way you did and hope I’ve explained why I reacted the way I did. You have a lot to offer.  Keep up the fine work and peace be with you @Hammerblow  👍🏽

I have the opposite problem..  I'm too skinny!  I'm 5'7 and weighed 113 pounds.  I've managed to get up to 123 pds with the help of a powder called pro gain.  I do pretty good eating healthy.. lots of nuts, veggies and fruits.  Some meat, but I'm just not a fan.  I do always have hard boiled eggs I eat on hand.  But I have no appetite at all and struggle to get food down.  I feel like I have to force myself to eat.  I look like a skeleton.. I want some curves, a little more fat on my ass..lol.  and my breast are the hardest place for me to gain.  I'm bearly an A cup.  How do you make beast grow..lol?  My mom and sister, both were dounble dd's.  Not sure what happened to me?  I'm build like a man.  Just no curves at all..   It seems that when I gain weight, it goes mostly to my stomach. 

@Nitetrain Thank you I appreciate your kind words and understanding. And you’ve completely hit the nail on the head, it’s these stereotypically ideas we are trying to move on from as it’s simply outdated and unnecessary. And congratulations on your own personal achievements, it all starts with the correct mindset and drive and you evidently have it..and then some! Don’t be a stranger on any content I put out I love getting feedback positive or negative and I will always take it on board.

Peace ✌️ 


Hey @sweetmelissa589 I’ve not forgotten about you I’m just waiting for you to get in contact. It’s entirely up to you of course and don’t worry I’m not going to ask for anything inappropriate just some simple stats and we can build a plan. Trust me that your body doesn’t ‘spot fat’ yes there are certain areas more stubborn then others, I go through this every show prep. But I can help you gain your desired look if you are committed to following a structured eating and exercise plan (which can be anything you want it doesn’t need to involve weights or the gym)


Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!