does constantly checking TN's, make the package "hot?"

The last time I went to the local office to ship something, the employees looked to me like some of the most disinterested people in the world.  I would imagine, at this time of year, people are constantly checking numbers to see when their new Star Wars toys will arrive or when their new drones will come in.  I think that the only way they would report tn usage would be if they thought there was something weird in the package.   I don't think they have the resources or interest to follow up on serial number checkers. 

But I could be completely wrong.

Back on topic, a seller I had ordered from around the time I joined here (they're not listed on the approved or blacklists so I'm guessing I shouldn't mention them by name) indicated that I should check tracking using

I'm thinking that while USPS may report excessive checking that Web site, which seems to be Chinese in origin, probably doesn't.
Awesome, will use this thanks.

Recently ive had some trouble with receiving ship packages after ordering over 50 successful from SL two packages just never arrived no LL nothing . have gotten through using USPS from other sites so I'm thinking somewhere between the shipper and me somebody's hands became a little sticky. And yesterday ups came to drop off a package and I noticed them outside so I came out they said that they couldn't find my package and it must have gone on another truck ,and I said no no it's been scanned on to this truck to it once it's delivered it is scanned when its loaded I insisted that it was in there and I would not leave until they checked and found it and after I said that they found it quite easily that is the second time us ups has tried to tell me the package was lost when they track it to the delivery hub n after they scan it out for delivery that means that that package was present to be scanned and loaded on that particular truck I went to the UPS hub when it was still legal to do what we do over online had words with the manager telling him that they were my medications and I need them very bad I said I wanted the driver drug tested I want full refund I said if it was scanned ,than it was in this facility and it was scaned on to that truck the next day about 8:45 a.m. a knock on the door if it was ups he gave me my package which was rolled up like a giant cigarette and rubber bands around it which has never been a normal packing procedure and proceeded to tell me that my package fell down this tiny little slot in the back of the UPS van that couldn't have actually happened he got caught I pulled his card and it was a joker.  we are paying for a service and putting our trust in that service therefore I should not have to worry if I find an actual legitimate sender if the shipper will not just take it for own personal vitamin deficiency. Rc chemicals are great because they are legal and most carriers don't know about rc's which are always posted not for human consumption I think you if all shippers did that that might help getting them through customs and reducing love letters. As far as your package sitting in customs for so long bite me I have had the same thing happen every once in awhile check the status and it will tell you if it's being held indefinitely. Could be simple snafu and after you have forgotten all about you get a supprise in the mail.  Or a letter saying a package was received containing such and such substance you may come and pick it up but without a prescription number da number I mean you will be charged so basically you s*** outta luck if it is not prescribed in legitimate do not try to pick it up or else they will be picking up a parcel or else they will be picking up a parcel. If you know. Someone trust worthy use there info if you plan to order again. Before they hate law I used to have about 15 to 20 aliases because only 3 people per household could order the amounts of vitamins I was receiving and I could track them I would meet ups at my house FedEx at my condo ups again at my next door neighbors house almost daily 180 xam X on each order and when they hate law passed all that changed next time I ordered from a site that had not been shut down they were fake not to mention the harassing phone calls for over a year after I stopped ordering awesome people named Matt or Tom with an Pakistani accent so glad to have found this place prices have gone up immensely unless you find a reliable serb, if more than a normal quantity is needed. Sorry if i rambled just wanted to let people know that illegitimate sender is not all you have to worry about. I hate that hate law
Dude I'm trying to decipher your post but did you actually tell UPS that those were your medications!? Did you say you get them legally because your insurance Medicaid pays to have them sent via mail? If I was you I'd never order using UPS or Fedex ever again, I wouldn't use UPS ever in the first place. They can open any package if they deem it suspicious, I have a friend who works there. Plus they got drug sniffing dogs but that's another story. Mailmen also have an idea of who lives at what residence so if your using so many alias's that's also extremely bad. Best bet is to find a PO Box in another town and allow mail from Jack Smith or Jill Smith or whatever your last name is just use a different first name. As for LLs if they seize an amount over what they think is personal use they will send you a letter saying that you will have a court date. I've heard this but people ignore it as most think it's just a way for LE to get you to sign or admit they were yours. Best thing is to toss the LL, stop ordering awhile at least to the same residence & name, and watch for anything strange happening on the phone, opened or late mail and even on the computer that would say your being monitored.

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A few years ago I had friend that worked at a Fdx sorting facility and he would open and pilfer from packages that contained a variety of meds.  He eventually got caught and got into a bit of trouble, but I certainly would not be surprised if someone was opening and stealing from packages that contain meds.  

A few years ago I had friend that worked at a Fdx sorting facility and he would open and pilfer from packages that contained a variety of meds.  He eventually got caught and got into a bit of trouble, but I certainly would not be surprised if someone was opening and stealing from packages that contain meds.  
Like I said once I know of a guy who works at UPS oh wait it's Fedex sorry I don't talk to that bum anymore but he does the same. Somehow he's acquired 60 20mg m0rphin3 vials of the liquid. A bunch of @tivans and I hear he's always selling high end electronics & whatever online. He's a low down dirty junky jerk off so he doesn't care if your iPhone, PS4, Xbox 1, IMac or IPad goes missing. It's not even like he needs to do it cause he's on M3thad0ne but him doing enough H to kill a horse on top of his m3th@done didnt bother me, concerned me yea. You just don't screw friends over, I knew this dude since HighSchool and now we don't talk. He chose to screw me over to get a fix not once, twice or 3 times but many and turned into someone I don't even know anymore talking shit behind my back. He's broken into our friends place recently and stole his xbox 1 & fiancés ring,  like who the fuck does that shit when he's not even dope sick.  So watch out getting anything sent threw Fedex in NYC~ North Jersey area. 

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A few years ago I had friend that worked at a Fdx sorting facility and he would open and pilfer from packages that contained a variety of meds.  He eventually got caught and got into a bit of trouble, but I certainly would not be surprised if someone was opening and stealing from packages that contain meds.  
The guy you knew probably saw one of many regulated shipping companies which the FDA allows to ship hard meds in the states. Thing about this is they're stealing pain meds and stuff from old people with cancer or something who can't get up & see a Dr let alone a pharmacy. The meds these companies always ship 0xy, R0xy, Fent@nyl pops @ patches, Morph ect with benz0s so these Fedex & UPS workers know what's in them before they even check. Sucks cause this is stuff these people really need who could easily be one of our grandparents.  Idk I know if I had the chance to take some old ladies pain meds I wouldn't. If I knew some punk who was giving me grief that I lost his package, I'm late, yelling at me and reporting me to my boss then maybe I'd make his next package disappear like *wallah* just like magic.  Sometimes you notice packages slit open or made to look damages in transit that's just postal workers checking to see what's inside. I've had this happen before they always check the wrong packages so eff them. 

ou to seeI've been told this from some vendors... if you check the status of the parcel like 10x/day, it becomes hot or flagged. is there any truth to this?

from a documentation perspective, it makes sense and there could easily be a log... but practical terms does anyone care? it seems millions of ppl are always looking up their amazon purchases or anything else really anyway. 
I don't believe so,people have much more important packages I bet they are checking every 30 mins! It seems the vendor does not want you to see the route or is trying to stop you from panicking & mellow out on the checking.


Dude I'm trying to decipher your post but did you actually tell UPS that those were your medications!? Did you say you get them legally because your insurance Medicaid pays to have them sent via mail? If I was you I'd never order using UPS or Fedex ever again, I wouldn't use UPS ever in the first place. They can open any package if they deem it suspicious, I have a friend who works there. Plus they got drug sniffing dogs but that's another story. Mailmen also have an idea of who lives at what residence so if your using so many alias's that's also extremely bad. Best bet is to find a PO Box in another town and allow mail from Jack Smith or Jill Smith or whatever your last name is just use a different first name. As for LLs if they seize an amount over what they think is personal use they will send you a letter saying that you will have a court date. I've heard this but people ignore it as most think it's just a way for LE to get you to sign or admit they were yours. Best thing is to toss the LL, stop ordering awhile at least to the same residence & name, and watch for anything strange happening on the phone, opened or late mail and even on the computer that would say your being monitored.
No this is before the laws changed. At one time what we do was completely leagle you filled out a quetionare a you were sent a legitimate script for everything from vicdeen to z@nax. Because of some rich kid overdoseing, a law was created called the haight (hate) law making buying any controlled substance online without a legit script illegal, it was over ten years ago before the law was created that i went to the hub and said it was my meds. Nowadays i would never say anything like that. Before that law came out i never got ripped off , never got fake pills, and never had any problems getting as much as i wanted. It used to be 188$ for 180 bars next day . i literally had coffee cans full of bars . But that is all over now . i have moved , the laws are so strict i cant even get the legitimate scripts i need because of all these rich kids overdosing . know your limits . sorry to get off subject just wanted to clear that up i would never mention anything about meds now, that would be idiotic , alot has changed since that law there is so many things to watch out for and i know the boundaries.

No this is before the laws changed. At one time what we do was completely leagle you filled out a quetionare a you were sent a legitimate script for everything from vicdeen to z@nax. Because of some rich kid overdoseing, a law was created called the haight (hate) law making buying any controlled substance online without a legit script illegal, it was over ten years ago before the law was created that i went to the hub and said it was my meds. Nowadays i would never say anything like that. Before that law came out i never got ripped off , never got fake pills, and never had any problems getting as much as i wanted. It used to be 188$ for 180 bars next day . i literally had coffee cans full of bars . But that is all over now . i have moved , the laws are so strict i cant even get the legitimate scripts i need because of all these rich kids overdosing . know your limits . sorry to get off subject just wanted to clear that up i would never mention anything about meds now, that would be idiotic , alot has changed since that law there is so many things to watch out for and i know the boundaries.
I'm guessing your another T0pix 0n@x buyer ??? I never paid more then 1-1.50ea a bar and always got them before 12 noon the next day express mail. As for this law you mention I'll have to do some homework on that cuz I never heard of it. 10 years ago importation of any non prescribed medications was seized so I gotta see what your talking bout.

I'm guessing your another T0pix 0n@x buyer ??? I never paid more then 1-1.50ea a bar and always got them before 12 noon the next day express mail. As for this law you mention I'll have to do some homework on that cuz I never heard of it. 10 years ago importation of any non prescribed medications was seized so I gotta see what your talking bout.
May have been longer than ten years the internet was still in its infantcy but, always good brands ; roch@, santoes , greenstone, i was a member of the original dbg so thats how long ago it was . to place an order you filled out a questionnaire, and a so called legitimate doctor sent a real script. No bullshit next day if you ordered before noon and there were no scammers , you could even do it c.o.d. and always shipped from inside U.S., i miss those days .the downside was i had a 10 to15 bar a day habbit. Kicking it was hell, i have alot more respect for bz's now my early twenties are a blurr i am 36 now and very wary. I know how to talk talk to shippers without causing alarm. I order alot of different stuff from the net from exotic pets to custom jewlery im ordering a smart tv tomarro and my room mate gets cigarettes and other such products . i would not make anything up. Thats. Not my style . look up the law fot yourself. I forget the kids first but his last name was haight i believe, that is why it is not that easy to accomplish what we do now And every year it gets more strict 

Yes importation of these vitamins would get seized. Thats why they always came from inside the US usually Florida or Maryland.

I just track minimally. Why even risk it?
I have checked frequently once it arrives in the US because I want to be available to sign. Although, I've come to realize that tracking is often behind delivery anyway.

I just track minimally. Why even risk it?
True and once it says like shipped say from somewhere in EU the tracking doesn't update in the states. You can kinda just know the time it usually takes and make sure you check for it after say 7 days. If you gotta PO they email you or something when it arrives, asides knowing when it was shipped not much you can do but obsess. I had a Post Office once let my mail be taken by a new postman to the police station because the station had the same street number as my box number. Lucky no1 opened it and I collected it at the station like nothing was wrong. I always thought they gave me that box number on purpose cause they hoped something like that would happen. People think I should've left it but I was  mad and didn't care at the time, an it was just delivered so I doubted it was opened right away. They didn't like me from day 1 at this post office asking why I needed a PO box and acting like LE themselves. 

May have been longer than ten years the internet was still in its infantcy but, always good brands ; roch@, santoes , greenstone, i was a member of the original dbg so thats how long ago it was . to place an order you filled out a questionnaire, and a so called legitimate doctor sent a real script. No bullshit next day if you ordered before noon and there were no scammers , you could even do it c.o.d. and always shipped from inside U.S., i miss those days .the downside was i had a 10 to15 bar a day habbit. Kicking it was hell, i have alot more respect for bz's now my early twenties are a blurr i am 36 now and very wary. I know how to talk talk to shippers without causing alarm. I order alot of different stuff from the net from exotic pets to custom jewlery im ordering a smart tv tomarro and my room mate gets cigarettes and other such products . i would not make anything up. Thats. Not my style . look up the law fot yourself. I forget the kids first but his last name was haight i believe, that is why it is not that easy to accomplish what we do now And every year it gets more strict 
I remember Indian Drs would actually include a prescription in packages and customs would let it go after holding the mail for months of course. I don't know if it's even legal to get prescribed meds from India I know you can in Mexico.

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The guy you knew probably saw one of many regulated shipping companies which the FDA allows to ship hard meds in the states. Thing about this is they're stealing pain meds and stuff from old people with cancer or something who can't get up & see a Dr let alone a pharmacy. The meds these companies always ship 0xy, R0xy, Fent@nyl pops @ patches, Morph ect with benz0s so these Fedex & UPS workers know what's in them before they even check. Sucks cause this is stuff these people really need who could easily be one of our grandparents.  Idk I know if I had the chance to take some old ladies pain meds I wouldn't. If I knew some punk who was giving me grief that I lost his package, I'm late, yelling at me and reporting me to my boss then maybe I'd make his next package disappear like *wallah* just like magic.  Sometimes you notice packages slit open or made to look damages in transit that's just postal workers checking to see what's inside. I've had this happen before they always check the wrong packages so eff them. 
this is so scary! if we cant trust our friend in the brown uniform... ;d

This is sort of related. But I have a package that tracking says has been in customs for over 3 weeks. Should I assume it's lost & if so should I be worried about any repercussions? And yes I've been checking it daily--never thought that would be a problem.

Did you get your parcel?

I would not collect it as it's far to hot in my opinion.

No I didn't & it got "sent back" to shipper, which as the shipper pointed out means it's going nowhere. They were really good about reshipping it though. I really think it was just a PO error because it had the wrong zip code with the right address. The other 3 packages arrived OK.

On the same topic, does anyone have accounts with any of the common carriers? And have any experience with their seeming to be a correlation between receiving your regular predefined shipping updates and packages being seized/lost/misplaced? I have a Umychoice acct so any time a package is shipped to my address via them, I get an update as soon as it's checked in. And then updates via text every step of the way. I just had a package ordered from SY checked in for processing in CA today, and got the text. Clicked the link and it takes me to the tracking page, but haven't actually gotten the TN yet from the supplier. So I would assume that at worst, I could cover myself with the fact that I never put in a TN, I just got the auto update like I do for everything else. Anyone can send me anything they would want, and I would only know something was coming. Doesn't mean I knew about it prior or actually requested it.... I swear, I just thought someone was sending me late Christmas present ;)

A lot of us use those notifications as I'm sure  a lot of people who use Ebay or Amazon or anything else. I don't think there's anything to worry about, yet as another poster stated, I don't check them often. Usually only when it's delayed. I don't think tracking constantly does anything but stress you out.

My husband is more likely to be checking his latest Nike Air Jordans hourly.

Because of our remote location, I have lots of things shipped regularly. This week alone I have 4 scheduled deliveries (mostly horse supplies and meds) besides my personal letter coming in. And I track everything semi-often because there have been theft problems here before since it's so secluded and out of the way. Never with actual mail or packages, but the 4 of us living up here all just make a habit of knowing when things/people are coming or going so we can keep an eye on everything. Our driver in brown is a pretty cool dude as well, and is used to delivering huge amounts of packages between our house, my boss's house (Amazon addict), the site office and the barn, so I don't expect any issues with him at least. I'd say we average around 4-5 a day, so that would be a lot of 99% normal, boring stuff being regularly tracked and received from this location for anyone high up to care to dig around for the 1% that isn't. I hope anyways ;) . Thanks as always @2earls. My phone isn't letting me tag your name, oh well....

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for