Yep, quite the bummer. I don't think anyone can match the price on their
Zipicl0nes/Nitr@zepam--it was 5 mg tabs, 100 of them for only $29...MM used to have them in large quantities for a cheap price, but he says these are now considered a "scheduled" or controlled med in Indi@, so he can't get them anymore. Oh well, I guess it's better to pay more for something from a true professional, instead of funding a bunch of jerks who look at DBG members as "recreational" users--junkies, basically. And "Tom" from TTM definitely made it clear that they don't need DBG members business, and that they didn't want to service "our kind" anyway. I am done with them. Hope they go belly-up in the near future. Too bad. Have a good night PTFC and all other members! Took my nightly cocktail, time to hit the sack before I start sleep eating...(Have they been banned from the forum?). Just curious as to the process when something like this happens...Anyway, Ciao! Leigh Anne