Anyone ever take Diclofenac?


Mar 3, 2016
ER Dr scripted this and the warnings scare me.  I don't want to take it with the valium and other shit they have me on if it's going to make me sleepy aka wreck while driving or fail to take care of my kid.  I get a lot of stomach issues from relaxers and wondered if people had it with this

Funny you mention it. No one I talk to knows what this stuff is. I took it for a couple of days to help me with a muscle spasm or sprain. Got it in Africa w/out a prescription as I was travelling there. I took it with lots of beer (it was hot where I was ;-)) This was already a few years ago but I didn't notice any extra sleepyness or upset stomach. I do believe it is recommended to take on a full stomach. It worked great for me. I was unable to lift my left arm and after taking it for three days 3x a day the spasm/sprain has passed. I have also taken soma, but this stuff I believe is also an anti-inflammatory unlike soma. I would use it again but would indeed be cautious if combining with V@ls, as they both have muscle relaxing properties.

Okay thanks.  I had never ever wrote a script for this for a patient and I don't like taking muscle relaxers (even soma sometimes) because I feel weird and groggy + nauseated. I don't drink and if I do it's super rare - it says all over the bottle that alcohol w/ this is highly dangerous so I'm assuming it gives you blackouts when combined.  

I just wish my damn meds would arrive and then I can sleep and chill because it's been awful

Okay thanks.  I had never ever wrote a script for this for a patient and I don't like taking muscle relaxers (even soma sometimes) because I feel weird and groggy + nauseated. I don't drink and if I do it's super rare - it says all over the bottle that alcohol w/ this is highly dangerous so I'm assuming it gives you blackouts when combined.  

I just wish my damn meds would arrive and then I can sleep and chill because it's been awful
I know this does not relate to the relaxer you're talking about but have you been on Tizanidine? It's a fantastic relaxer, everyone that I've known that uses it hasn't experienced such symptoms of grogginess or becoming nauseated. However, everyone is different. Just throwing that out there that it might be something you want to look into seeing it's effective, might cost more than other relaxers but it does the job right for the most part with little to no side effects for the majority of people who consume this particular medication.

Once again, this is a personal experience and personal opinion which may not apply to you - perhaps you have a strange reaction to relaxers as I have strange reactions to any anti-depressants. Who knows, but hope this helped and best of luck to you. I know it's rough, but hang in there.

Funny you should mention SSRI's - I cannot take them either (causes mania in me with other exasperated issues), I do know what that is but I won't post it on the board.  All I can suggest is to get a psych evaluation that's full. Your answer is there unless you're talking allergic.

I have had Tizanidine and I recall it being the "go to" for me but it disagreed with me still, no where near as bas as others.  I have taken the med I asked about and slept with no noted side effects other than next day belly pain in the am. I would recommend it to anyone who has had ill effects from other or all muscle relaxers.  It's just like soma, although less "coma". 

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Funny you should mention SSRI's - I cannot take them either (causes mania in me with other exasperated issues), I do know what that is but I won't post it on the board.  All I can suggest is to get a psych evaluation that's full. Your answer is there unless you're talking allergic.

I have had Tizanidine and I recall it being the "go to" for me but it disagreed with me still, no where near as bas as others.  I have taken the med I asked about and slept with no noted side effects other than next day belly pain in the am. I would recommend it to anyone who has had ill effects from other or all muscle relaxers.  It's just like soma, although less "coma". 
It might be somewhat along the lines of being allergic to the medications, that or having some psychological issue with them that cause strange uncontrollable body issues. I'll keep that noted and ask my next psychiatrist about this due to the fact such a thing can't be taken lightly - perhaps there's more to it that they can actually see with just a glimpse.

Yeah it sounds like your body has a generalized reaction to specific revilers. What helps me personally a lot (I do have an anxiety disorder and fibromyalgia) ironically are weaker benzos, not the heavier ones. Seeing they do relax the body I do tend to feel the muscles in my body expand apposed from being tight and tinder which causes pain. I don't think the class of medication is even designed for that but if your body is relaxed it might help, I'm not fully sure ma'am, just thought I'd throw some ideas out there seeing you do indeed have some strange reaction to a handful of the drugs in the relaxer class. Could be as simple as a small active ingredient inside most of the relaxers that you're getting these strange reactions to. 

Might need to look into a different class of medications if you haven't already, however I would love to hear your experience with Diclo when the time comes. Might help others understand the brand, manufacture, strength, and personal use of it.

I wish I knew the answer to resolve the issue so you didn't have to go through all of this. However if Diclo doesn't do the trick you may need to see a specialist regarding that due to the fact if the class of medication provides negative reactions apposed from positive there's always alternatives. Best to seek professional advice about that, however what I stated above could potentially help in the meantime as long as you understand what the medications are and how to take them properly; basically not abusing them but to get to a point where your body is less stressed. 

Very habit forming indeed, but I guess what works for one may not work for another. I've been seeking another relaxer but I can't really find one myself that I don't have either a strange reaction to or it just doesn't work as intended as if I have some immunity to the medication. I'm not sure if you've encountered that issue or not where the relaxers feel like they do absolutely nothing even if it just came from a pharmacy but it's really strange none the less.

You're not alone here, we may have different issues with our muscles but I do understand what you're going through. I sometimes wish I could just take everyone's pain and just direct it to me - granted, that's impossible for obvious reasons but none the less I hate to see such kind people going through these types of things. I know you don't deserve what's going on with the bodily reactions to these medications but there's bound to be an answer, hopefully we'll find out soon enough. 

Always remember, we're all here for you. New users and even the old, we're still all human beings behind this screen and I honestly wish I could give you a hug. I know it wouldn't help the situation but I can't express how sorry I am that you're going through this. I'll be here for you along the way - stick in there for us and we'll manage to pull through one way or another.  ^_^

Im off to the physical therapist  so early I hate it - but seriously no other choice.  Regarding the ssri's,  I have an issue called RAD from childhood.  They tried every ssri and other forms to "help" but it caused mania that was frightening. I cannot take them - I have severe ptsd. 

I have low dose valium for my back which oddly makes me so tired I can' deal and helps a lot.  The relaxer works too (in combo), I just don't take either often.  I have my results back from Xrays and I'm fused from t-6 - t-10 or t-11 :(  

Anyways it's super early and I must take meds and get ready for my evaul!

Im off to the physical therapist  so early I hate it - but seriously no other choice.  Regarding the ssri's,  I have an issue called RAD from childhood.  They tried every ssri and other forms to "help" but it caused mania that was frightening. I cannot take them - I have severe ptsd. 

I have low dose valium for my back which oddly makes me so tired I can' deal and helps a lot.  The relaxer works too (in combo), I just don't take either often.  I have my results back from Xrays and I'm fused from t-6 - t-10 or t-11 :(  

Anyways it's super early and I must take meds and get ready for my evaul!
I hope you have a safe trip to your therapist. It does help a bit especially with PTSD but it's really difficult to talk a person through PTSD. You may need to see a psychiatrist about treating PTSD instead if you already haven't.

Strange, I've never heard of doctors giving Valium for back pain, I've never experienced it to be a pain killer of any sort. Perhaps relaxing the muscles if that's what you meant, that would make more sense. 

I wish you the best of luck, Saint. Stay in touch and keep us updated. We all here at DBG care about you, remember that. 



Daxcat said:
Yes, the dzpm is given to stop spasming of the muscle it's quite common.

Diclofenac I believe is more a abdominal treatingmed.x.
Yep - that's why I am Rx'd those two

Musclemare said:
I've taken them when my knees have had fluid in them due to my job.They gave me the (trots) ew and made me feel sick with an upset stomach.Nxt time suppositories are the way to go me thinks!!.



you might as well take high dose ibuoprofen. It is a slightly better anti-inflammatory. Mg per mg stronger.

I realize this is an older thread, but I agree with Linx. I took them for a little while before I had my total knee replacement, and they did help with the pain a little. They are an NSAID, that is supposed to be especially helpful for osteoarthritis. They bothered my stomach, so I didn't take them long, I just went back to Motrin & Tramadol. One thing, do not drink alcohol on this Rx, you will puke your guts out if you have a sensitive stomach. Over all I give this shite 2 thumbs down. 

I was involved in a car accident a long time ago and was given dicofenic but suffered terrible stomach ache and toilet trouble after that I said I rather go without just My experience you good people . All the best rec

My mother was prescribed them for her severe arthritis. Hers were 100mg. I was having one hell of a monthly cycle and my mom gave me one. It worked very well. It’s also a topical. I was prescribed p3nnsaid to rub into the surgery area after everything healed from my first hip surgery. Worked well too. 

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I was recently rx’d this for sciatica so bad that I could barely sit down. I had pain in my rear, back of my leg and numbness in two toes. I had doubts that it would work. After taking diclofenac for several days things started to calm down. After 2 weeks my pain level was pretty much gone. I was pleasantly surprised. If I sit for an extended period of time my the right side of my rear hurts and I have to shift around, getting up moving around and stretching helps. I went back to the doctor and she gave me another rx in case the sciatica flares badly up again. The doc did say to take will food due to stomach upset and that if you take long term that you need to monitor your blood pressure. If the sciatica persists my doc wants to set up an mri to see what’s going on.

Wow... someone my Mom knows takes Voltaren Gel which is Diclofenac in a Topical Solution that someone recommended it to my Mom since it works so well for her Leg Pain but Luckily my Mom did not like the slimy and cooling feeling her left on her Skin. I used 2 Grams of the Gel or whatever Approx. Eyeing out Amount of the "Gel Dosing Card" B.S. it comes with. Thanks for this specific piece of Information as it is  very ironically helpful an hopefully will be helpful to others ironically too in the future possibly lol. 

  Literally every NSAID has an Increase in Heart Attack and Stroke Risk but the question is what would be the Safest? 

  I asked my Dr. that exact question and he said Naproxen (Chemical Name for the Brand Aleve) is the Safest one hence it is Sold over the Counter but I have read it shouldn't be used longer than 8-12 Days at any Age or State of Health due to Risk of Heart Attack or Stroke I read in a Study. I 100% Strongly Agree using CBD Oils or taking Advantage of the Psychoactive Alternatives such as a strong dose of Edible Oils with Coconut in it I bought some that had 450MG THC per 1ML and all the Terpenes. That's all stuff I don't know about but I was recommended it for Inflammation by a my G.P. (G.P.=Gener@l Pr@cticti0ne)r Dr.  instead of using an NSAID as they hurt my Stomach and it worked wonders for the pain.

  My Dog is ironically very old and had to take a NSAID Called Rimadyl at like 100MG more or less I can't remember but she is a small Dog so it does not take much Medication to meet her Medical Requirements. My Dog is such a little rascal eating my Weed and getting high as F when I forget a bag of it where I lock her up in a place at night in a big room with plenty of toys and Dog bed but getting off topic.

  Basically inflammation low-grade chronic kind can increase your chances of Cancer so NSAIDs can and will increase your chances of a stroke or heart attack and these have Anti-Cancer Prevention Studies to the Anti-Inflammation so goes to show that using NATURAL stuff like CBD Oil to control our DAILY MILD Inflammation is what increases our chances of Cancer plus lowers our Daily Quality of Life. 

Wow... someone my Mom knows takes Voltaren Gel which is Diclofenac in a Topical Solution that someone recommended it to my Mom since it works so well for her Leg Pain but Luckily my Mom did not like the slimy and cooling feeling her left on her Skin. I used 2 Grams of the Gel or whatever Approx. Eyeing out Amount of the "Gel Dosing Card" B.S. it comes with. Thanks for this specific piece of Information as it is  very ironically helpful an hopefully will be helpful to others ironically too in the future possibly lol. 

  Literally every NSAID has an Increase in Heart Attack and Stroke Risk but the question is what would be the Safest? 

  I asked my Dr. that exact question and he said Naproxen (Chemical Name for the Brand Aleve) is the Safest one hence it is Sold over the Counter but I have read it shouldn't be used longer than 8-12 Days at any Age or State of Health due to Risk of Heart Attack or Stroke I read in a Study. I 100% Strongly Agree using CBD Oils or taking Advantage of the Psychoactive Alternatives such as a strong dose of Edible Oils with Coconut in it I bought some that had 450MG THC per 1ML and all the Terpenes. That's all stuff I don't know about but I was recommended it for Inflammation by a my G.P. (G.P.=Gener@l Pr@cticti0ne)r Dr.  instead of using an NSAID as they hurt my Stomach and it worked wonders for the pain.

  My Dog is ironically very old and had to take a NSAID Called Rimadyl at like 100MG more or less I can't remember but she is a small Dog so it does not take much Medication to meet her Medical Requirements. My Dog is such a little rascal eating my Weed and getting high as F when I forget a bag of it where I lock her up in a place at night in a big room with plenty of toys and Dog bed but getting off topic.

  Basically inflammation low-grade chronic kind can increase your chances of Cancer so NSAIDs can and will increase your chances of a stroke or heart attack and these have Anti-Cancer Prevention Studies to the Anti-Inflammation so goes to show that using NATURAL stuff like CBD Oil to control our DAILY MILD Inflammation is what increases our chances of Cancer plus lowers our Daily Quality of Life. 
My DH has  TON of the generic version.Diclofenac. he prefers nrand, Voltaren, so weay more. But pjarmacy goofed up over the yrs, so we kept the generic.  Im not sure whay yall are using it for, i guess muscle pain?  I didnt read If it has other.uses,id love to know..i Hate the way it smells

Difene does not agree with me, it exacerbates my ibs. 

Some find it excellent, can be used as a spray or rub too. It is an anti inflammatory drug not a muscle relaxant. I did not find it made me sleepy, in fact codeine (tyenol?) does make me sleepy. 

I would give it a shot and if you have any adverse effects go back doc can easily prescribe another anti inflammatory. 

It is a good med for muscle injuries

Or post child birth pr (sorry tmi) 

But meds and patients swear by it!!!! 

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  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
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  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
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  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!