PIA actually can track your email address, some payment information , etc.Good thread, apologies for also stoking old thread but several posts above country Rufus mentions his vpn disconnecting and having to reconnect it....that is what you don't want, because your ISP (unless other methods are also active) will reveal your ip address. Keep in mind, you want to know where the VPN'S servers are located. The one I use is located in Switzerland, out of US jurisdiction and they also aren't part of 14 eyes surveillance program. You want the same idea with email servers, my email and VPN are the same provider.
A garbage VPN and even a good quality one not set up properly are worthless. There are things I'm not going to try to explain, but it's important to know what servers and what host country you are exiting out of when disconnecting the VPN / or what happens if it fails.
Bear in mind, noone at NSA or in Langley are sitting at their desk watching you today. A lot talk around VPNs has caused every user to be under the impression they need one or else they are screwed.....VPNS are targeted towards large corporations to use originally. But sure, if you understand them, find a good one, and then by all means use it.
Oh, and of course you never ever want to visit the DarkWeb without using a secure VPN and employing tails.. Even TOR or Onio browsers that come equipped with VPNs, that's BS.
ALSO - if you are using the DarkWeb markets, make sure your magazine vendor is using PGP encryprion when communicating with you! And always always make sure to PGP encrypt your shipping address when using the markets!!
But as always- Rule #1: Don't immediately trust anyone. If things sound too good to be true, they are. This is all about money. Never lose sight of that. My vendors are a business acquaintance. And they will agree.
Start with your device and current operating software, research VPNs from there. Good luck.