KeyPill said:
And guys, what are the main purposes of this product, pain relief? (first time heard of it)? Just interested, not judgmental

Weeeeeeeeell, according to the DEA who it's worth nothing has a policy of NOT RSVPing critical info with the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the FDA, the CDC, the NIH, the DOD, the DOJ, the DHS, the TSA, the ATF or even the DEA themselves, the DEA says the Kratom leaf is worser than heroin, Hitler, terrorism, Chernobyl, Zika babies and even worser than that abomination called Christmas fruitcake that we all keep passing around every year...
So that's why the DEA issued an emergency 30-day notice of scheduling of an unscheduled leaf into the same category as LSD and heroin before Kratom kills us all, apparently. This is happening while Cincinnati, Ohio is awash in elephant tranquilizer masked as far less-potent opiates and the ERs, the PDs and the coroner simply cannot keep up with all the overdoses and deaths coming from the heroin and tabs tainted with first Fentanyl and now elephant tranquilizer. As far as I'm aware, there's never been this many daily, weekly and monthly ODs and deaths from tainted heroin in Cincinnati, in Ohio or anywhere ever in American history.
I used Kratom to ease off withdrawals from tablet opiates; others use it to get some relief from crippling chronic pain, others use to quell overwhelming anxiety. But the DEA swears Kratom has no medical use whatsoever and that Kratom must be stopped before Kratom Madness sets in like back in the day when anti-drug propaganda involved this:
And then there's this...this MONSTAH!!!...who's toked literal mega-hectares of reefer and has harmed, killed, destroyed and even failed to show up for work the 9...calculate...calculate....exactly ZERO times. Zero times he's caught the Reefer Madness and lost his mind or murdered or went schizo or terrorized or nuked anyone. And because he's damn nice, very chill fellow, when folks gave him that annual Christmas fruitcake, he probably thanked them kindly, ate some and said it was delicious and waited until they left before he hurled his innards outward. Eating Christmas fruitcake is the only crazy thing Willie's done that I know of whilst he was all hopped up on the pot.
As a serious side note, with all the wonderful, smart, gifted and good people who've been taken from us this year of 2016, it would not surprise me in the least if we lost Willie Nelson as well as this year. God help us if we do, cuz that man has done more good for more people that we could ever begin to count, starting with FarmAid. When the day comes that Willie does have leave this mortal coil, I say we just shut America down for a day to mourn together. Just make it an annual day of national day of mourning.