How hard is it to get your pm doctor to prescribe hldr0c0d0ne?

Kurt Codean

Aug 15, 2015
Hello all, I have been seeing the same pain management doctor for the past 4 months. Every month he gives me a script for 120 tylenol 4's and 90 tramadols. I also get lexapro and clonazepam from this doctor. I am considering whether I should ask him if he can prescribe me Hidr0c0d0ne  instead of the Tylenol 4 and the tramadols. I really don't like tramadol. I am probably one of the 10% that lacks the enzyme which makes tramadol feel good in your body. Also since I am taking an SSRI, I think it would be best to not take tramadols as that could cause a dangerous interaction. So I was just wondering how people here feel about the odds of getting hydr0s (10mg) from your pain management doctor? Does anyone think that this doctor would agree to give me Hydr0s instead of the tylenol 4s and tramadols? I recently quit my job which was the initial cause of my back pain, but even now after about a week from doing that job I still feel a bit of pain between the L4/L5 vertebrae. This is the particular spot which was being agitated when I was working and my doctor warned me that if I kept doing that type of work the disc between the L4/L5 would completely degenerate and I would end up with arthritis in my back. I don't know how badly I have damaged that particular disc, I suppose i would need an x-ray to figure that out, but I still feel pain in that spot when I stand up or move in certain positions and even when seated. I'm a little bit afraid to ask my doctor for Hydr0c0done because I know that doctors these days are pretty reluctant to prescribe that medication, but I feel like it would be a reasonable request since the tramadol shouldn't be taken with my SSRI. Also I am afraid if I ask him for too much he might stop giving me what he's already been giving me, so it's kind of like should I just stick with the current combo he's been giving me or would it be worth a shot asking for a Hydr0 script? If anyone has any advice or an opinion about this I would highly appreciate your feedback. Thank you all in advance, I appreciate your support,



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My boyfriend and I read an article written by an ER physician who obviously dabbles in our subculture. The easiest med to have rxd is probably truly exactly what you need. I worked as a clinical coordinator at a family practice facility as a medical assistant calling in prescriptions. Tooth pain with the promise of an upcoming dental appt will get you viks nearly every time. Take the time to actually make a dental appt you Can cancel after filling rx. But mention you are seeing so and so on such and such a date. Always good to mention that you would like an antibiotic as well because an infected tooth needs treatment for both analgesic needs as well as treating the cause. If you seek out care in a larger metro area, an have insurance..they want you in and out of the ER for trauma and more serious acute visits. Complaining of a history of prior pancreatitis will get you at least viks...if not dillies.. Which are the go to break through meds for this particular condition. Otherwise..both gallstones...kidneystones will cause extreme pain if you stand on your toes and immediately slam the weight distribution to your heels. This is a helpful thing to mention. Never specify which med you are seeking as it appears sketchy and no one likes to be told their job. If all else fails...a productive cough for which you have already tried codeen syrup with an irritating skin rash may ensure you a tussionex rx. This can be bought (codeine) syrup OTC in my state so if u have no provider to supply as the prescribed..a and codeene syrup isn't  OTC in your area, stick with emphasizing the razor like pain caused by your cough and state you have tried all manner of Nyquil etc. Good luck.

Hi thanks for you feedback. The tooth pain story sounds fairly reasonable and easy to pull off, however that might only get me an rx of hidr0 one time only. I would like to get the same script every month. It's funny you mentioned that you shouldn't name what medication you want because it seems sketchy, normally I would agree with that, but the first time I saw this doctor, he asked me what i wanted, and I said tramadol and tylenol with/codeine. He said okay for both of those but then the next month I asked him to give my tylenol 4's instead of 3's. and then a month after that i got him to increase the amt of tylenol 4 from 90 to 120 pills. I tried to get him to increase the tramadol to 120 pills as well but he said he couldn't do it unless I was willing to give up my ssri medication. Which really doesn't make sense, if Tramadol doesn't mix well with an ssri then what difference would it make if he gives me 90 pills or 120? anyway I also asked him to give me clonazepam 2mg and he agreed. Then I asked him for Celexa and he said yes to that, finally I was going to try to get him to give me a script for Adderall 10mg, but he said that's enough for now, he had already written me 4 scripts. I've got insurance but I don't think I would like to go to the ER to try to score some vikes . That just seems like a pain in the butt. I've tried the tussinex with codeine and I don't really get anything from that. My mom was getting that from her doctor and i would take a couple of spoons now and then. I don't know I might just stick to what i am getting because the last couple times I was asking him to alter my scripts he seemed to be getting a  little aggravated. The reason I asked him for those medications which I named is because my brother was seeing this doctor first and that's the meds he was getting, and then he referred me to that doctor and so I figured he would give me the same thing. Oh and I switched from celexa to lexapro but now I want to ask him if he can up my dose from 10mg to 20mg. But everytime I go to his office on a Saturday it's usually busy. Most of the patients that come to see him seem like crackheads to me. The last couple times I saw him I didn't really even talk to him He just wrote the new scripts for refills and I was on my way. He charges $70 for the consultation fee. If you tell him that you have tooth pain wouldn't it be up to the the dentist to write the script for the hidr0s? 

My doctor prescribes them. If Tramps have a potentially dangerous interaction with another of your meds, then isn't that a reasonable thing to bring up to your doctor? Remember that hidreaux has been rescheduled and you will either have to pick up your prescription once a month, or have the doctor write 3 scripts at a time with two postdated.

I'm terrified to ask for anything stronger for fear of losing what I have. Even when she initiates the conversation as to whether my pain is well controlled. I don't have any logical reason to believe I'd get cut off, but went through hell to find a doc that would prescribe any PK.

My doc just increased my four one milli alpraz to four two mg alpraz out of nowhere. He's Burroughs very own definition of a croaker. Nd yes..Kurt ur doc sounds the same. Where is ur pain @2earls? Truly try it though @Kurt Codean because a dental appt can be months out at which point you could mention just how helpful th meds have been for your additional conditions. Good luck. My old boss used to keep me in signed scheduled rx pads because he was lazy. I was of course diligent in makin sure meds were due...that contracts were being upheld and that no failed urinalysis preceded the writing of dillies...fen@nyl..meth@done..30s...15s but it allowed me to remain comfy as well. With.a lil help from idiot felonious pals. A few times when I did pill counts and people were short I would look thm in the eye..move 5-10 PS, Os morfs or whatever to the side noticingly and tell them they were exactly on count. They were thankful to keep their rx and I was as well. I've even had narco patients urine samples disappear and appear misplaced by the contracted lab when some poor old pain patient was gonna lose their rx because of a UA that they confided would be flppn positive for cannabis. I was well liked but a hard worker as well. I had one patient with a morfeen pump who would present for frequent demer all shots because his mri literally appeared like that of someone who had been thrown from the San Francisco golden gate bridge that I noticed benefitted more from the mixed phenergan than the demer all. His tolerance laughed at that petty excuse for an I would triple his phenergan so he could just sleep. God love him. He's passed now. Surprisingly..not a suicide. His pain was such. 

My doctor prescribes them. If Tramps have a potentially dangerous interaction with another of your meds, then isn't that a reasonable thing to bring up to your doctor? Remember that hidreaux has been rescheduled and you will either have to pick up your prescription once a month, or have the doctor write 3 scripts at a time with two postdated.

I'm terrified to ask for anything stronger for fear of losing what I have. Even when she initiates the conversation as to whether my pain is well controlled. I don't have any logical reason to believe I'd get cut off, but went through hell to find a doc that would prescribe any PK.
The part about having to go to get a new script every month doesn't really matter to me because I see him every month to get new scripts for the Cl0n@zepam. I think he can electronically send scripts for tylenol 4 and tramps to my pharmacy and I could get refills on those for at least 3 months, but for the clon@zep@m I think I have to literally go there. But I share your same concern about asking for anything stronger than what I am getting. I am afraid if I push him too far he might take away what I'm getting already and just throw me out. I think the best thing for me would be to stick with his current scripts. I'm not really sure if I should be concerned about the Tramps interfering with the lexapro. So far i haven't had any problems with that. I would like to talk to him about upping the dose of lexapro, because the 10mg is making me feel a little better now adays, so I was wondering if 20mgs would kick it up a notch and make me feel even better. 

My doc just increased my four one milli alpraz to four two mg alpraz out of nowhere. He's Burroughs very own definition of a croaker. Nd yes..Kurt ur doc sounds the same. Where is ur pain @2earls? Truly try it though @Kurt Codean because a dental appt can be months out at which point you could mention just how helpful th meds have been for your additional conditions. Good luck. My old boss used to keep me in signed scheduled rx pads because he was lazy. I was of course diligent in makin sure meds were due...that contracts were being upheld and that no failed urinalysis preceded the writing of dillies...fen@nyl..meth@done..30s...15s but it allowed me to remain comfy as well. With.a lil help from idiot felonious pals. A few times when I did pill counts and people were short I would look thm in the eye..move 5-10 PS, Os morfs or whatever to the side noticingly and tell them they were exactly on count. They were thankful to keep their rx and I was as well. I've even had narco patients urine samples disappear and appear misplaced by the contracted lab when some poor old pain patient was gonna lose their rx because of a UA that they confided would be flppn positive for cannabis. I was well liked but a hard worker as well. I had one patient with a morfeen pump who would present for frequent demer all shots because his mri literally appeared like that of someone who had been thrown from the San Francisco golden gate bridge that I noticed benefitted more from the mixed phenergan than the demer all. His tolerance laughed at that petty excuse for an I would triple his phenergan so he could just sleep. God love him. He's passed now. Surprisingly..not a suicide. His pain was such. 
I'm not familiar with Burroughs (William S. Burroughs?) or his definition of a croaker, but I think I know what you mean. A doctor that pretty much just writes scripts left and right and takes cash. Everyone that sees this guy stays in his office for no more than 5-10 minutes. It seems that everyone just comes to get refills for whatever he's giving them. My brother originally found this doctor when he signed up for a suboxone program. He was getting free Suboxone because he had a heroin addiction. There was some kind of program, i think it was called pap or something.. i don't know if i will try that dentist story. I'm a pretty bad liar and i have a hard time pulling off stunts like that. You sound like a pretty cool person to do those favors for people. There are some people out there who are real sticklers and give you a hard time. Certain pharmacies like Wallgreens make filling my scripts so difficult even though they are all valid. I found my local pharmacy to be much faster and more efficient. I hate Wallgreens pharmacy with a passion. you sound like the character in that cd that kurt cobain did with william s burroghs called "the priest they called him". I don't know what an mri would look like for someone who jumped off the Golden gate bridge. I imagine everybone in their body would be broken. But I have seen a documentary about Suicides at the Golden gate Bridge and their were a few people who actually survived their suicide attempts. Your last sentence reminds me of an episode of House when Wilson let a dying cancer patient know what code to put in to override the maximum morphine dispensal. The override however would be enough morphine to kill the patient but he was in so much pain that he chose to override the limit on the morphine using the code that Wilson let him overhear. Later he was going to admit what he did but House drugged him and stole his pants to save his career. 

Yes definitely ask for the hydr0s and list reasons why, explain how much pain your in and that you researched vic0din. Doctors feel better about prescribing hydr0 cod0n3 to 0xy c0don3, I heard cause  vikes are harder to abuse. The main pain reliving chemical works 100% when it metabolizes mostly in your digestive tract compared to other pain meds that are insulfulated or even IV'd. If a doctor won't write vikes for pain then I'd see another doctor to be honest. Your Dr is trying to maintain your pain with the least amount of pain meds or might think your showing an addictive personality. The T4 and Tramadol are both lower class pain meds which even a dentist could call in over the phone for minor tooth pain. If your dr has a problem you can get your prescriptions you listed from any internal medicine Dr, no need to see a pain management Dr for that imo.

I'm not familiar with Burroughs (William S. Burroughs?) or his definition of a croaker, but I think I know what you mean. A doctor that pretty much just writes scripts left and right and takes cash. Everyone that sees this guy stays in his office for no more than 5-10 minutes. It seems that everyone just comes to get refills for whatever he's giving them. My brother originally found this doctor when he signed up for a suboxone program. He was getting free Suboxone because he had a heroin addiction. There was some kind of program, i think it was called pap or something.. i don't know if i will try that dentist story. I'm a pretty bad liar and i have a hard time pulling off stunts like that. You sound like a pretty cool person to do those favors for people. There are some people out there who are real sticklers and give you a hard time. Certain pharmacies like Wallgreens make filling my scripts so difficult even though they are all valid. I found my local pharmacy to be much faster and more efficient. I hate Wallgreens pharmacy with a passion. you sound like the character in that cd that kurt cobain did with william s burroghs called "the priest they called him". I don't know what an mri would look like for someone who jumped off the Golden gate bridge. I imagine everybone in their body would be broken. But I have seen a documentary about Suicides at the Golden gate Bridge and their were a few people who actually survived their suicide attempts. Your last sentence reminds me of an episode of House when Wilson let a dying cancer patient know what code to put in to override the maximum morphine dispensal. The override however would be enough morphine to kill the patient but he was in so much pain that he chose to override the limit on the morphine using the code that Wilson let him overhear. Later he was going to admit what he did but House drugged him and stole his pants to save his career. 
If you like house, look up the Knick. It's set back when surgery was just being revolutionized And the upstart doctor has a c0c@ine addiction. But he is brilliant. There's a lot of cool race relation topics. A black doctor that rivals Clive Owens..the doctor and is more than able...but has to start an underground clinic.

@kal Thanks for the advice. I think I am going to give it a try and ask him for it. Simply because according to the instructions on the bottles for t4 and tramadol, I am supposed to take 1 every 4 hours or something like that. But I don't get much relief unless I take 4 t4s and 3 tramadols at once. If I spaced them out like the bottle suggests I wouldn't feel much of anything. I am not sure he will go for that or if I should tell him that straight up because he might think i'm already abusing what he's been giving me. But I'm going to take a chance. 

@sociopathicbombshell yeah I do like house. I thought I saw every episode, at least in the early season, but I don't recall that one. I'll try to watch it if it's on Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon, i have all three of those I believe. 

you know I was thinking just that. Well I think this doctor works from Tuesday-Saturday. I used to go on Saturdays but that is when most of his patients come in. So next time which will be next week I'm going to try seeing him on Tuesday because then I can probably sit down and talk to him instead of just getting scripts written and leaving. Also I think my back pain has been getting worse. I'm still doing that stupid dishwashing job. I said I quit last Friday but then I contacted the manager and asked if I can still work because I need the money. But this job is doing a number on my back. i can totally feel the disc wearing away between my l4/l5 vertebrae. 

Hey I was re-thinking this question and I think I'm not going to try and ask my doctor for Hidr0c0done after all. I'm a little worried that he might view it as drug seeking behavior. Also I was thinking I might be able to wean my self off of Ohp8s by using tramad0l strictly for pain and using the Kode@ns once a week or so for the recreational feeling. I do get a pretty good buzz if I take around 4 Kode@ns, but that's only if I haven't taken them in about a week or so. If I take them everyday, I don't really get a buzz, I just get the pain killing benefits, which is good, but I think that using tram@dol for pain would help me keep my tolerance down for 0h-p8s, and give me a better buzz off Kode@n if I want to take it for rec reasons. If I start taking Hidroc0done, I might develop a permanent dependency to ohp8s. Hidr0c0d0nes are obviously superior to kode@n for those purposes, but I don't want to really risk becoming too dependent on ohp8s. Also with Kode@n there is a limit to how many you can take for rec purposes. Once you get an initial buzz I found that taking more really doesn't add anything to it. I think 4-6 Kode@ns is the limit (60mg each) in terms of getting a rec buzz. 

@KAL Hey I was at the doctor today and it was a longer wait than usual. I had to wait for about 2 hours. During that wait I was mulling over this topic and decided to ask the doctor if he can give me 90 10mg hidr0s instead of the t4 and tr@madols, when i got into his office, I first asked him to raise my lexapro from 10 to 20 mgs and he agreed, then I went for the leap and asked him to switch me to the hidr0s and he agreed. I was pretty happy about that. so just wanted to let you know I took your advice and it worked. Thanks pal!

@KAL Hey I was at the doctor today and it was a longer wait than usual. I had to wait for about 2 hours. During that wait I was mulling over this topic and decided to ask the doctor if he can give me 90 10mg hidr0s instead of the t4 and tr@madols, when i got into his office, I first asked him to raise my lexapro from 10 to 20 mgs and he agreed, then I went for the leap and asked him to switch me to the hidr0s and he agreed. I was pretty happy about that. so just wanted to let you know I took your advice and it worked. Thanks pal!
Nice!!! See buddy sometimes you just gotta take a leap of faith. For some reason when I asked 1 of my Ds to start me off at #90 30mg R0xi3s he didn't question me, I waited a few visits to build up a relationship complaining about my lower back & knee pain. I think he had mistaken me for one of his other many patients on R0xi3 TBH but once he wrote the first script he couldn't just refuse them to me. Before that Dr, I  was rejected by 2 others, 1 prescribing T4 & Trams like you and another trams & expensive Fent patches so I left them. Once you get a Dr to prescribe what you need you never have to worry again, kinda like being in the opi3 club at the pharmacy. Any future Drs all I had to do was show the empty bottles and describe my pain, sometimes you strike out more but once you get prescribed pain meds a Dr can't refuse them to you. Think of all the cash you just saved @kurt, better than paying 10 bucks a vike.

@KALHell yeah this is way better than paying 10 bucks a vike, now I'm only paying 1 buck for 90 vikes (not including the $70 consultation fee but he also gives me a couple of other meds). Damn #90 30mg Roxi3s?? Now you got me drooling!! Dare I ask My doctor for that one? That would be the icing on the cake. I would never have another pain med question for the rest of my life! I was sort of wondering what sort of pain do you have to be in to get 30mg Rockseas prescribed? Do you think a deteriorating l4/l5 disc would warrant that? If so i'm thinking about asking for that upgrade next time. What do you think? So far I haven't tried the hidr0s on the job, so hopefully they will work, he gave me 90 10mgs and it says take 1 every 8 hours, but I think I will take 3 when I start work and that would be it. The T4's and Tr@ms that I was getting before did get the job done actually but it seemed like I was taking too many pills (7 pills a day), and also Tr@ms don't interact well with SSRIs. Hmm You really got me thinking now. Yeah I totally agree, now that I got the Hidr0 it should be easy to get them again if for some reason I need to switch docs. At the very least though If I don't go for asking for Rockseas do you think  asking him for 120 10mg hidr0s per month is asking too much?

Never a bad idea to try for meds on Mondays. They're fresh from the weekend...less jaded but busy as fook
@sociopathicbombshell Hey I almost forgot to thank you for that little piece of advice. This doctor doesn't work Mondays, so Tuesdays are his first day, that's why I specifically chose to see him today. I have a feeling if I went on a Saturday like I normally do he would have denied my request for the upgrade. Today was a completely different scene at his office then the one I see on Saturday. Lot's of people who look like they are in serious pain. I had to wait 2 hours, whereas on Saturdays I normally get my scripts in about 30 minutes. I can't prove it but I really believe that all that waiting and how many people were in his office today had something to do with him agreeing to change my medications. When I finally got to his office I felt like he was completely agreeable to whatever I was saying. Maybe he was just trying to get things moving as quickly as possible. Now based on what @KAL just said, I am wondering If I could of pulled off getting a script for 90 30mg Rockseas. Too bad I didn't think of asking him that. That would have blown my mind if I could of gotten it. Am I being greedy? What if taking 1 10mg hidr0 every eight hours doesn't work for me? what's the next logical medicine to ask for? I would like to get a script for rocksea 30's. 

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@KALHell yeah this is way better than paying 10 bucks a vike, now I'm only paying 1 buck for 90 vikes (not including the $70 consultation fee but he also gives me a couple of other meds). Damn #90 30mg Roxi3s?? Now you got me drooling!! Dare I ask My doctor for that one? That would be the icing on the cake. I would never have another pain med question for the rest of my life! I was sort of wondering what sort of pain do you have to be in to get 30mg Rockseas prescribed? Do you think a deteriorating l4/l5 disc would warrant that? If so i'm thinking about asking for that upgrade next time. What do you think? So far I haven't tried the hidr0s on the job, so hopefully they will work, he gave me 90 10mgs and it says take 1 every 8 hours, but I think I will take 3 when I start work and that would be it. The T4's and Tr@ms that I was getting before did get the job done actually but it seemed like I was taking too many pills (7 pills a day), and also Tr@ms don't interact well with SSRIs. Hmm You really got me thinking now. Yeah I totally agree, now that I got the Hidr0 it should be easy to get them again if for some reason I need to switch docs. At the very least though If I don't go for asking for Rockseas do you think  asking him for 120 10mg hidr0s per month is asking too much?
Well I don't condone this ? but consider the 10mg Hyd03s as a stepping stone. Once you start getting prescribed what you need you slowly work way up cause after time taking the same meds don't relieve all the pain ya know. See how far you can work your way up with this Dr then see another because you don't get enough meds to function daily with all your pain. Tell your next Dr how pain has made life unbearable and all you wanna do is lead a normal life, do the things you used to be able to. As for me I actually never had to show a MRI, I guess I was convincing & confident with Drs. I kinda just stumbled upon the right Drs to treat me, sometimes it takes time. When I asked for r0xi3s it was before the whole craze happened with every and they're mother hitting up every Dr who was more lenient with writing prescriptions. The last few years I've seen a lot of Drs in my area get arrested, stop prescribing 0xee, refuse new patients looking for pain meds. Too many annoying kids having them and all they're friends packed into Dr offices all looking for 2 meds R0xee & x@nax. I had 1 Dr only I knew about as I tried to keep my Drs a secret to avoid problems but I made the mistake of helping someone out who could only get 10mg Oxees who was in a serious dirt-bike accident on the street. Next time I showed up for my appointment their was a line of all young 20ish looking kids out the door. That Dr was actually kicked out of that building because other Drs who worked in that office saw what was going on and didn't want some pill parade of doped out college kids all over the place, not a good look. As for me I had Lymes disease very bad when I was young, it paralyzed me at the knees I was out of school for year ect which left me with bad joint arthritis young. Then after a few bad accidents, one where the car flipped after hitting a telephone pole then tree because of black ice that's when I started getting lower lumbar back pain. A lot of Drs here don't ask many questions as long as your paying cash. Doctors and pharmacies are now linked so don't even think about seeing two Drs for pain cause they'll both drop you like a bad habit. This is why h3r0in is the drug of choice now, it's cheaper than 1 hydr03 and more effective. So I guess the government created a new monster because theirs people who actually need some kind of pain treatment who can't get nada lately with Drs being scared to write anything. I've known the same Dr I see now for years him being a local Walk In center so while he won't prescribe anyone new pain meds he will prescribe pain & anxiety meds to me. < @kurt no I don't think asking  for 120 a month is out of line maybe wait till not next visit but the one after. and Explain how you need 4x daily because your waking up all night with pain and can't sleep. How you feel pain at bedtime and wake up in excruciating pain. 10mg Hydr03s are usually scribes for breakthrough pain, and R0xi3 or 0xee as a longer lasting pain med. > Just don't get too dependent on the opi3s buddy and best of luck 

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@KAL yeah I hear you man. Sorry about your pain, but you make a good point about not telling anyone about what your doctor is giving you. If I told my friends about this they would be like oh man can you help me see him or something like that. I plan on keeping this to myself. Yeah I get what you're saying. I think so far I've been building a good relationship with this doctor. Getting hidr0s was a big step up for me. I didn't think it was going to happen. Who knows maybe after a few more visits I can work my way up as you say.  ;)  Who knows I may not find these effective after a while or not even at all since I haven't tried them yet while working. I think I'll kind of take it slow, I don't want to over abuse this guy, he's already giving me 1 great pk and 1 great anxiety med (2mg Cl0n@zepam). He gave me the cl0n@zepams the first day I saw him, no questions asked. I talked to some of his other patients in the waiting room and some people travel 2 hours away from neighboring states to see this guy.. That's pretty crazy. I live like 15 minutes away by bus. Oh yeah and I definitely know the rules about doctor shopping these days. Trust me I wouldn't even try doing that. yeah I think a reasonable request would be to up it to 120 a month after a month or two. I'm pretty sure I can get that at the very least. I think I should of asked him for 120 right off the bat but I wasn't really thinking about how many I really need. 

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  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
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  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for