I can't say from experience what would be best for you but from what I've read over the years you'll need a moderate to severe pain killer. If you're in the US, check the Mexican Vendor section (You have to donate to see the section) which can assist you with what you need. However, I'd do some research and keep reading about what would be best for you in your current situation along with your past experiences with the medication class.Currently trying to figure this out myself. Got a herniated disk and have been in PT for a few months with no relief. Hoping not to go down the surgery road. I just got my mmj card and am trying to find a reliable doctor to prescribe opiates. I've used them in the past recreationally, but it's been years. Would love to hear from more experienced folks.
Anytime my friend, this is why I open these types of threads. Which US-US vendor did you find out of curiosity? Can you link me to the thread?Thanks for the reply, I appreciate the insight. I just made contact with a US-to-US vendor, so we'll see how those meds treat me.
Ah, "G". He can be pricey but from the reviews I've seen and experiences that users have had with him have been great.It's just the main one in the US List section