I posted somewhere else I forgot about our pets forum . First of all I am not very original with names. I have four cats all strays that assholes just leave in the woods behind my house. There's white cat, black cat gray cat and our newest arrival orange cat. We found him with his leg almost mutilated off, they did save his leg but he can't walk well. I have to carry him up and down the stairs and pick him up to sleep with me. He had a huge tumor on the side of his face. He had surgery last week on his face/ear and has been wearing a collar, except to eat. I just can't understand why or how a person could treat an animal like this. I would love to hurt these people! Anyways, long story short his leg and his tumor operations were costly but wotth it. Now this is the crazy part. My cat gets 3 mg of Suboxone/buphenrphine every 6 hours. He seems to love it. I have it in syringes that is difficult to spray in his mouth pisses me off that it gets waste! Damn it after all this he better give me son
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