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They are likely banning me and the shills are out - so I have my screen grabs and my best to those out there.  If my stuff does show up "liars dont get reships" and Im now a liar, and it was mailed already so we will see- I will do a charge back.

The latest news I heard from Tom I quote "If you read the email we sent you, we advised that we would be reshipping all orders mailed from 22/Feb to the end of Feb as they were blocked on this end in a joint customs effort between the USA and RSA. We have since discovered that this situation extends into March" I didn't know that, or is it more smoke being blown. Maybe all is cool now but everything was being seized for months. I have two parcels that I'm waiting for and have not received a customs letter. 

All I know is my Feb 28th and March 11 orders said they would reship. The range gets longer and longer. I was 29/29. These break my streak though

They used my insurance also to reship...that's why I paid for it though..I do understand what your saying though but at the moment I am just glad they are sending again. I believe they fixed their problem internally .I am not out much money either way.I know others are out alot more though and if I had a lot tied up in this I would definitely more concerned like a lot of members here and on other forums..

Agreed - I just dont know why we didn't get emails about any of this. I do have a lot tied up in this (for me) and they really turned ugly on me.  I screen grabbed all my posts, I suggest all current persons waiting to screen grab/capture their orders in complete form and their order prior to reship (if they did so).  If you have the time, you can also do the same with all your posts as their site allows them to be seen in pages without scrolling through others words. 

Most were thinking it was the gov / sapo etc (not them) and also not to keep reordering if you can reship. I too was with this thought process and advised many how to go about getting reships

A lot of folks didn't know that it seems or how to go about emailing regarding reships on lost or stolen etc.  As you can see there and now here: I explained what to do to make it easier for TTM to know what order they were referring to and how to do it seamlessly. If they had insurance because we weren't emailed regarding free reships at that time.

Did I say I felt misled? of course - I tried to rationalize it all since locals posted on FB of the same SAPO having issues during these dates. When they (TTM) stopped replying in their threads in March (?), I started thinking the worst - we've seen it happen with other venders. Others said far worse on there and echoed it - but they did not address them - just me.  Reason? I began a post on the iop area HERE (not there - meaning it was not their business)  for things like this to not clutter (as I am now) this thread. A poster here alerted them to the thread and now their gloves appear off.  I do NOT blame the poster, I blame TT for acting this way rather than professional.

The mod here gives sound advice on what to do.  It's at the top of every page - READ IT.

Right now, I'm threatened to be banned / was called a liar (?) (on TTMs board) yet anyone who felt the same way seems to be left alone.  Assumption: I had a thread here that they were told to look at.

Reship was the last day in March (screen grabbed)  THIS IS NOT OUT OF SPITE.  I deserve what I paid for no matter what I said.  All businesses are ran this way, it's the way shit goes. If the original shows up, despite being called a liar and singled out, I will pay for the reship in full. Why? I said I would and I'm not a liar.

For those that want to charge back

They will post all (this is doxxing and illegal) on "chargebackscammers" of your info on that site. 

this was told to me by many posters who threatened chargebacks and it's posted here by them

Don't allow fear to hold YOU or anyone prisoner.

Like I said, regardless of what they have said to me this morning publicly and their anger, I am NOT A LIAR and won't do a charge back because I am awaiting a reship.  If that reship doesn't arrive in the timeframe their insurance states to "worry": I will do what is stated to be done by the cc I use.

Mod may I add this please?

To show the level of unprofessionalism of their "mod" / "admin" and "owners" that post there: they have my email, why not write me personally verses posting it for the world to see? This speaks volumes of professionalism.  Our mods here always inbox

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I demanded an explanation of what they had planned to rectify my missing they were very rude and was told the old  "mail is not an exact science". told them I would be doing a chargeback, they responded by say you are no longer welcome to use our services. I was immediately locked out. after 6 years of monthly orders. It's laughable that the US contacted SA to confiscate all orders from this vender. Are they fucking kidding. Schedule 4 medication for personal use isn't their first priority. He first Claims PO strike/backlog now this bullshit. How the fuck would he know. How can they be Sure that SA PO seized the packages. They also have inside information that US customs contacted SA for assistance on seizing outgoing mail give me a break!

oh and make sure not to discuss all the bullshit postS buy TTM  on other board or they will not reship you. They have no planes to reship to anyone. This motherfucker has done this before. How many more weeks without anyone receiving will it take. Why the trust in this guy, it's been different lies from the start

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I demanded an explanation of what they had planned to rectify my missing they were very rude and was told the old  "mail is not an exact science". told them I would be doing a chargeback, they responded by say you are no longer welcome to use our services. I was immediately locked out. after 6 years of monthly orders. It's laughable that the US contacted SA to confiscate all orders from this vender. Are they fucking kidding. Schedule 4 medication for personal use isn't their first priority. He first Claims PO strike/backlog now this bullshit. How the fuck would he know. How can they be Sure that SA PO seized the packages. They also have inside information that US customs contacted SA for assistance on seizing outgoing mail give me a break!

oh and make sure not to discuss all the bullshit postS buy TTM  on other board or they will not reship you. They have no planes to reship to anyone. This motherfucker has done this before. How many more weeks without anyone receiving will it take. Why the trust in this guy, it's been different lies from the start
Amen! This is why I'm very upset someone told them to read here - my reship was sent "mailed" March 31st. After I posted everything of wtf is going on etc and happy stuff too 

But the day after they got that email to read a thread I started - they called me a liar and THEY DO NOT RESHIP TO LIARS. I am pissed off.  Its sort of an unspoken rule that you do not relay msgs from one board to another other than maybe "seeing things received or LL's out there". Literally throwing me under the bus may have just cost me hundreds of dollars.

As you just said: they've done it before (meaning they operate on spite not ethics). My feelings are seriously hurt that my trust was broken. I began that thread so it was fair to post without them banning or dictating and also posters here aren't always posters there.  IMO I did not bad mouth them, they cherry picked it all apart to find me as a liar or traitor (my word).

I feel I'm owed an apology if I get locked out and no reship from the persons who directed the ADMIN AND OWNERS to my specific thread. I was publicly burned today by them and a poster or two - THEY DID NOT EMAIL ME to handle this, I am so hoping they understand many people felt "had" and posted it on their boards - some much more "specific" than others.

I gave them the benefit of the doubt - but by attacking me because they were shown a thread I made and posts I had written? Sad fucking sad

If I don't get the reship which should be here any day, if it's really back to normal  - I want those that I asked not to post what is written here over there know they were a part of the decision of a company to take hundreds of dollars away from me

TTm2u are just a bunch of criminals!  Is this their new site or is it a new Jew Bacca site.

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Jeez people, I understand many of you are upset here, but can we please tone down the language a bit? This is turning into a namecalling match badmouthing TTM while for all we know they might be re-shipping and we will have our vitamins in the next 2-3 weeks. I am as cautious and skeptical as the next person but all this ranting and speculating isn't doing much to improve the situation, and provide an accurate picture of the current status. Instead, all these personal opinions and vented frustrations are not helping other members looking for accurate information on the whole debacle. TTM has been clear in what they have promised with regards to the re-ships so let's at least give them a chance to deliver.

There's no doubt that TTM & the other vender from his neighborhood are working together how else can you explain the same delays. Same same products same postal delay bullshit. Their on their final grab,  people are still saying I got a reship yesterday, he made everything right. If you believe that then I just sent you a million $dollars, the odds of you receiving are the same.

There's no doubt that TTM & the other vender from his neighborhood are working together how else can you explain the same delays. Same same products same postal delay bullshit. Their on their final grab,  people are still saying I got a reship yesterday, he made everything right. If you believe that then I just sent you a million $dollars, the odds of you receiving are the same.
I don't want to get into a discussion over this, and everyone has the right to their opinion. But please get your facts straight before descending into generalisations. SA was targeted by a customs operation (at least that is what TTM is stating) so it would be logical that other IOP's in the region have been targeted as well. I am not also believing what some random isolated person might say about receiving reships until I see some signficant amount of members reporting here on DDG that they have received their packages. But I am just not jumping to any foregone conclusions yet, as there seems to be action being undertaken to correct the situation. Of course, it could all be a hoax, but until we know this for sure I see no need to further escalate this situation.

Everyone stop just a minute and think what we are all involved with! It's all illegal and and there are no guarantees on any orders from anywhere ! We take a chance everytime! Just saying everyone. You know the consequences before you spend $30 or you spend a $1000. 


 I'm stating my opinion, you start with stating you don't want to get into a discussion then go on to insult me by saying I don't have my facts straight. You obviously have no idea how mail acceptance and sorting in completed. 10s of thousands of parcels are processed a day. It's virtually impossible to intercept every parcel from the same sender sent regular mail without tracking. So keep your hopes up. I am tied of being lied to and have giving these people a lot of business over the last 6 years. This is a forum everybody has a right to share their experience and thoughts about the matter at hand

just my opinion 

 I'm stating my opinion, you start with stating you don't want to get into a discussion then go on to insult me by saying I don't have my facts straight. You obviously have no idea how mail acceptance and sorting in completed. 10s of thousands of parcels are processed a day. It's virtually impossible to intercept every parcel from the same sender sent regular mail without tracking. So keep your hopes up. I am tied of being lied to and have giving these people a lot of business over the last 6 years. This is a forum everybody has a right to share their experience and thoughts about the matter at hand

just my opinion 
OK fair enough. I meant no disrespect to you so apologies if I have offended you. 

I will agree things are getting a tad out of hand here. It seems to be a case of "heads down and hope for the best". Please post any relevant updates as necessary and of course review any arrivals if so. There's little point in going over the same old ground.

This just in from vendor forum board:

There is no strike on the go. The US government works hard at preventing you from getting the meds you need from offshore, sometimes reaching out to other countries to assist them, and the less said about this on any forum the better, including this one.

It is not possible for us to know exactly which day's mailings have been affected until 30days have passed and nothing has arrived anywhere, at which point we will reship at our expense. The only way that we will know that the measures we've put in place have solved the problem, is when we get reports of mail arriving, so until such stage, we will continue reshipping at our expense.

Orders processed from 20/Feb through to a yet to be determined date in March we now know to have been blocked on this side, so as this is outside of the norm, we have taken the decision to reship all of them a fresh through a different route.

So far, this includes all orders processed from 20/Feb up to and including 5/March. If, and as we become aware of further dates being affected, these will be included.

You will receive an order status update notification once the order is on the way. You can also login to your account and check on your order status history.
I'm sorry but just no. UK buyers are also affected and we get letters from them usually within 5 days without any issue.

Until at least a few trusted members post they have received then please don't order.

I know our administration and Mods are taking this very seriously but if you continue to order after reading any of this thread over the past few weeks you don't really have a leg to stand on 

I was a fan of TTM and will be again if they sort this mess out. I just can't see light at the end of this one. My heart goes out to anyone in danger of withdrawal due to this. Please look at other vendors ASAP to stop any unnecessary suffering.

I have to agree with Admin and others. After many sucessful rangeing from 5-10 days I waited 30 days to contact them. I got a prompt email and told them no LL and no package. They responed wiith, 3 weeks is great, 4 weeks is good 6-8 weeks consider it lost. I really have to find another source and will check banners as Admin sugested. I am unable to use MG oe WU. I haven't been on board in a while and contacted Max a month ago but I don't see him under email sources but I did see Dusko. So I guess I'll have to see if old contact is still good, it's been about a year, and try to get someone else to send. In the meantime I'll keep searching our board.

Jeez people, I understand many of you are upset here, but can we please tone down the language a bit? This is turning into a namecalling match badmouthing TTM while for all we know they might be re-shipping and we will have our vitamins in the next 2-3 weeks. I am as cautious and skeptical as the next person but all this ranting and speculating isn't doing much to improve the situation, and provide an accurate picture of the current status. Instead, all these personal opinions and vented frustrations are not helping other members looking for accurate information on the whole debacle. TTM has been clear in what they have promised with regards to the re-ships so let's at least give them a chance to deliver.
I am not calling names and please do not try to dictate financial situations, You should have directed YOUR POST to them for calling me a liar 

I didn't call them any names

And furthermore: My reship might be compomised out of spite by tattling or saying "hey read this" - which they are free to read but did you SEE HOW THEY TREATED ME? 

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Yes, please settle down here. I don't want anything posted other than concrete new info or reviews in the meantime. Anything else and you will be banned from the thread. And I do not like having to do that, nor threaten it. Civility please. It's okay to vent a bit of frustration too, but let's not lead it into arguments folks.

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Glad I read this before placing 

another order. Have placed about 6-7 orders with them and all received in 6-15 days. I will say I have tried about 20 of their meds. Phetermine, tramadol and provigil where all bunk. Oxazepam, bromezepam, Valium, codeine all legit. Valium on the fence about although they were not the betas. Klonopin so so. Hope everyone who orders receives 

I am Fish farmer and new to this forum, buy my experience with ttm has been rather poor. Speaking of benzos only. Tried almost all and the Martin Roche Dow V's are the only thing I have found to be decent, but expensive. Cannot comment on other meds. Best to you all. FF
There are other vendors. I can tell you that "brand" is not always top notch. Working with an SY vendor now and his generics are wayyy stronger than the "brand" from TTM.  Their blisters (for the Viags) looked like they had been messed with both times I ordered. It was a really piss poor job of re-glueing the holographic tape. It was so obvious it was laughable. I'd post a pic but I don't want all the meta-data floating around.

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!