pain management


New Member
Jun 2, 2016
i have been in pain management for ten years and want to know how many people feel like they are bad people just cuz you hurt soo much

If you don't feel bad about yourself yet, enough encounters with judgemental people, pharmacists and doctors will get you there. Im not in PM, but have multiple spinal issues since 1993 (yeah, I'm an old broad), with three surgeries so far and more needed (not willing to go through that again), extensive arthritis, crohns, and now, a frozen shoulder. Too many negative experiences have put me off even trying to get legitimate help now. Either i suffer or I spend the money for a few days relief when my hubby can't handle seeing me like that. Thanks Obama and cronies. When I die, I'll make sure they get credit for all their hard work on ruining my health and life. A$$holes!

I don't feel that I am a bad person because I am in pain (herniated cervical discs, severe spinal stenosis and surgery).  My problem is trying to bring across to my PM doctor just how much pain I am really experiencing without sounding like a drug seeker.  Whenever I go for my appointments I rehearse what I'm going to say over and over in my head just to make sure I get my point across, but I still don't ever feel comfortable with the words that come out of my mouth.  I also struggle with asking for an increase in the dosage, in fact I haven't even asked yet and I am on the lowest dose of Hydro.

Even though definitely not an abuser i feel like drug-seeker every time i ask for pain meds from my doctor, It's kinda like that feeling i get that i'm a criminal every time the police stops me and asks me about something despite the fact that i've gotta be one of the most law-abiding citizens around. The looks i get from my GP whenever i ask for something stronger makes me not wanna ask at all. almost like enduring the pain is easier that that judgemental look.

I wish doctors would be better at distinguishing the actual drug-seekers from those in real need, instead of automatically assuming we're all there to get high. I'm sure they've had their fair share of drug-seekers, and maybe even prescribed to some of them when that turned out to be a real bad idea, but, that shouldn't mean the rest of us have to suffer.

Part of the reason i came here. to not suffer that condescention, suspicion, and preaching i sometimes get at my GP

It's kinda like that feeling i get that i'm a criminal every time the police stops me
When the feds decided that one of my non-prescription asthma meds (Primatene inhaler and tablets) should be moved from the front counter with aspirin to locked in a farking vault with more guards, secret handshakes, passwords, proofs of identity, sworn oaths and signatures than it takes to see the Queen's jewels, I actually felt like a criminal asking for my medicine.

Standing there at the Walgreens pharmacy counter, drivers license and passport at the ready, I'm now trying to not LOOK like a criminal (whatever that looks like) now that I FELT like a criminal while waiting nervously for electronic federal approval of my purchase.  Did I buy too much this month?  What's the limit?  Will buying two boxes once a month instead of one box twice a month land me on death row?  Will DEA SWAT teams suddenly ninja-drop down ropes from the Walgreens ceiling to arrest me and drag me hog-tied out the door?  ZOMG will I ever see my mom again??? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!

I understand that the purpose of putting Primatene and a specific antihistamine behind the counter, limiting quantities allowed for purchase and requiring federal approval for every sale was to slow down the manufacture of meth.  However, I've been on asthma meds daily (both prescription and non) for nearly 50 years and never imagined there'd be a time where I'd feel like a criminal when buying my meds at Walgreens.


I don't feel that I am a bad person because I am in pain (herniated cervical discs, severe spinal stenosis and surgery).  My problem is trying to bring across to my PM doctor just how much pain I am really experiencing without sounding like a drug seeker.  Whenever I go for my appointments I rehearse what I'm going to say over and over in my head just to make sure I get my point across, but I still don't ever feel comfortable with the words that come out of my mouth.  I also struggle with asking for an increase in the dosage, in fact I haven't even asked yet and I am on the lowest dose of Hydro.
This  is ridiculous. The fact that you cannot just openly talk to your doctor and be 100% truthful and tell him that those medications are not working that the dosage is not strong enough is so sad because it does make you out to look like possibly "a pill speaker" when you clearly are not! All you need is a higher dosage.  I personally have never been to pain management but my husband has. Now this was back in about 2006 so they were not as strict as they are today on pain medication.  His first appointment he went to he came home with a prescription for 90  10 mg Lortab and we were shocked because the injury he had did not require this much medication.  So he goes back three months later because they gave him one prescription of the Lortab 10 mg with three refills by the way. Drs. they think that he needs a higher dosage of pain medication... he has not even told them he's in anymore pain! Drs. they just go ahead and decide to give him Percocet instead of Lortab 10 mg!  10 mg Percocet 90 a month for an injury that was a groin pull. He was in no pain one week after the injury but he had to go to this doctor for three years because injury happened at work, urologist sent him to pain management for this. So he continues to go see the doctor at the pian clinic  the prescription just kept coming in and coming in like clockwork. It was insane. The point of me telling you this story is that you actually are in pain. You should be able to tell those doctors I need a higher dosage or I need a different medication something... I mean for you to suffer is insane!   But because of today's laws and how doctors are now they're so paranoid to write a prescription for 5 mg Lortab. When you're probabl.... I don't even know you said the lowest dosage so I'm assuming that is 5 mg Lortab? But you are in pain!  You need to go in there and be 100% honest with them and tell them how much pain you are in and that this medication the dosage it is not working. I don't know what they will do. But they're just paranoid doctors and it's really sad because  eight years ago they were handing out those things like candy to my husband. So personally I feel you should be able to tell these doctors that you are suffering and that this medication needs to be higher dosage you won't sound like an addict I mean they can see you so you have to obviously be showing signs that are in pain.  I mean 5 mg is what they give me when I get my tooth pulled. Be confident don't act like you're scared because you're just being honest.  I just feel like I hope this helps with other people there attending pain management I have been in those labs actually recently in the pharmacy area and people are getting 90 Roxycodeine every month so you being on the lowest dosage it really doesn't make sense to me so they need to higher dosage!!! I don't know I think this is an old thread but hopefully it'll help out somebody I kind of went on a rant. ✌️️It upsets me that people who are in pain and truly need medication they don't get it because of the  paranoid doctors and all the new laws now. Eight years ago I just remember we were in so much shock I didn't  really know what to say or do. We would just dump them down the toilet sometimes people would offer to donate towards them and we  excepted those donations, but we never took them and there was someone out there who probably needed to be taking them. Idiotic doctors.  I wish you luck and I hope that the doctors have upped your dosage by now because you wrote this in September. I hope this post helps other people who are in pain that are in pain management. 

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The last pain clinic I attended had a sign right when you walk in "we will not prescribe pain meds for longer than 3 months ".

I don't understand how a doctor who has not seen the patient can make a decision on how long they need pain meds. Having a "one size fits all" policy isn't medical care.

I had been unable to walk or function for 2 weeks before getting there by way of a walk in clinic . They were not willing to give me anything during the tests they asked for even though I had medical records supporting my history. It was very difficult to get to these appointments because I was not able to drive, but I did she'll out $800 for xrays, that once again, supported what I was telling them. 

By that time I had been on my couch for about a month and still nothing. Now I have to get an MRI. Mind you that if I had soldiered on that after all, I could only get 3 months of meds after working for 3 months to get them and spending  $5000.

What a joke. I am happy to be able to help anyone else who is going through this BS. I don't think anyone should feel like they are not worthy to be treated for their medical conditions, or that we have to somehow prove that we are not pill seekers. Surely that should be established AFTER they do their job and take care of you.

Yeah, I rant too. Still makes me mad as hell when I relive that experience and my heart goes out to everyone who has been there.

The last pain clinic I attended had a sign right when you walk in "we will not prescribe pain meds for longer than 3 months ".

I don't understand how a doctor who has not seen the patient can make a decision on how long they need pain meds. Having a "one size fits all" policy isn't medical care.

I had been unable to walk or function for 2 weeks before getting there by way of a walk in clinic . They were not willing to give me anything during the tests they asked for even though I had medical records supporting my history. It was very difficult to get to these appointments because I was not able to drive, but I did she'll out $800 for xrays, that once again, supported what I was telling them. 

By that time I had been on my couch for about a month and still nothing. Now I have to get an MRI. Mind you that if I had soldiered on that after all, I could only get 3 months of meds after working for 3 months to get them and spending  $5000.

What a joke. I am happy to be able to help anyone else who is going through this BS. I don't think anyone should feel like they are not worthy to be treated for their medical conditions, or that we have to somehow prove that we are not pill seekers. Surely that should be established AFTER they do their job and take care of you.

Yeah, I rant too. Still makes me mad as hell when I relive that experience and my heart goes out to everyone who has been there.
 Exactly my point. I signed that said " "will not prescribe pain meds for no longer than three months."  Like everybody's the same and everyone and is in the same amount of pain.   Like we all fit the same mold. It's so ridiculous it's really sad, it's heartbreaking. I have so much to say!!!! I actually have an appointment. I have a lot more to comment on what you wrote @2earls Just like @2earls  i'm here to help as well. But after reading what @2earls wrote  i'm even more angry ?.  Will comment later. ✌️

 Exactly my point. I signed that said " "will not prescribe pain meds for no longer than three months."  Like everybody's the same and everyone and is in the same amount of pain.   Like we all fit the same mold. It's so ridiculous it's really sad, it's heartbreaking. I have so much to say!!!! I actually have an appointment. I have a lot more to comment on what you wrote @2earls Just like @2earls  i'm here to help as well. But after reading what @2earls wrote  i'm even more angry ?.  Will comment later. ✌️
First I just want to thank you Suzyqalp for your response to my post, because everything you wrote is right on the mark!  The very strict laws that are now in place have doctors running scared but I feel that they need to have some "balls" (only word I could think of) too!  I don't know how a doctor especially a pain management doctor could get in any trouble prescribing as long as they don't over prescribe and the 60 5mg hydros that I get every month certainly is no where near too much.  I used to get only 30 5mg hydros a month but finally told the pain management doctor that 30 was just not cutting it and so finally she gave me 60 a month.  Well, that comes out to 2 a day!  How in the world do they think that that is going to help control my pain?!?  Needless to say that is why I am so very happy to have this forum and all of the helpful members that belong to it!

Thanks Suzyqalp and @2earls!!

@Chubette how does the doctor think 2 5mg hydros are going to help you? That's a ridiculously low dose!  I'm sorry I feel badly that doctors are the way they are today, paranoid that they're going to get in trouble and they let their patients suffer.  It should be the other way around they should be more concerned about their patients suffering then  or whoever it is asking them why they have prescribed X amount of medication.  Hopefully things will change. I just hate how it is today and how doctors are so paranoid to prescribe pain medication or anxiety medications because they are afraid they are going to get in trouble. Everything is on file, sometimes I wonder what they're so nervous about.  Hang in there girl,  A lot of people are thinking about you including myself and I hope that you can talk to your doctor and maybe he can raise that 5 mg to maybe 7.5 but realistically it should probably be 10 mg. 

And I thought that me and my wife are the only ones having this issue I suffer from severe plantar fasciitis that gets so bad that it makes my achilles tendons hurt so bad that it swells up in my calves and that swelling and pain resonates up into my knees I want to pass arthritis and I feel the same way I can't ask my doctor for something a little stronger because they look at me like I'm just a drug seeker and it's really scary because there's so many people out there who are legit needing pain meds but then on the other hand I get some stronger pain meds every once in awhile from a local guy he has tons of it available he has an endless supply of people who are actually on significantly stronger medicine and yet I can't find a doctor that will give me something a little bit stronger my quality of life has drug significantly and it said it's just really really hard to take sometimes because I can barely walk and I'm only 47

@redmistmd so sorry about your health issues. You certainly are far from alone. There are countless members here who found this site searching the Internet in desperation, myself included.

It's not the perfect answer because of the high prices of pks, but at least it is an alternative to suffering in pain to the degree you can afford it . 

I am way too scared to ask for anything stronger and possibly lose what little bit I do receive so at least I can afford to supplement my prescription. If I had to get it all on my own, I could not do it.

Oh my! People just like me. @2earls i, too, was desperately seeking options and, fortunately, found DBG. I had to do something to help myself. 

@redmistmd, I'm sorry to hear about you and your wife suffering needlessly. I hope you will be able to find the support and resources you need to live well too. I have my story on here, if you like to must or you wouldn't be on here. Lol

It's ridiculous how many people are in the same situation. Our legislators can fix this, but we have to let them know how their mistakes are affecting us, and remind them who they work for. I also vote with my wallet, supporting businesses that support similar views. Publix just made my blacklist for donating$800,000 to support mj prohibition.

And this SH*T agenda keeps growing and growing - the MD office I've been seeing for years suddenly inquires every visit about "how often can do you Phys Therapy?  Why can't you do more?   Is your pain level always over a level 6 (on a 1-10 scale).  And most recently "we don't want to script Sewmuah anymore, because for the elderly, it is linked to more falls and hip injuries" (LOOK DUMBAS&&, I have a ways to go before being elderly AND I've been taking it already for over a decade and am fine with 2 per day, idiot!!!)  And the 5mg Norco - you'd think I'm getting Opana or something - after 12+ years they keep telling me it's time to not take them...TRY HAVING A LIFE WITH CHRONIC PAIN, even mild chronic pain, and then tell me that 5mg twice a day really is enough to get "high" -NO!!!

What really makes me angry are some of the articles that I have read where the government states that all of the strict guidelines for prescribing pain meds have been put in place for the welfare of the patients.  Does anyone really believe that our legislators give a damn about us?  I know that they certainly don't care about how much pain we are in or how it ruins our quality of life.  After all it is my life and all I want is to live it pain free and because of this forum I'm able to do just that for about 25 out of 30 days a month.  Thanks DBG!

The last pain clinic I attended had a sign right when you walk in "we will not prescribe pain meds for longer than 3 months ".

I don't understand how a doctor who has not seen the patient can make a decision on how long they need pain meds. Having a "one size fits all" policy isn't medical care.

I had been unable to walk or function for 2 weeks before getting there by way of a walk in clinic . They were not willing to give me anything during the tests they asked for even though I had medical records supporting my history. It was very difficult to get to these appointments because I was not able to drive, but I did she'll out $800 for xrays, that once again, supported what I was telling them. 

By that time I had been on my couch for about a month and still nothing. Now I have to get an MRI. Mind you that if I had soldiered on that after all, I could only get 3 months of meds after working for 3 months to get them and spending  $5000.

What a joke. I am happy to be able to help anyone else who is going through this BS. I don't think anyone should feel like they are not worthy to be treated for their medical conditions, or that we have to somehow prove that we are not pill seekers. Surely that should be established AFTER they do their job and take care of you.

Yeah, I rant too. Still makes me mad as hell when I relive that experience and my heart goes out to everyone who has been there.

i can SURE relate to you all----i am 62 years old-chronic spinal stenosis , herniation and weakened left leg for 13 years, where i live there is no pain clinic for those for us who have this medical disability--i must go 40 miles-------by taking 3 buses one way to get this minimal humiliating treatment--------but if i was young dumb i have a Methadone clinic next door to me and not to mention the drug dealers within a one mile radius of where i live.======actually i guess my insurance being Workers Comp does not help----oh well--carry on

Pain management? A` oxymoron! ..  or a contaiction of the term. This old schooler was in pm , since 1999, till 6-14, with legit probs, like trigeminal neuralgia for one, had every available procedure, meds, and surgeries to no avail. Having been just 'dropped' by p~, for having my [nly ever panic attack including stroke level bp,was told to come back next day for rx, but, when i got there, he fired me,and left a parting gift, put in files to be seen forever, drug seeking behavior, and it was ME that broke contract! So, took me 2yrs, to get my ducks back in line, and finally saw a pain dr! Yea! Not so fast, lol, he wanted me to have injetions in my back! So, of course im dumb, i ask, will this help my facial or leg pain? Uh, no. Wtf? And why would i get them? Well, he insinuated id get pain meds! Oh, but, HE doesnt rx, he only sends recomendations to my pcp! So, he told her, give her 2 5mg hyd&ros@=, went back months later to ask, one more a day? Oh no, but, he pushed the injectios again, when i said no, so did he! Now this is todays pain management at its finest! Lol. Does anyone else have a pm story to share?   Id )ike to know im not alone in this. Peace.......

Yeah, welcome to the world of pain management. Pain patients are the outcasts, pariahs, last-class non-citizens of the so-called medical "profession". Our lawmakers are too gd busy banning helpful things (like kratom and a million others) to consider allowing doctors to actually do their f'ing jobs. Nanny-state wetnurse busybodies.

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  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
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  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
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  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!