I used this vendor a few times and fully vouched for them on this forum and on PR. They were always polite and service was good, product good, a little expensive, but I went with it as I had no other diaz available when I first began my OP searches.
I was using a pre-paid cc and left a balance on it (stupid me!) of £200. They took it ALL. Transferred it in small increments to a Barclay's 'PINGIT WALLET' that my ppcc company was unable to identify. I had no idea what the hell a PINGIT WALLET was and had to google it--it is a way to transfer money between bank accounts using smartphones. Within the SAME MINUTE on the same day, they took £20, then £40, another £40, then £80...then 2 days later (23rd Oct) they stole another £20. Left me a balance of £12.50 on the card.
THIS IS THE ONLY OP I USED THIS CARD TO PURCHASE FROM. I made purchases from Estee Lauder and Debenham's and The Body Shop, but never at an ATM and never to purchase meds from any other site, so it HAS GOT TO BE THESE GUYS.
The fraud charges have been passed over to Visa and they are investigating...hopefully Visa will refund my £200 within 6-8 weeks, once they clear the fact that I do not have a PINGIT account and have never banked at Barclay's.
BLACKLIST THESE JERKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I formally apologize to anyone I told this was a site that was safe to use. I was successful and received 4 good orders from them before this happened.
I am happy to join in with anyone else who wants to get back at these people.
First they took me for £650 on my cc, now its up to £1050.
£1050 its at now guys, even after CC cancellation.
I have tracked the guys down.
They operate between UK, Malaysia and China.
PM if you have been taken and want payback.
My bank are helping me, have reimbursed me so far. But have to wait for pending to finish for my full cash back.
they went on gambling spree.
I have been taken and want payback.